Metropolis taking too long to initialize


I’m trying to use metropolis method for sampling. It takes too long to initialize the metropolis method.

The code :
step = pm.Metropolis()

This single line takes around 3 minutes to execute.
The sampling itself is pretty fast using metropolis but the initialization is kind of overshadowing all the speed up I gained over slice method.
Is this a known behavior? And can it be improved? In general how long should it takes ideally for the metropolis method to initialize?

I first posted this in Github issues but was suggested to move this here.
Also, shortly I’ll provide the output of code profiling


Also, more information about the data and the model you are using would be helpful too

PFB the profiler output :

 ncalls  tottime  percall  cumtime  percall filename:lineno(function)
        1    0.001    0.001  134.514  134.514<module>)
        1    0.000    0.000  118.053  118.053
       36    0.002    0.000   68.688    1.908
       36    0.003    0.000   68.680    1.908
        1    0.000    0.000   67.645   67.645
       32    0.001    0.000   67.645    2.114
       32    0.001    0.000   67.477    2.109
       36    0.003    0.000   64.647    1.796
       36    0.006    0.000   61.128    1.698
6524/1261    0.031    0.000   50.851    0.040
       36    0.000    0.000   50.447    1.401
   144/36    0.013    0.000   50.446    1.401
32450/32159    0.245    0.000   26.275    0.001
     2545    0.004    0.000   26.169    0.010
    15893    0.091    0.000   24.787    0.002
        1    0.000    0.000   24.539   24.539

I first create a linear model from formulas, and then run a sampler on it :

glm.GLM.from_formula(formula, data, priors=dict1)
start = find_MAP(fmin=opt.fmin_powell)
step = pm.Metropolis()
trace = sample(n, step, is_cov=True, start=start, njobs=1)

Also, when I try and set njobs>1, it starts using all the cores but the iteration speed decreases significantly from ~22 iterations/sec to ~30 seconds/iteration ans keeps deteriorating with increase in njobs.
Sorry, but passing on data would not be possible I guess :neutral_face:

The slowness usually from the find_MAP in my experience. Could you please try the default (NUTS with ADVI init):

glm.GLM.from_formula(formula, data, priors=dict1)
trace = sample(n, njobs=2) #multiple trace for computing Rhat

I think I had tried NUTS with ADVI init earlier but the iterations were not as fast as metropolis. But still, I’ll try and run it again and update the results.

The faster sample in Metropolis is sometimes a lie :wink: it’s the effective sample that counts. You can have much more effective sample using HMC which means you can use a shorter trace.

If I recall, the iterations per second with multiple jobs is only reporting on a single chain (and, you really care about effective samples per second!)