Model evaluation for signals and autoregressive noise

I’m modeling data as a signal plus autoregessive noise- for example, this test data:

nt = 500
noise = np.zeros((nt,))

# true stationarity:
true_theta = 0.3

# true standard deviation of the innovation:

for t in range(1, nt):
    noise [t] = true_theta * noise [t - 1] + np.random.normal(loc=0, scale=true_sigma)

true_signal= 2*x**2

#The [synthetic] observations are the scaled signal + AR(1) noise

#The true signal is quadratic. What if we looked for a linear signal instead?

I have two models: one that with the “true” signal

with pm.Model() as true_signal_model:
    theta = pm.Uniform("theta", -1.0, 1.0)
    # precision of the innovation term
    tau = pm.Exponential("tau", 0.5)
    # scale the quadratic "true" signal

    likelihood_obs = pm.AR1("likelihood_obs", k=theta, tau_e=tau,observed=obs-signal)`Preformatted text`

    goodtrace = pm.sample(return_inferencedata=True)

and one with the linear signal

with pm.Model() as bad_signal_model:
    theta = pm.Uniform("theta", -1.0, 1.0)
    # precision of the innovation term
    tau = pm.Exponential("tau", 0.5)
    # scale the linear signal

    likelihood_obs = pm.AR1("likelihood_obs", k=theta, tau_e=tau,observed=obs-signal)
    badtrace = pm.sample(return_inferencedata=True)

It strikes me that I should be able to use LOO or WAIC to test which of these models best captures structure in the observations. And if I were doing standard regressions obs \sim \mathcal{N}(\beta \cdot signal,\sigma) I’d have log likelihoods of dimension (4,1000, 500) and could use az.loo. But the shape of the resulting log likelihoods is (4,1000,1) because they represent a single draw from the distribution. Basically, how do you do LOO when you have a nontrivial covariance structure in your data? Any advice for how to do model comparison in this case? Thanks!