I am using a multi dimensional gaussian process. The code is written in python. Note that ‘X_data’ is a list of 10 independent variables and ‘Y_data’ a dependent variable with a non-linear dependency on all of independent variables.
Y_data = fun_non_lin(X_data)
My questions are: 1. is the implementation correct?
2. Are there better implementations?
3. Where can i find necessary documentation for multidimensional gaussian process?
4. Here it is assumed that mean_func is a constant. In reality it’s a complex non-linear function. how can i introduce it?
def Gauss_pymc3(self, method = None):
with pm.Model() as GP_Model:
#Start here for Gaussian Process
GP_const_func = pm.gp.mean.Constant(np.mean(self.Y_data))
Sd_gp_len_scale = list(np.max(self.X_data, axis = 1)-
np.min(self.X_data, axis = 1))
GP_len_scale = []
for i in range(len(Sd_gp_len_scale)):
sigma = Sd_gp_len_scale[i]))
GP_cov_func = pm.gp.cov.ExpQuad(len(Sd_gp_len_scale),ls= GP_len_scale)
GP = pm.gp.Marginal(mean_func = GP_const_func, cov_func = GP_cov_func)
noise_l = pm.Gamma("noise_l", alpha=2, beta=2)
GP_cov_func_noise = pm.gp.cov.Exponential(len(Sd_gp_len_scale), noise_l) \
+ pm.gp.cov.WhiteNoise(sigma=0.1)
Y_data_gp = GP.marginal_likelihood('Y_data_gp',
X = np.array(self.X_data).T,
y = self.Y_data,
#GP_map = pm.find_MAP()
GP_trace = pm.sample()