Multivariate LogNormal distribution


I was trying to define a Multivariate LogNormal distribution in PyMC 5.1.1, i.e., the entry-wise exponential of a Multivariate Normal distribution. I need it both for sampling using .dist and inside an MCMC model.

Should I create a class inheriting from pm.MvNormal, or should I use pm.CustomDist? Could someone provide me with an example? I think it should not be a problem once I understand how custom distributions should be defined if they are obtained from another distribution through an invertible function.

Thank you

CustomDist should be fine.

If you are not in a hurry this will actually be trivial after Infer logp for elemwise transformations of multivariate variables by ricardoV94 · Pull Request #6607 · pymc-devs/pymc · GitHub get’s merged, probably in the next release.

In that case all you will need to do is something like

def dist(mu, cov, size):
  return pm.math.exp(pm.MvNornal.dist(mu, cov, size=size))

with pm.Model():
  mu = ...
  cov = ...
  x = pm.CustomDist("x", mu, cov, dist=dist)

PyMC will be able to figure out the logp automatically from the dist function. For now you would still implement a logp function.

Note that if you don’t need the normalized density directly you can just define a MvNormal variable and exponentiate it afterwards.

Thanks for your help. However, I would like to have a distribution that works as the others, i.e. I would like to have a class on which I can call a .dist and I can use inside a model. For this reason, I tried the following:

def MvLogNormal_logp(value, mu, cov):
    res = pt.switch(, 0), pt.log(value), -np.inf)
    return pm.MvNormal.logp(res, mu, cov)

def MvLogNormal_dist(mu, cov, size):
    return pt.exp(pm.MvNormal.dist(mu, cov, size=size))

class MvLogNormal:
    def __new__(
        return pm.CustomDist(
            name, mu, cov, dist=MvLogNormal_dist, logp=MvLogNormal_logp

    def dist(cls, mu=None, cov=None, **kwargs):
        if mu is None:
            mu = kwargs["mu"]
        if cov is None:
            cov = kwargs["cov"]
        return pm.CustomDist.dist(

However, I get the following error when trying to use it inside a model:

**TypeError** : Cannot convert Type TensorType(float64, ()) (of Variable Alloc.0) into Type TensorType(float64, (9,)). You can try to manually convert Alloc.0 into a TensorType(float64, (9,)).

What might be causing it? Do you have any other way to accomplish what I would like to do, in a simpler manner? Thanks a lot for your help!

I would have to check what you’re doing in more detail to find the error, but it should be possible to write it like you did.

Note that your logp is not a proper density, as you didn’t had the jacobian from the exponentiation operation. This may or not matter for your use case

Sure, I am completely available to discuss the detail.

I am not using the NUTS sampler, which requires gradients, but just a plain Metropolis sampler. Therefore, not having the gradients should not be a problem.

The error is raised when doing model.initial_point() inside the initialization of the Metropolis Sampler. I don’t know what might be causing it, but it seems that the size argument is not correctly passed to some function, causing some shape-inconsistency problems.

What would you like to check in more detail? Do you want me to provide you with a minimal working example where it fails?


We just released pymc 5.2.0, which can infer logp of transformed multivariate distributions.

I am able to run the following snippet:

import pymc as pm
import numpy as np
import arviz as az

def mvlognormal_dist(mu, cov, size):
    return pm.math.exp(pm.MvNormal.dist(mu, cov, size=size))

class MvLogNormal:
    def __new__(cls, name, mu, cov, **kwargs): 
        return pm.CustomDist(name, mu, cov, dist=mvlognormal_dist, ndim_supp=1, **kwargs)
    def dist(cls, mu, cov, **kwargs):
        return pm.CustomDist.dist(mu, cov, class_name="MvLogNormal", dist=mvlognormal_dist, ndim_supp=1, **kwargs)
with pm.Model() as m:
    mu = pm.Normal("mu", shape=(3,))
    x = MvLogNormal("x", mu=mu, cov=np.eye(3)*1e-3, observed=np.exp([1, 2, 3]))
    trace = pm.sample()

        mean     sd  hdi_3%  hdi_97%  ...  mcse_sd  ess_bulk  ess_tail  r_hat
mu[0]  0.999  0.031   0.940    1.055  ...      0.0    7103.0    3448.0    1.0
mu[1]  1.999  0.032   1.935    2.054  ...      0.0    6510.0    3054.0    1.0
mu[2]  2.997  0.032   2.937    3.055  ...      0.0    5575.0    2972.0    1.0

Thanks for your help. However, I am still experiencing problems when using the new distribution as a prior. You can reproduce the error I get by using

import pymc as pm
import numpy as np
import arviz as az

def mvlognormal_dist(mu, cov, size):
    return pm.math.exp(pm.MvNormal.dist(mu, cov, size=size))

class MvLogNormal:
    def __new__(cls, name, mu, cov, **kwargs): 
        return pm.CustomDist(name, mu, cov, dist=mvlognormal_dist, ndim_supp=1, **kwargs)
    def dist(cls, mu, cov, **kwargs):
        return pm.CustomDist.dist(mu, cov, class_name="MvLogNormal", dist=mvlognormal_dist, ndim_supp=1, **kwargs)
with pm.Model() as m:
    x = MvLogNormal("x", mu=np.zeros(3), cov=np.eye(3)*1e-3)
    y = pm.MvNormal("y", mu=x, cov=np.eye(3), observed=np.exp([1, 2, 3]))
    trace = pm.sample(chains=1, step=pm.Metropolis())


You probably need to specify an initial point initval=pt.exp(mu) as the default is zero. Otherwise you can specify a moment function to produce the initial point used for sampling.

If you are sampling with NUTS, you should also specify transform=pm.distributions.transforms.log so the sampler won’t propose invalid values.

BUT, in that case you might as well use a MvNormal directly with a log transform for the same result. Or, even better, a MvNormal that you manually exponentiate without the artificial transform. You only need custom distributions when they are used as likelihood or in distribution factories like Mixture or RandomWalk.

I am sampling using the Metropolis sampler, so the transform should not be a problem. I did not understand very well from the documentation what the moment function should be, but I tried implementing it using

def mvlognormal_moment(rv, size, mu, cov):
    return pt.exp(pm.MvNormal.moment(rv, size, mu, cov))

Still, the following script gives me the error mvlognormal_moment() takes 4 positional arguments but 5 were given. Why does it happen, and what should the moment function do?

import pymc as pm
import numpy as np
import arviz as az
import pytensor.tensor as pt

def mvlognormal_dist(mu, cov, size):
    return pt.exp(pm.MvNormal.dist(mu, cov, size=size))

def mvlognormal_moment(rv, size, mu, cov):
    return pt.exp(pm.MvNormal.moment(rv, size, mu, cov))

class MvLogNormal:
    def __new__(cls, name, mu, cov, **kwargs):
        return pm.CustomDist(

    def dist(cls, mu, cov, **kwargs):
        return pm.CustomDist.dist(

with pm.Model() as m:
    x = MvLogNormal("x", mu=np.zeros(3), cov=np.eye(3)*1e-3,)
    y = pm.MvNormal("y", mu=x, cov=np.eye(3), observed=np.exp([1, 2, 3]))
    trace = pm.sample(chains=1, step=pm.Metropolis())


Problem is MvNormal.moment I think. You should call moment(MvNormal) like is done for the logp. You might need to import moment as it might not be available at the pymc root level.

But the moment of the MvNormal is just mu, so your function can just return pt.exp(mu) directly.

Moment returns the initial point to be used for sampling a distribution. It’s how model.initial_point() is populated.

I tried also this solution, but still it gives me some error when computing the logp of a vector that has negative entries (while I expected it to return zero probability). I tried specifying the logp as:

def mvlognormal_logp(value, mu, cov):
    res = pt.switch(, 0), pt.log(value), -np.inf)
    return pm.MvNormal.logp(res, mu, cov)

or as

def mvlognormal_logp(value, mu, cov, *args, **kwargs):
    res = pt.switch(, 0), pt.log(value), -np.inf)
    return pm.logp(pm.MvNormal.dist(mu, cov), res)

but still, this gives some errors. I am attaching here the output

ValueError                                Traceback (most recent call last)
Cell In[33], line 36
     32 bip_fem.set_mcmc_model(prior_type, prior_kwargs, noise_type, noise_kwargs)
     34 with bip_fem.mcmc:
     35     trace_fem = pm.sample(
---> 36         DRAWS, tune=TUNE, step=Adaptive_Metropolis(**metropolis_kwargs), chains=CHAINS
     37     )
     38 trace_fem.to_netcdf(path+".nc")

File c:\Users\ivanb\Documents\GitHub\BayesianSurrogateModeling_SemesterProject\src\utils\, in Adaptive_Metropolis.__init__(self, vars, S, proposal_dist, scaling, tune, tune_interval, model, mode, elemwise_update, **kwargs)
     11 def __init__(
     12     self,
     13     vars=None,
     22     **kwargs
     23 ):
---> 24     super().__init__(
     25         vars, S, proposal_dist, scaling, tune, tune_interval, model, mode, **kwargs
     26     )
     27     self.elemwise_update = elemwise_update

File ~\AppData\Roaming\Python\Python310\site-packages\pymc\step_methods\, in Metropolis.__init__(self, vars, S, proposal_dist, scaling, tune, tune_interval, model, mode, **kwargs)
    222 self.mode = mode
    224 shared = pm.make_shared_replacements(initial_values, vars, model)
--> 225 self.delta_logp = delta_logp(initial_values, model.logp(), vars, shared)
    226 super().__init__(vars, shared)

File ~\AppData\Roaming\Python\Python310\site-packages\pymc\, in Model.logp(self, vars, jacobian, sum)
    757 rv_logps: List[TensorVariable] = []
    758 if rvs:
--> 759     rv_logps = joint_logp(
    760         rvs=rvs,
    761         rvs_to_values=self.rvs_to_values,
    762         rvs_to_transforms=self.rvs_to_transforms,
    763         jacobian=jacobian,
    764     )
    765     assert isinstance(rv_logps, list)
    767 # Replace random variables by their value variables in potential terms

File ~\AppData\Roaming\Python\Python310\site-packages\pymc\logprob\, in joint_logp(rvs, rvs_to_values, rvs_to_transforms, jacobian, **kwargs)
    315 if values_to_transforms:
    316     # There seems to be an incorrect type hint in TransformValuesRewrite
    317     transform_rewrite = TransformValuesRewrite(values_to_transforms)  # type: ignore
--> 319 temp_logp_terms = factorized_joint_logprob(
    320     rvs_to_values,
    321     extra_rewrites=transform_rewrite,
    322     use_jacobian=jacobian,
    323     **kwargs,
    324 )
    326 # The function returns the logp for every single value term we provided to it.
    327 # This includes the extra values we plugged in above, so we filter those we
    328 # actually wanted in the same order they were given in.
    329 logp_terms = {}

File ~\AppData\Roaming\Python\Python310\site-packages\pymc\logprob\, in factorized_joint_logprob(rv_values, warn_missing_rvs, ir_rewriter, extra_rewrites, **kwargs)
    206 while q:
    207     node = q.popleft()
--> 209     outputs = get_measurable_outputs(node.op, node)
    211     if not outputs:
    212         continue

File ~\AppData\Roaming\Python\Python310\site-packages\pymc\logprob\, in get_measurable_outputs(op, node)
    162 """Return only the outputs that are measurable."""
    163 if isinstance(op, MeasurableVariable):
--> 164     return _get_measurable_outputs(op, node)
    165 else:
    166     return []

File c:\Users\ivanb\anaconda3\envs\bayesiansurrogatemodeling\lib\, in singledispatch.<locals>.wrapper(*args, **kw)
    885 if not args:
    886     raise TypeError(f'{funcname} requires at least '
    887                     '1 positional argument')
--> 889 return dispatch(args[0].__class__)(*args, **kw)

File ~\AppData\Roaming\Python\Python310\site-packages\pymc\distributions\, in _get_measurable_outputs_symbolic_random_variable(op, node)
    402 @_get_measurable_outputs.register(SymbolicRandomVariable)
    403 def _get_measurable_outputs_symbolic_random_variable(op, node):
    404     # This tells PyMC that any non RandomType outputs are measurable
    407     # In the rare case this is not what one wants, a specialized _get_measuarable_outputs
    408     # can dispatch for a subclassed Op
    409     if op.default_output is not None:
--> 410         return [node.default_output()]
    412     # Otherwise assume that any outputs that are not of RandomType are measurable
    413     return [out for out in node.outputs if not isinstance(out.type, RandomType)]

File ~\AppData\Roaming\Python\Python310\site-packages\pytensor\graph\, in Apply.default_output(self)
    198     raise ValueError(f"{self.op}.default_output should be an int or long")
    199 elif do < 0 or do >= len(self.outputs):
--> 200     raise ValueError(f"{self.op}.default_output is out of range.")
    201 return self.outputs[do]

ValueError: CustomSymbolicDistRV_y{inline=True}.default_output is out of range.

Yes it was a bug, it was already fixed in Allow default_output to be any valid Python index by ricardoV94 ¡ Pull Request #274 ¡ pymc-devs/pytensor ¡ GitHub

The next release of PyMC should incorporate that :slight_smile:

Do you know approximately when it will be released? Is there a way to get a pre-release versione?

Sometime next week the latest I think

With the new version I was finally able to get something that works. I am posting it here so that others may benefit from it as well. Thank you @ricardoV94 for your help, and please feel free to correct my code below if you think there are any mistakes.

def mvlognormal_dist(mu, cov, size):
    return pt.exp(pm.MvNormal.dist(mu, cov, size=size))

def mvlognormal_moment(rv, size, mu, cov, *args, **kwargs):
    return pt.exp(pm.MvNormal.moment(rv, size, mu, cov))

def mvlognormal_logp(value, mu, cov, *args, **kwargs):
    res = pt.switch(, 0.0), pt.log(value), 1) # 1 is a dummy value
    product =, axis=-1)
    product = pt.switch(pt.neq(product, 0.0), product, 1)
    logp_addition = pt.switch(pt.all(, 0.0), axis=-1), 0, -np.inf)
    return pm.logp(pm.MvNormal.dist(mu, cov), res) / product + logp_addition

class MvLogNormal:
    def __new__(cls, name, mu, cov, **kwargs):
        return pm.CustomDist(

    def dist(cls, mu, cov, **kwargs):
        return pm.CustomDist.dist(

You don’t even need the mvlognormal_logp. PyMC can figure it out from the dist function alone :wink:

1 Like

Hi!I try your code:
import pymc as pm
import numpy as np
import arviz as az

def mvlognormal_dist(mu, cov, size):
return pm.math.exp(pm.MvNormal.dist(mu, cov, size=size))

class MvLogNormal:
def new(cls, name, mu, cov, **kwargs):
return pm.CustomDist(name, mu, cov, dist=mvlognormal_dist, ndim_supp=1, **kwargs)

def dist(cls, mu, cov, **kwargs):
    return pm.CustomDist.dist(mu, cov, class_name="MvLogNormal", dist=mvlognormal_dist, ndim_supp=1, **kwargs)

with pm.Model() as m:
mu = pm.Normal(“mu”, shape=(3,))
x = MvLogNormal(“x”, mu=mu, cov=np.eye(3)*1e-3, observed=np.exp([1, 2, 3]))
trace = pm.sample()


but I have got a mistake
AttributeError: module ‘pymc’ has no attribute ‘CustomDist’
Why and How can I solve it?

You probably have an older version of pymc, try to update to the latest.