Mutable data used in .prior(X) of a GP

BLUF: is there a reason that gp.prior() should not take a mutable data tensor as input for X ?

There is not much documentation on using gp.prior(), but it seems like you could use a mutable data object as input to the X values. However, I was getting a NotConstantValueError in constant_fold. I changed _slice to disable this check.

def _slice(self, X, Xs=None):
xdims = X.shape[-1]
if isinstance(xdims, Variable):
[xdims] = constant_fold([xdims], raise_not_constant=False)
if self.input_dim != xdims:
f"Only {self.input_dim} column(s) out of {xdims} are"
" being used to compute the covariance function. If this"
" is not intended, increase ‘input_dim’ parameter to"
" the number of columns to use. Ignore otherwise.",
X = pt.as_tensor_variable(X[:, self.active_dims])
if Xs is not None:
Xs = pt.as_tensor_variable(Xs[:, self.active_dims])
return X, Xs

With HSGP it sure looks like I am able to update the X values with pm.set_dim() & pm.set_data() and get a good update (after accounting for aligning the means of the X)

I think the check is there just to provide that helper warning message. If you’re not changing the last dimension of X you could pass that info with x = pm.MutableData(..., shape=(None, 12)), for example, where with 12 your restrict yourself to always have that size for the last dimension and None allows the other dim to vary.

Then the constant_fold would work?

CC @bwengals, not sure if there’s any reason to require static shape?

Yup that’s right. @wmbelk are you having the problem described in this issue (that I forgot about…)?

For HSGP you can use a X = pm.MutableData, but as described in the gp.prior_linearized docstring. For gp.prior and other GP implementations, I guess you maybe “could” mutate the input data (I can’t think of a reason to), but if you’re doing it to get predictions from the GP it won’t give you the right answer.

Is the wrong answer just because of the mean alignment?
Admittedly, I have only worked with your cherry blossom example, but when I input new year values extended out and just far enough back in time to maintain the mean year… I get (by the eyeball) very similar results.
from your git hub (using: phi, sqrt_psd = gp.prior_linearized(X) )

After alteration:

It could very well be quirk that this happened to work out… just curious about what would lead to your intuition about getting the wrong answer from a projection using pm.set_data on a HSGP.
What I did instead:

x = df[“year”].values

with pm.Model() as model:

model.add_coord(‘year’, df.year.tolist(),mutable=True)
eta = pm.Exponential(“eta”, lam=0.25, shape=1)
ell_params = pm.find_constrained_prior(
lower=20, upper=200,
init_guess={“alpha”: 2, “beta”: 20},
ell = pm.InverseGamma(“ell”, **ell_params)
# Specify covariance function and GP
cov = eta[0]**2 *, ls=ell)
intercept = pm.Normal(“intercept”, mu=df[“temp”].mean(), sigma=2 * df[“temp”].std())
gp =[400], L=[1565.0], cov_func=cov,
x_mu = pm.ConstantData(‘x_mu’,np.mean(x))
X = pm.MutableData(f"X_mu_{x_mu}", x[:, None])
X = X
f = gp.prior(“f”, X=X, dims=“year”)
mu = pm.Deterministic(“mu”, f, dims=“year”)
sigma = pm.HalfNormal(“sigma”, sigma=2 * df[“temp”].std())
pm.Normal(“y”, mu= f, sigma=sigma, observed=df[“temp”].values, shape=X.shape[0 ])


def extend_x_keep_mean(x_extension=50, target_mean=np.mean(x), x=x, make_int=True):

maintain_mean_of_x_halfwidth = x_extension + np.max(x) - target_mean
x_new = np.arange((target_mean - maintain_mean_of_x_halfwidth),
(target_mean + maintain_mean_of_x_halfwidth))
if make_int:
x_new = x_new.astype(int)
return x_new

x_new = extend_x_keep_mean()


with model:

model.set_dim(“year”, new_length=len(x_new),coord_values=x_new.tolist())
model.set_data(name=f"X_mu_{x_mu}",values=x_new[:, None], coords={“year”: x_new.tolist()})
ppc = pm.sample_posterior_predictive(idata_gp, var_names=[ ‘f’])

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Yeah, it looks like what you’re doing gave the right answer! The reason it’s not recommended is because you definitely can’t do this with any other gp.prior non-HSGP implementation. In the code of HSGP.prior it calls HSGP.prior_linearized, so as long as you handle that scaling of X correctly it’ll work out. Nice!

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