Hi there everyone,
I am trying to use loo-cv on my model but I get a lot of k-values above .7 and the warning:
" Estimated shape parameter of Pareto distribution is greater than 0.7 for one or more samples. You should consider using a more robust model, this is because importance sampling is less likely to work well if the marginal posterior and LOO posterior are very different. This is more likely to happen with a non-robust model and highly influential observations."
For the background: I have built a Bayesian brain model of an experiment in which participants have to carry out hand movements in a restricted timeframe. Their movement is displayed on screen and sometimes it is delayed. The experimental task is to detect these delays.
So basically participants have an expectation (M) about when they get information from vision and proprioception. There are hyperparameters for M as to express that the person usually knows when they are moving.
timepoint when the hand is displayed on screen–> observed variable no. 1
timepoint when they hand starts moving → observed variable no. 2
With this information they infer how big the delay was. Using a GLM approach a logit for the Bernoulli likelihood is calculated which yields a “yes” or a “no delay” response.
response → observed variable no. 3
The model is still a bit more complicated than this but I hope this suffices to explain my problem. Below I have put a depiction of my Bayes net. Sorry if it’s a bit hard to understand.
At the moment my questions are:
Is loo-cv even the right tool for my problem?
Can I fix the problem with the high k-values? What could I do instead?
For Stan there is loo_moment_match which I thought might help but from my research pymc3 does not have such a function.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!!
So now I want to evaluate my model fit using