Hi Everyone
Come to our next PyMCon Web Series! We’re talking about ‘Missing Value Imputation with Item Response Theory’
- Allen Downey, Professor Emeritus at Olin College, and the author of Think Python , Think Bayes , Think Stats and other books related to computer science and data science.
- Ricardo Vieira, PyMC developer and data scientist at PyMC Labs
Event type: Recorded Talk with Live Q&A
Q&A Date/Time: 2023-12-15T15:00:00Z(subscribe here for email updates)
Register for Q&A: Meetup event (to get the Zoom link)
Website: PyMCon Events · PyMCon Web Series
In many large surveys, not every respondent is asked every question, and not every respondent answers the questions they are asked. So, how can we compare people who answer different sets of questions? One solution is to use item response theory (IRT) to impute missing responses—and nothing pairs better with IRT than Bayesian methods!
In this talk, we will report the results of a friendly competition—a bake-off—between two approaches to this problem: one using grid algorithms and a simplified model, the other using PyMC and a more detailed model. We’ll discuss the implementations, compare the results, and outline their pros and cons.
Async Talk: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uyznG61myy0
Interview video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rvIStfmP1NU
Slides: Bayesian Bake-Off: Grids, MCMC, and IRT - Google Slides
Event Format:
Like other PyMCon events, this one features an asynchronous component along with a synchronous Q&A session. Stay tuned for the prerecorded talk; we will be sharing it soon.
There will be a live Q&A on December 15, 2023, at 7:00 pm PT. Register for the event and bring all your doubts to discuss there.
Here is the link:
About the Speaker:
Allen Downey
Allen is a curriculum designer at Brilliant and Professor Emeritus at Olin College, and the author of Think Python, Think Bayes, Think Stats and other books related to computer science and data science.
He writes a blog about Bayesian statistics and related topics called Probably Overthinking It. And he is working on a book, also called Probably Overthinking It, that will be published by University of Chicago Press in 2023. If you would like to get an occasional update about the book, please join my mailing list.
Dr. Mahmood is a neuroscientist with a PhD from Brandeis University, where he investigated the neural coordination of taste. His research, initially using electrophysiology to probe brain region interactions, hints at a complex network processing flavors. His forthcoming studies aim to unravel this network further, exploring the directional flow of neural information and the impact of feedback mechanisms in taste perception.Connect with Allen:
Website: https://allendowney.substack.com/
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/allendowney/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/AllenDowney
Mastodon: @allendowney@fosstodon.org
Ricardo Vieira
Ricardo Vieira is a PyMC developer and data scientist at PyMC Labs. He spent several years teaching himself Statistics and Computer Science at the expense of his official degrees in Psychology and Neuroscience.Connect with Ricardo:
Website: Blog | As long as everything adds up to one
GitHub: ricardoV94 (Ricardo Vieira) · GitHub