I am translating old tensorflow code here, and it fails
N_x_logit0 = tt.tensordot(X, beta0, axes=(2, 1)) + theta[0]
N_x_logit1 = tt.tensordot(X, beta1, axes=(2, 1)) + theta[1]
N_x_logit = np.stack([N_x_logit0, N_x_logit1], axis=-1)
N_x_logit0 is (1000,80,2) as verified by N_x_logit0.tag.test_value.shape. After np.stack, N_x_logit is (2,) according to the eclipse debugger. N_x_logit does not have tag as an attribute, so I can not check its runtime value. I want to make sure it becomes the shape (1000, 80, 2, 2). Is there any way to do that?