NumbaWarning Cannot cache compiled function as it uses dynamic globals

I am running a hierarchical linear regression model with “small effect sizes” and relatively large variability of the effect size across different groups. In addition there is also a very large variance of the observation around its expectation.

When sampling with a large number of groups I receive the following warning

...lib/python3.11/site-packages/nutpie/ NumbaWarning: Cannot cache compiled function "numba_funcified_fgraph" as it uses dynamic globals (such as ctypes pointers and large global arrays)
  return inner(x, *_shared_tuple)

I am wondering if I can change something in the definition of my model (cf. code full example below) in order to improve the efficiency of sampling and get rid off the warning.

Specifically I am wondering if I

  • use integers instead of dates to label groups in the definition of coords
  • explictly convert pandas.Series to numpy.ndarray, e.g. use frame["y"].to_numpy() instead of frame["y"].
  • Remove the mutable groups, but then how would I make predictions with the model?
  • Change this line mu = (beta_t[t] * x).sum(axis=-1) to a different expression that computes the expression (vector product) for all date groups t simultaneously - using mu[t] in the likelihood instead?
    If yes, how can I do that?
  • Use additional changes/transformations of my problem to speed up things

In addition I am observing that the posterior (summary) for variables tau[x_4] does not seem to “cover” the “true” value, although the model specification closely follows the data generating process. The same is true for tau[x_5] and tau[x_6] also.

In general the posterior seems to “over-estimate” the values for the across group variability of my regression slopes, tau. Is this just a result of inefficient sampling or am I overlooking something else here.

I am omitting any intercept (on population or group level) in my model since the generating process has a zero intercept. When I add an intercept to the model the sampling efficiency gets worse.

I am using nutpie with a compiled model in order to speed-up sampling but the results are qualitatively identical when using the python based NUTS sampler.

I haven’t been able to reproduce this using a more concise example, so I am posting the rather lengthy full example here.

The full example can be seen below.

import time

import nutpie
import pytensor
pytensor.config.gcc__cxxflags += " -isysroot /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk"
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import pymc as pm
import arviz as az

BETA = [0.0008, 0.0011, -0.0012, 0.0012, -0.0010, -0.0040]
TAU = [0.008, 0.010, 0.008, 0.006, 0.010, 0.019]
SIGMA = 0.07

def generate_data(num_groups: int = 5, num_samples_per_group: int = 20) -> pd.DataFrame:
    rng = np.random.default_rng(seed=42)
    dates = pd.date_range("2001-01-01", freq="B", periods=num_groups)
    ids = [f"id_{i+1}" for i in range(num_samples_per_group)]
    num_predictors = len(BETA)
    X = []
    y = []
    for _ in range(num_groups):
        # Use unit random normal predictors for each group
        Xg = rng.normal(loc=0.0, scale=1.0, size=(num_samples_per_group, num_predictors))
        beta_g = rng.normal(loc=BETA, scale=TAU)
        yg = + SIGMA * rng.normal(size=num_samples_per_group)
    X_ = pd.DataFrame(np.concatenate(X, axis=0), columns=[f"x_{i+1}" for i in range(num_predictors)])
    y_ = pd.DataFrame(np.concatenate(y, axis=0), columns=["y"])
    frame = pd.concat([X_, y_], axis=1)
    dates_ = np.repeat(dates, num_samples_per_group)
    frame["date"] = dates_
    ids_ = ids * num_groups
    frame["id"] = ids_
    return frame.set_index(["date", "id"])

def make_model(frame: pd.DataFrame) -> pm.Model:
    unique_dates = [ for t in frame.index.unique("date")]
    predictors = [col for col in frame.columns if col.startswith("x")]
    date_idx = frame.index.get_level_values("date").map(
        dict(zip(unique_dates, range(len(unique_dates))))

    coords = {
        "date": unique_dates,
        "predictor": predictors
    with pm.Model(coords=coords) as model:
        # Data
        x = pm.MutableData("x", frame[predictors])
        t = pm.MutableData("t", date_idx)
        y = pm.ConstantData("y", frame["y"])

        # Panel/population level
        beta = pm.Normal("beta", dims="predictor")
        tau = pm.HalfNormal("tau", 0.01, dims="predictor")
        sigma = pm.HalfNormal("sigma", 0.15)

        # Group level
        epsilon_beta_t = pm.ZeroSumNormal("epsilon_beta_t", dims=["date", "predictor"])
        beta_t = beta + tau * epsilon_beta_t

        # Linear model, is this implementation efficient?
        mu = (beta_t[t] * x).sum(axis=-1)

        pm.Normal("y_obs", mu=mu, sigma=sigma, observed=y, shape=mu.shape)

    return model

def add_truth(summary):
    ind = summary.index.str.startswith("beta")
    summary.loc[ind, "true"] = BETA
    ind = summary.index.str.startswith("tau")
    summary.loc[ind, "true"] = TAU
    summary.loc["sigma", "true"] = SIGMA
    tmp = summary.pop("true")
    summary.insert(0, "true", tmp)

if __name__ == "__main__":
    frame = generate_data(num_groups=500, num_samples_per_group=270)
    model = make_model(frame)
    t0 = time.time()
    trace = nutpie.sample(nutpie.compile_pymc_model(model))
    t = time.time() - t0
    print(f"Time for sampling is {t=:.3f}s.")
    summary = az.summary(trace, var_names=["beta", "tau", "sigma"]).loc[:, ["mean", "hdi_3%", "hdi_97%", "ess_bulk", "ess_tail", "r_hat"]]

Time for sampling is t=507.438s.
             true   mean  hdi_3%  hdi_97%  ess_bulk  ess_tail  r_hat
beta[x_1]  0.0008  0.000  -0.000    0.001    1324.0    2626.0   1.00
beta[x_2]  0.0011  0.001   0.000    0.002     805.0    1612.0   1.01
beta[x_3] -0.0012 -0.002  -0.002   -0.001    1248.0    1956.0   1.00
beta[x_4]  0.0012  0.001   0.001    0.002   12081.0    4090.0   1.00
beta[x_5] -0.0010 -0.001  -0.002   -0.000     852.0    1444.0   1.01
beta[x_6] -0.0040 -0.003  -0.005   -0.001     580.0    1115.0   1.01
tau[x_1]   0.0080  0.009   0.008    0.009    1670.0    2868.0   1.00
tau[x_2]   0.0100  0.012   0.011    0.012    1462.0    2502.0   1.00
tau[x_3]   0.0080  0.009   0.008    0.010    1687.0    2902.0   1.00
tau[x_4]   0.0060  0.000   0.000    0.001    1337.0    1899.0   1.00
tau[x_5]   0.0100  0.012   0.011    0.013    1299.0    2637.0   1.00
tau[x_6]   0.0190  0.026   0.025    0.028    1015.0    2409.0   1.01
sigma      0.0700  0.070   0.070    0.071   11587.0    4065.0   1.00

If you have any suggestions/ideas for debugging this I’d be very glad.

The warning can be ignored (and will actually be suppressed in a future release). It’s not the source of your sampling issues

Thanks @ricardoV94 then I will ignore it for now.

Will look into further debugging the sampling issues now.