Dear Bayesians,
for learning purposes, I created a simple bambi model with two categorical “predictors” with a “conversion rate” as target variable:
model = bmb.Model(
"conversion ~ (1|age_group) + (1|zip_code)",
Bambi creates the following model:
There are 4 combinations in my toy data for age groups and zip codes:
age_groups = [“26-30”, “31-35”]
zip_codes = [“65”, “75”]
Conversion rates are such that 31-35 has higher conversion than the other age group and zip code “75” has higher conversion than the other. I.e., the model should find different conversion rates for the 4 combinations.
The posterior plot show exactly this:
Now, as you can see in this plot, the parameter space is not in probabilities, but in logits. I guess this is for numerical stability. However, what I finally want to see is the “posterior predictive” distributions for the 4 groups.
However, after calling
model.predict(results, kind="pps")
the posterior_predictive group just spits out predictions, which I cannot separate by the different age groups and zip codes:
Also, the
function does not give me a good view on the 4 groups:
Is there an easy way to see the distributions for the 4 combinations of age groups and zip codes in the data space?
Thanks in advance for any help!
Best regards