Predictives from a simple model in pymc4

df = sns.load_dataset('tips')

cat= pd.Categorical(df['day'])

groups = {"day": cat.categories}
x =
with pm.Model(coords=groups) as modelp: #nh
    mu = pm.Normal('mu', mu=5, sigma=10,dims='day')
    sigma = pm.HalfNormal('sigma', sigma=10, dims='day')
    ν = pm.Exponential('ν', 1/30)
    y = pm.StudentT('y', mu=mu[x], sigma=sigma[x], nu=ν, observed=df['tip'].values)
    #y = pm.Normal('y', mu=mu[x], sigma=sigma[x], observed=df['tip'].values)
    idatap = pm.sample(1000,chains=2)

how do you extract the individual posterior_predictives for each of the four days.
idatap.posterior_predictive[‘y’].sel(y_dim_2=0).data.mean() say for ‘Thur’ etc does not work as:


31.35 respectively but should be close to the “mu’s” shown in az.summary() as 2.5,2.7,2.7,31.5, respectively. Can you tell me the correct code to extract the predictives from idatap. thank you for your help. Declan

The posterior predictive group is a set of predicted observations. You did not assign any dims/coords to your observed variable (y), so this variable is automatically assigned the dimension name y_dim_2. When you index into this dimension, you are grabbing the predictions for each observation. Grabbing y_dim_2=0 gets you the mean prediction for the first observation. Grabbing y_dim_2=1 gets you the mean prediction for the second observation. The first 4 observations all come from Sunday, so all the means you are seeing correspond to the mu=31.5 and thus seem approximately correct.

If you want the posterior predicted means for a given day, you need to grab all the observations that correspond to that day:

# mean of Friday's predictions
# <xarray.DataArray 'y' ()>
# array(2.72168883)

[quote=“Nn_Nnn, post:1, topic:11183”]

df = sns.load_dataset('tips')

cat= pd.Categorical(df['day'])

groups = {"day": cat.categories}
x =
with pm.Model(coords=groups) as modelp: #nh
    mu = pm.Normal('mu', mu=5, sigma=10,dims='day')
    sigma = pm.HalfNormal('sigma', sigma=10, dims='day')
    ν = pm.Exponential('ν', 1/30)
    y = pm.StudentT('y', mu=mu[x], sigma=sigma[x], nu=ν, observed=df['tip'].values)
    #y = pm.Normal('y', mu=mu[x], sigma=sigma[x], observed=df['tip'].values)
    idatap = pm.sample(1000,chains=2)

Thank you for your reply and suggested code: idatap.posterior_predictive[“y”].sel(y_dim_2=np.where(df[“day”]==“Thur”)[0]), which solved the problem of selecting out the predicted y,s for each day separately. Even though I had great difficulty in finding a way to do this once I saw your code it gave me a clearer view of the way the y array is interrogated. Consequently, I tried the following lines of code which numerically appear to give the same answer as your code but is easier for me: y0=idatap.posterior_predictive[“y”].sel(y_dim_2=df.query(“day == ‘Thur’”).index)
y1=idatap.posterior_predictive[“y”].sel(y_dim_2=df.query(“day == ‘Fri’”).index)
y2=idatap.posterior_predictive[“y”].sel(y_dim_2=df.query(“day == ‘Sat’”).index)
y3=idatap.posterior_predictive[“y”].sel(y_dim_2=df.query(“day == ‘Sun’”).index) please let me know if you think this approach is still ok.

Initially I was unable to separate the predicted y’s by day, I tried replacing the above bundled model’s indexed likelihood with its 4 separate likelihoods each representing one of the four days respectively and called it model_new ie: with pm.Model() as model_new:

mu = pm.Normal('mu', mu=5, sigma=20,shape=4)
sigma = pm.HalfNormal('sigma', sigma=10, shape=4)

ν = pm.Exponential('ν', 1/30)

y0 = pm.StudentT("y0", mu=mu[0], sigma=sigma[0], nu=ν, observed=df['tip'][df['day']=='Thur'].values)

y1 = pm.StudentT("y1", mu=mu[1], sigma=sigma[1], nu=ν, observed=df['tip'][df['day']=='Fri'].values)

y2 = pm.StudentT("y2", mu=mu[2], sigma=sigma[2], nu=ν, observed=df['tip'][df['day']=='Sat'].values)

y3 = pm.StudentT("y3", mu=mu[3], sigma=sigma[3], nu=ν, observed=df['tip'][df['day']=='Sun'].values)


idata_new = pm.sample(1000,chains=2)


This model allows the y’s to be separated right from the beginning.
My remaining question is the ‘model_new’ expected to give the same posteriors etc as ‘modelp’ above or is it interrogated as a different model by pymc ? I ran both models and numerically they were in close agreement for the data and priors I tried. thanking you for your guidance.

You can also add the day (and more info if needed) to the datasets and use query directly there:

# name the bill_id dimension so we don't need to use y_dim_2
groups = {"day": cat.categories, "bill_id": np.arange(len(df))}
    # annotate the dimension in `y` variable
    y = pm.StudentT('y', mu=mu[x], sigma=sigma[x], nu=ν, observed=df['tip'].values, dims="bill_id")

# once we have the inferencedata, add extra coords with info we want to use
idatap =
    lambda ds: ds.assign_coords( # define function we want to apply group-wise
            k: (("bill_id"), df[k]) # annotate dimensions of the data we are adding
            for k in ("sex", "smoker", "day", "time")  # add multiple columns as coords
    groups=["posterior_predictive", "observed_data"] # groups to apply function to

After that you will get:

very similar to what you had, same groups, same variables, same dimensions; but with the extra coordinates (that will also be in observed_data group). And with the data combined nicely into the xarray object you can then do:

y1 = idatap.posterior_predictive["y"].query(bill_id='day == "Fri"')

Than for your inspiring reply on the use of coords. It definitely seems to be a better way to handle the arrays and extracting the relevant data using meaningful names. many thanks. Declan.