Dear Pymc experts,
As a beginner of pymc3, I am learning how to use pymc3 to fit simple quantitative psychology/cognitive science models . Firstly, I want to try a simple hyperbolic discount model for intertemporal choice tas, I followed the procedure in this great post:
Fitting a simple Reinforcement Learning model to behavioral data with PyMC3 (Jupyter NB).
However, there always is an error, as a layman, I don’t understand what is going wrong, can somebody help me fix this stupid and naive problem? Thanks.
Here is my code:
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import pymc3 as pm
import seaborn as sns
import theano
from theano import tensor as t
# generate some fake data
def hyperbolic_rng(k,beta,ll_a,ll_t,ss_a,ss_t):
dsv = ll_a / (1+k*ll_t) - ss_a / (1+k*ss_t)
p = 1/(1+np.exp(-beta*dsv))
size = p.size
choice = np.random.binomial(1,p,size)
return choice
ss_amount = np.random.normal(20,4,60)
ll_amount = ss_amount + 10
ss_time = np.random.binomial(1,0.5,60)*4
ll_time = np.concatenate([ss_time[0:30] +4,ss_time[30:] + 8])
fake_data = hyperbolic_rng(0.1,0.9,ll_amount,ll_time,ss_amount,ss_time)
def sv_diff(k,ll_amount,ll_delay,ss_amount,ss_delay):
k = pm.math.exp(k)
return ll_amount/(1+k*ll_delay)-ss_amount/(1+k*ss_delay)
def hyperbolic_llf(k,beta,ll_a,ll_t,ss_a,ss_t):
#theano log likelihood function
ll_amount_ = theano.shared(ll_amount)
ss_amount_ = theano.shared(ss_amount)
ll_delay_ = theano.shared(ll_time)
ss_delay_ = theano.shared(ss_time)
k = t.scalar('k')
beta = t.scalar('beta')
sv = sv_diff(k,ll_amount_,ll_delay_,ss_amount_,ss_delay_)
sv_ = -sv * beta
llf = pm.math.log(1/(1+pm.math.exp(sv_)))
neg_llf = -t.sum(llf)
return neg_llf
with pm.Model() as m:
k = pm.Normal('k', 0, 4)
beta = pm.HalfNormal('beta', 10)
like = pm.Potential('like', hyperbolic_llf(k, beta, ll_amount,ll_time,ss_amount,ss_time))
tr = pm.sample()
And the error is:
TestValueError Traceback (most recent call last)
~\anaconda3\lib\site-packages\theano\graph\ in compute_test_value(node)
80 try:
---> 81 storage_map[ins] = [ins.get_test_value()]
82 compute_map[ins] = [True]
~\anaconda3\lib\site-packages\theano\graph\ in get_test_value(self)
421 detailed_err_msg = get_variable_trace_string(self)
--> 422 raise TestValueError(f"{self} has no test value {detailed_err_msg}")
TestValueError: k has no test value
Backtrace when that variable is created:
File "C:\Users\KLIPS\anaconda3\lib\site-packages\IPython\core\", line 2877, in run_cell
result = self._run_cell(
File "C:\Users\KLIPS\anaconda3\lib\site-packages\IPython\core\", line 2923, in _run_cell
return runner(coro)
File "C:\Users\KLIPS\anaconda3\lib\site-packages\IPython\core\", line 68, in _pseudo_sync_runner
File "C:\Users\KLIPS\anaconda3\lib\site-packages\IPython\core\", line 3146, in run_cell_async
has_raised = await self.run_ast_nodes(code_ast.body, cell_name,
File "C:\Users\KLIPS\anaconda3\lib\site-packages\IPython\core\", line 3338, in run_ast_nodes
if (await self.run_code(code, result, async_=asy)):
File "C:\Users\KLIPS\anaconda3\lib\site-packages\IPython\core\", line 3418, in run_code
exec(code_obj, self.user_global_ns, self.user_ns)
File "<ipython-input-6-0bf33b6fde4a>", line 5, in <module>
like = pm.Potential('like', hyperbolic_llf(k, beta, ll_amount,ll_time,ss_amount,ss_time))
File "<ipython-input-5-c3ad5e2e4ef5>", line 7, in hyperbolic_llf
k = t.scalar('k')
During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:
ValueError Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-6-0bf33b6fde4a> in <module>
3 beta = pm.HalfNormal('beta', 10)
----> 5 like = pm.Potential('like', hyperbolic_llf(k, beta, ll_amount,ll_time,ss_amount,ss_time))
6 tr = pm.sample()
<ipython-input-5-c3ad5e2e4ef5> in hyperbolic_llf(k, beta, ll_a, ll_t, ss_a, ss_t)
7 k = t.scalar('k')
8 beta = t.scalar('beta')
----> 9 sv = sv_diff(k,ll_amount_,ll_delay_,ss_amount_,ss_delay_)
10 sv_ = -sv * beta
11 llf = pm.math.log(1/(1+pm.math.exp(sv_)))
<ipython-input-4-55b4b528b9e8> in sv_diff(k, ll_amount, ll_delay, ss_amount, ss_delay)
1 def sv_diff(k,ll_amount,ll_delay,ss_amount,ss_delay):
----> 2 k = pm.math.exp(k)
3 return ll_amount/(1+k*ll_delay)-ss_amount/(1+k*ss_delay)
~\anaconda3\lib\site-packages\theano\graph\ in __call__(self, *inputs, **kwargs)
252 if config.compute_test_value != "off":
--> 253 compute_test_value(node)
255 if self.default_output is not None:
~\anaconda3\lib\site-packages\theano\graph\ in compute_test_value(node)
92 detailed_err_msg = get_variable_trace_string(ins)
---> 94 raise ValueError(
95 f"Cannot compute test value: input {i} ({ins}) of Op {node} missing default value. {detailed_err_msg}"
96 )
ValueError: Cannot compute test value: input 0 (k) of Op Elemwise{exp,no_inplace}(k) missing default value.
Backtrace when that variable is created:
File "C:\Users\KLIPS\anaconda3\lib\site-packages\IPython\core\", line 2877, in run_cell
result = self._run_cell(
File "C:\Users\KLIPS\anaconda3\lib\site-packages\IPython\core\", line 2923, in _run_cell
return runner(coro)
File "C:\Users\KLIPS\anaconda3\lib\site-packages\IPython\core\", line 68, in _pseudo_sync_runner
File "C:\Users\KLIPS\anaconda3\lib\site-packages\IPython\core\", line 3146, in run_cell_async
has_raised = await self.run_ast_nodes(code_ast.body, cell_name,
File "C:\Users\KLIPS\anaconda3\lib\site-packages\IPython\core\", line 3338, in run_ast_nodes
if (await self.run_code(code, result, async_=asy)):
File "C:\Users\KLIPS\anaconda3\lib\site-packages\IPython\core\", line 3418, in run_code
exec(code_obj, self.user_global_ns, self.user_ns)
File "<ipython-input-6-0bf33b6fde4a>", line 5, in <module>
like = pm.Potential('like', hyperbolic_llf(k, beta, ll_amount,ll_time,ss_amount,ss_time))
File "<ipython-input-5-c3ad5e2e4ef5>", line 7, in hyperbolic_llf
k = t.scalar('k')
Thanks a lot.