pymc.exceptions.SamplingError for three normal variables the means whereof are 0 and the standard deviations whereof have independent logarithmic priors

Suppose there are three independent normal variables and their means are 0 and their standard deviations have independent logarithmic priors. Suppose we have one observation for each, 1.0, 1e6 and 1e-4.

import pymc as pm

def abs_log_minus(tensor):
    return -pm.math.log(pm.math.abs(tensor))

with pm.Model():
    std = pm.CustomDist("std", logp=abs_log_minus, shape=(3,))
    pm.Normal("y", 0, std, observed=[1.0, 1e6, 1e-4])

How the logarithmic priors are specified is based on the first example in the section ‘Arbitrary Distributions’ of the notebook ‘Introductory Overview of PyMC’.

Running the code above causes

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/jdawson/Documents/PyMC-bug/./", line 12, in <module>
  File "/home/jdawson/Documents/PyMC-bug/.venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/pymc/sampling/", line 619, in sample
  File "/home/jdawson/Documents/PyMC-bug/.venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/pymc/", line 1779, in check_start_vals
    raise SamplingError(
pymc.exceptions.SamplingError: Initial evaluation of model at starting point failed!
Starting values:
{'std': array([ 0.17563482,  0.95619595, -0.09898284])}

Initial evaluation results:
{'std': 4.1, 'y': -inf}

The error occurs if there are three variables, as above, but not if there are two, as in

import pymc as pm

def abs_log_minus(tensor):
    return -pm.math.log(pm.math.abs(tensor))

with pm.Model():
    std = pm.CustomDist("std", logp=abs_log_minus, shape=(2,))
    pm.Normal("y", 0, std, observed=[1.0, 1e6])

Why does this bug occur and how can one work around it?

You logp definition allows for negative values, which when used as a scale yield a null likelihood. This is exactly what happened:

Starting values:
{'std': array([ 0.17563482,  0.95619595, -0.09898284])}

If you play with the seed you will probably also get the model to fail at first with 2 datapoints.

You can add a transform=pm.distributions.transform.log to your custom distribution (and probably must set initval=np.ones(3) as well). This way the sampler will never propose negative values.

Alternatively just use a pre-built positive valued prior like halfnormal, exponential or or lognormal.


Thank you, @ricardoV94.

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Is the best way to specify a logarithmic prior in PyMC the following?

import pymc as pm

    logp=lambda tensor: -pm.math.log(tensor),

Yes! We usually call that first variable value, not tensor, but that’s just our convention.

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Thank you.