I am trying to implement a Hierarchical Signal Detection Theory model from Lee and Wagenmakers’ “Bayesian Cognitive Modelling: A Practical Course”.
The code from the book in WinBUGS and my code in pymc3 give very different results. With my pymc3 code parameters mu_d and mu_c stay near zero for both datasets while they should converge to around (2; -1) and (3; 0) respectively. It looks like the chains don’t move much from their initial positions.
I was wondering if this was a problem with WibBUGS->pymc3 translation that I did. Could someone please take a look?
I couldn’t upload the Jupyter notebook I used, so I attached the .py version of it. Also, I couldn’t upload the datasets because new users can only include 2 links.
SDT_2_winbugs.txt (560 Bytes)
hierarchical_sdt-pymc3.py (1.2 KB)