I have a model which is a monoexponential decay as a function of some b-values b for which I want to estimate the decay constant ADC. The model as a function of the b_values is like:
y_i=s_0\exp\{-b_i\times ADC\} + \epsilon_i
where \epsilon is a i.i.d Gaussian noise with standard deviation \sigma:\epsilon \sim \mathcal{N}(0,\sigma^2). I give more detail about this model here: How can I speed up the execution of my model?
Assuming a g-priror for \sigma and s_0, we can marginalize those two parameters and we obtain the marginalized likelihood:
p(\mathbf{y}|ADC)\propto \left[ \mathbf{y}^t\mathbf{y} - \frac{\left(\mathbf{y}^t\mathbf{f}\right)^2}{\mathbf{f}^t\mathbf{f}}\right]^{-N/2}
where \mathbf{y} is the vector containing the observation y_i, N is the number of observations, and \mathbf{f}=\exp(-b\times ADC) is the vector of the model sampled at the observed b-values, with size N.
I tried to implement this in PyMC3 with DensityDist
, but I get an error. Here is the code:
%matplotlib inline
import numpy as np
import pymc3 as pm
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import theano.tensor as tt
import theano
Data generation
bvalues=np.array([0,10,20,50,100,200,500,1000],dtype=np.float) # vector of b-values
N=bvalues.size # number of bvalues
Sb=S0*np.exp(-bvalues*ADC) # noise free signal
data = np.random.normal(loc=Sb, scale=sigma) # add noise to the signal
PyMC3 model
with pm.Model() as marginal_likelihood_model:
adc = pm.Lognormal('adc', np.log(4e-3), sigma=1)
# loglikelihood function with theano
def my_loglike_tt(adc, data):
f = tt.exp(-bvalues * adc)
yty = tt.sum(data**2,)
ftf = tt.sum(f**2)
fty = tt.sum(data*f)
logp = -N / 2 * tt.log(yty - fty * fty / ftf)
return logp
# loglikelihood function with numpy
def my_loglike_np(adc, data):
f = np.exp(-bvalues * adc)
yty = (data ** 2).sum() # y.T @ y
fty = (data* f).sum() # y.T @ f
ftf = (data** 2).sum() # f.T @ f
logp = -N / 2 * tt.log(yty - fty * fty / ftf)
return logp
likelihood = pm.DensityDist('likelihood', my_loglike_tt, observed={'adc': adc, 'data': data})
with marginal_likelihood_model:
marginal_likelihood_trace = pm.sample(2000,tune=1000)
pm.traceplot(marginal_likelihood_trace, var_names=['adc'],coords={'adc_dim_0':0})
When I execute this code, the model compiles correctly but I get an error at the inference step.
Any idea an how to make it work?