Question regarding whether the BEST model can be improved

Being a devout Bayesian, I (as well as most everyone else here as well) have heard of Kruschke’s BEST model, which is the more rigorous Bayesian alternative to the basic t-test we all know (with the original paper here). Wanting to experiment more with Hypothesis testing on my own, I found PyMC’s implementation of it here - - and starting playing around.

To make a long story short, using a pure pm.Normal() to describe the data - instead of pm.StudentT() as in the official implementation above - usually produced better estimates for both

  1. differences between the 2 group means, and
  2. differences between the 2 group std’s.

Wanting to confirm this, I then simulated a lot of Normally- and T-distributed data, all with different A) standard deviations, and B) sample sizes, to see how well, as a relative % of error, they calculated the true group mean and std differences.

These are my results (it’s a big image, so I needed imgur). The green bars represent the % error of my Normal model’s estimates, whereas the blue bars represent the official implementation’s estimates’ errors. Each quadrant measures

  1. what type of data was fed into the models, and
  2. what was being estimated (mean or std differences between the groups).

Looking at the results, why does it seem like the Normal distribution produces overall better results for both Normally- and T-distributed data? I would extremely appreciate anyone’s thoughts on this!

Lastly, my code (which I’m pretty sure has no errors),

import numpy as np
from scipy.stats import t
import pymc3 as pm

set_mean = 50
n_sample_size_to_loop_over = [10,30,60,120,180]
scales_to_loop_over = [5,10,20,30,50,80,120,240,480]

## Final dictionary to hold results in the end
dict_to_hold_results = {}

for n_samples in n_sample_size_to_loop_over:
    for scales in scales_to_loop_over:
        ## Creating Normal data
        y_normal_1 = np.array( [int(i) for i in np.random.normal(loc = set_mean, scale = scales,
                                                                 size = n_samples)] )
        y_normal_2 = np.array( [int(i) for i in np.random.normal(loc = set_mean + 5, scale = scales + 3,
                                                                 size = n_samples)] )

        ## Creating t-distributed data.
        y_t_1 = np.array( [int(i) for i in t.rvs(df = 5, loc = set_mean, scale = scales,
                                                 size = n_samples)] )
        y_t_2 = np.array( [int(i) for i in t.rvs(df = 20, loc = set_mean + 5, scale = scales + 3,
                                                 size = n_samples)] )

        ## Creating true values that the models are attempting to estimate.
        true_normal_mean_diffs = y_normal_1.mean() - y_normal_2.mean()
        true_normal_std_diffs = y_normal_1.std() - y_normal_2.std()
        true_T_mean_diffs = y_t_1.mean() - y_t_2.mean()
        true_T_std_diffs = y_t_1.std() - y_t_2.std()
        ## Creating statistics to help inform priors
        y_normal_mean = np.hstack((y_normal_1, y_normal_2)).mean()
        y_normal_std = np.hstack((y_normal_1, y_normal_2)).std()
        y_t_mean = np.hstack((y_t_1, y_t_2)).mean()
        y_t_std = np.hstack((y_t_1, y_t_2)).std()
        ## Wrapping everything up for use by models
        true_values = {'Normal_data': [true_normal_mean_diffs, true_normal_std_diffs],
                       'T_data': [true_T_mean_diffs, true_T_std_diffs]}
        aggreagate_stats = {'Normal_data': [y_normal_mean, y_normal_std],
                            'T_data': [y_t_mean, y_t_std]}
        data = {'Normal_data': [y_normal_1, y_normal_2], 'T_data': [y_t_1, y_t_2]}
        models_results = {'Normal_data': {'T_model': {}, 'Normal_model': {}}, 
                          'T_data': {'T_model': {}, 'Normal_model': {}}}
        ## Starting the modelling
        for i, data_type in enumerate(data):
            data_mean = aggreagate_stats[data_type][0]
            data_std = aggreagate_stats[data_type][1]
            ## The actual true values, against which estimate values will be compared at the end
            true_mean_diff = true_values[data_type][0]
            true_std_diff = true_values[data_type][1]

            individual_results = [ [[],[]],
                                   [[],[]] ]

            ## Each estimate done 3 times and then averaged, to get more accurate results
            ## of what the model is trying to estimate.
            for j in range(3):

                ## Online BEST model implementation, using T-distribution
                with pm.Model() as best_online_model:

                    std_prior = pm.Uniform("std_prior", lower = 1, upper = 10)

                    y1_mu = pm.Normal('y1_mu', mu = data_mean, sd = std_prior)
                    y2_mu = pm.Normal('y2_mu', mu = data_mean, sd = std_prior)

                    y1_std = pm.Uniform('y1_std', lower = data_std/1000, upper = data_std*1000)
                    y2_std = pm.Uniform('y2_std', lower = data_std/1000, upper = data_std*1000)

                    ν = pm.Exponential('ν_minus_one', 1/29.) + 1

                    λ1 = y1_std**-2
                    λ2 = y2_std**-2

                    y1 = pm.StudentT('y1', nu = ν, mu = y1_mu, lam = λ1, observed = data[data_type][0])
                    y2 = pm.StudentT('y2', nu = ν, mu = y1_mu, lam = λ2, observed = data[data_type][1])
                    ## Trying to do the magic here
                    diff_of_means = pm.Deterministic('estimated difference of means', y1_mu - y2_mu)
                    diff_of_stds = pm.Deterministic('estimated difference of stds', y1_std - y2_std)

                    best_online_trace = pm.sample(draws=2000, tune=2000, target_accept=0.9, cores=4)

                q = pm.summary(best_online_trace)

                model_mean_accuracy = abs((q.loc['estimated difference of means', 'mean'] - true_mean_diff) / true_mean_diff)
                model_std_accuracy = abs((q.loc['estimated difference of stds', 'mean'] - true_std_diff) / true_std_diff)


                ## My model, Normally distributed.
                with pm.Model() as best_my_own_ver_model:

                    std_prior = pm.Uniform("std_prior", lower = 1, upper = 10)

                    y1_mu = pm.Normal("y1_mu", mu = data_mean, sd = std_prior)
                    y2_mu = pm.Normal("y2_mu", mu = data_mean, sd = std_prior)

                    y1_std = pm.Uniform("y1_std", lower = 1/1000, upper = 1*1000) ## These could also be too
                    y2_std = pm.Uniform("y2_std", lower = 1/1000, upper = 1*1000) ## dispersed, like std_prior.

                    y1 = pm.Normal("y1", mu = y1_mu, sd = y1_std, observed = data[data_type][0])
                    y2 = pm.Normal("y2", mu = y2_mu, sd = y2_std, observed = data[data_type][1])

                    ## Trying to do the magic here
                    diff_of_means = pm.Deterministic('estimated difference of means', y1_mu - y2_mu)
                    diff_of_stds = pm.Deterministic('estimated difference of stds', y1_std - y2_std)

                    best_my_ver_trace = pm.sample(draws=3000, tune=3000, target_accept=0.9, cores=4)

                w = pm.summary(best_my_ver_trace)       

                model_mean_accuracy = abs((w.loc['estimated difference of means', 'mean'] - true_mean_diff) / true_mean_diff)
                model_std_accuracy = abs((w.loc['estimated difference of stds', 'mean'] - true_std_diff) / true_std_diff)


            ## Averaging results to reduce error in estimates
            models_results[data_type]['T_model']["% model_mean_accuracy"] = np.mean(individual_results[0][0])
            models_results[data_type]['T_model']["% model_std_accuracy"] = np.mean(individual_results[0][1])
            models_results[data_type]['Normal_model']["% model_mean_accuracy"] = np.mean(individual_results[1][0])
            models_results[data_type]['Normal_model']["% model_std_accuracy"] = np.mean(individual_results[1][1])

        dict_to_hold_results["n_size: {}, scale: {}".format(n_samples, scales)] = models_results

Essentially, I’m asking if it is normal that the Normal distribution does better at hypothesis testing for T-distributed data than the T-distribution itself.