Rugby Case. Scipy rankdata error

I am getting an error utilizing rankdata from scipy.stats. Not sure where the issue is and how I can solve it. Would appreciate the help! (I am adding some code prior for the reference)

with model:
    pp = trace.posterior_predictive
    const = trace.constant_data
    team_da =

    pp["home_win"] = (
    (pp["home_points"] > pp["away_points"]) * 3     # home team wins and gets 3 points
    + (pp["home_points"] == pp["away_points"]) * 2  # tie -> home team gets 2 points
pp["away_win"] = (
    (pp["home_points"] < pp["away_points"]) * 3 
    + (pp["home_points"] == pp["away_points"]) * 2
    groupby_sum_home = pp.home_win.groupby(team_da[const.home_team]).sum()
    groupby_sum_away = pp.away_win.groupby(team_da[const.away_team]).sum()
    pp["teamscores"] = groupby_sum_home + groupby_sum_away

from scipy.stats import rankdata

pp["rank"] = xr.apply_ufunc(
    kwargs=dict(axis=-1, method="min"),

Error I am getting:

From github history, it looks like axis was added to scipy 13 months ago, only versions released after that should have the argument. See for the specific PR. Updating your scipy version should fix the issue.