Hey guys, I’m stuck at a problem where the error is
pymc3.exceptions.SamplingError: Initial evaluation of model at starting point failed!`
Initial evaluation results:
a_ -19.33
b__log__ 1.02
mu_c_ -1.35
c_ -1.35
A -23.89
sigma_y_log__ -33.98`
Y_obs -inf`
Name: Log-probability of test_point, dtype: float64
I have already tried several combinations of hyper-parameters for the prior (or hyper-prior) distributions, but all in vain. I did not face such errors when I used numpy arrays for the same problem.
Could you please have a look at the code below and, may be, suggest what could have gone wrong with this model?
with pm.Model() as model:
X1 = theano.shared(x1, broadcastable=(True,False))
X2= theano.shared(x2, broadcastable=(True,False))
# Observed data shape = (26,26)
training_data = theano.shared(y_train_)
numG = 6
def sumGaussians(a,b,c,f):
sum = tt.zeros (shape=(1,26))
for g in range(numG):
sum = sum + a[g] * pm.math.exp(-1.0 * pm.math.sqr((f - b[g])/c[g]))
return sum
# Height of the Gaussians
a_ = pm.Normal("a_", mu=50, sigma=10, shape=(numG, 1))
# Centres of the Gaussians
mu_b_ = 3.0
sigma_b_ = 1.0
alpha_b_ = mu_b_ ** 2.0 / sigma_b_
beta_b_ = mu_b_ / sigma_b_
b_ = pm.Gamma("b_", alpha=alpha_b_, beta=beta_b_, shape=(numG, 1))
# Width of the Gaussians
mu_c_ = pm.Normal("mu_c_", mu=3, sigma=0.5, shape=(numG, 1))
c_ = pm.Normal("c_", mu=mu_c_, sigma=0.5, shape=(numG, 1))
A = pm.Normal("A", mu=10, sigma=1, shape=(1,26))
# The mean of the likelihood is assumed to be a combination of `X1` and `X2`
temp1 = tt.mul(A ,tt.log(tt.power(X1, 6.0) / 0.001)) # shape = (1,26)
temp2 = sumGaussians(a_,b_,c_,X2) # shape = (1,26)
temp3 = tt.stack([temp1, temp2], axis=0) # shape = (2,1,26)
# shape = (1,26)
mu_y = pm.Deterministic("mu_y", tt.mean(temp3, axis=0))
# Noise in the data
sigma_y = pm.InverseGamma("sigma_y",1,1, shape=(1,26))
# Likelihood
Y_obs = pm.Normal('Y_obs', mu_y, sigma_y, observed=training_data)
trace = pm.sample(
Thanks a lot!