I would like to implement a simple auto-regressive model with exogenous inputs. The AR class does not seem to support this. I am aware of the VARIMAX model in pymc_experimental. But I don’t need a such a general model, and the examples do not work.
I tried to create a custom distribution, based on this notebook, but it throws IndexError: too many indices for array
def get_model(obs, specs):
with pm.Model() as model:
obs_index = obs.index.to_numpy()
model.add_coord("obs_idx", obs_index)
model.add_coord("tr_cnt", obs_index)
with model:
t = pm.Data("t", obs_index, dims="obs_idx")
y = pm.Data("y", obs.to_numpy().ravel(), dims=("obs_idx",))
init_weight = pm.Normal.dist(**specs['init_weight'])
coefs_weight = pm.Normal("coefs_weight", **specs['coefs_weight'])
sigma = pm.HalfNormal("sigma", specs['sigma'])
common = {
"steps": t.shape[0]-(specs['coefs_weight']['size']-1),
"constant": True,
"dims": "obs_idx"
# this works as expected, but as no exogenous components
# ar_weight = pm.AR("ar_weight", rho=coefs_weight, sigma=sigma,
# init_dist=init_weight, **common)
# does not work
ar_weight = pm.CustomDist("ar_weight", init_weight, coefs_weight, sigma, dist=ar_dist,
llh = pm.Normal("llh", mu=ar_weight, sigma=sigma, observed=y, dims=("obs_idx",))
return model
def ar_dist(rho, sigma, init, size):
lags = 1
trials = 25
def ar_step(val, rho, sigma):
mu = val * rho
x = mu + pm.Normal.dist(sigma=sigma)
return x, collect_default_updates([x])
ar_innov, _ = pytensor.scan(
outputs_info=[{"initial": init, "taps":range(-lags, 0)}],
non_sequences=[rho, sigma],
return ar_innov
Could you please point me in the right direction here?