Softmax regression: Initial evaluation of model at starting point failed!

My greetings to the forum,

I’m trying to implement a multinomial logistic regression using PyMC (v5.1.2).
Initially, I adapted to the version I’m using an older example of the iris dataset provided in this notebook. The results I got using the iris dataset were very similar to the ones provided in the notebook.

However, when I switched to my data I got the error “Initial evaluation of model at starting point failed!”.
My data have Nfeatures=102, Nclasses=3 and Nobservations=125. Below is the code I used:

import pymc as pm
import pytensor.tensor as pt
import pandas as pd

yObserved = pd.Categorical(yObserved).codes
xObservedScaled = (xObserved - xObserved.mean(axis=0)) / xObserved.std(axis=0)

with pm.Model() as model:
    alpha = pm.Normal('alpha', mu=0, sigma=1, shape=Nclasses)
    beta = pm.Normal('beta', mu=0, sigma=0.5, shape=(Nfeatures,Nclasses))
    X = pm.MutableData("X", xObservedScaled)
    mu = alpha +, beta)
    theta = pm.Deterministic('theta', pt.special.softmax(mu))
    yhat = pm.Categorical('yhat', p=theta, observed=yObserved)
    idata = pm.sample(2000)

The traceback error I got was the following:

Auto-assigning NUTS sampler...
Initializing NUTS using jitter+adapt_diag...
SamplingError                             Traceback (most recent call last)
Cell In[61], line 8
      6 theta = pm.Deterministic('theta', pt.special.softmax(mu, axis=0))
      7 yhat = pm.Categorical('yhat', p=theta, observed=yObserved)
----> 8 idata = pm.sample(2000)

File ~/anaconda3/envs/pymc/lib/python3.11/site-packages/pymc/sampling/, in sample(draws, tune, chains, cores, random_seed, progressbar, step, nuts_sampler, initvals, init, j
itter_max_retries, n_init, trace, discard_tuned_samples, compute_convergence_checks, keep_warning_stat, return_inferencedata, idata_kwargs, nuts_sampler_kwargs, callback, mp_ctx, model
, **kwargs)
    617 ip: Dict[str, np.ndarray]
    618 for ip in initial_points:
--> 619     model.check_start_vals(ip)
    620     _check_start_shape(model, ip)
    622 # Create trace backends for each chain

File ~/anaconda3/envs/pymc/lib/python3.11/site-packages/pymc/, in Model.check_start_vals(self, start)
   1776 initial_eval = self.point_logps(point=elem)
   1778 if not all(np.isfinite(v) for v in initial_eval.values()):
-> 1779     raise SamplingError(
   1780         "Initial evaluation of model at starting point failed!\n"
   1781         f"Starting values:\n{elem}\n\n"
   1782         f"Initial evaluation results:\n{initial_eval}"
   1783     )

SamplingError: Initial evaluation of model at starting point failed!
Starting values:
{'alpha': array([-0.95338397,  0.67290516,  0.49377041]), 'beta': array([[ 0.13621913, -0.34035037,  0.96589527],
       [ 0.7366968 , -0.84197146, -0.10899427],
       [ 0.6859061 ,  0.50730777, -0.9616945 ],
       [-0.43036895,  0.57520628,  0.57432481],
       [-0.16334606, -0.25003157, -0.77673791],
       [-0.26418958, -0.78049783, -0.97895633],
       [-0.39377305, -0.70602028,  0.79704342],
       [ 0.17286354, -0.37226511,  0.15628448],
       [-0.54506627,  0.12138228, -0.02986772],
       [-0.87136718, -0.70253109,  0.55951455],
       [-0.95784957, -0.54212086,  0.58881971],
       [-0.87295544, -0.46097255, -0.863826  ],
       [ 0.87102104,  0.8518809 , -0.99227756],
       [-0.20224095,  0.04361888,  0.41697982],
       [-0.05396081,  0.04397   , -0.09779863],
       [ 0.08329906,  0.8177688 , -0.47167215],
       [ 0.84835114, -0.76239827, -0.55882308],
       [ 0.3571166 , -0.71858972, -0.64670655],
       [ 0.8015391 , -0.58460792,  0.85021861],
       [ 0.85184285,  0.73801481,  0.49471848],
       [-0.57173004, -0.13881027, -0.42926035],
       [ 0.66753365,  0.70677428,  0.01141898],
       [ 0.78867579,  0.97329142, -0.70387988],
       [-0.6318723 ,  0.23835162,  0.74554131],
       [-0.57274672, -0.91670461, -0.50820319],
       [-0.64664161, -0.15526813,  0.84755795],
       [ 0.96294253, -0.04717841, -0.80319224],
       [ 0.40807799, -0.12472005, -0.70351761],
       [-0.39539762, -0.39611768, -0.68932106],
       [ 0.50599174,  0.60141986,  0.43757594],
       [ 0.46683329,  0.59476032,  0.26003541],
       [-0.09829531,  0.59733146,  0.56763794],
       [ 0.17187345,  0.1729877 ,  0.37891708],
       [-0.85437363, -0.12752241, -0.43157483],
       [ 0.54145428,  0.92610908,  0.56245865],
       [ 0.67773031, -0.9989637 , -0.67385337],
       [ 0.45722856, -0.01855686, -0.17972916],
       [-0.56766282,  0.74338617, -0.27156568],
       [-0.17350068,  0.54150919, -0.92861255],
       [-0.3933046 ,  0.1818344 ,  0.24377978],
       [ 0.51665262, -0.30104846,  0.47900147],
       [ 0.66814405,  0.90721849,  0.5451063 ],
       [-0.70297902,  0.38439554,  0.69655627],
       [-0.12884647,  0.95286396, -0.77985493],
       [ 0.72431321, -0.35408028, -0.5485147 ],
       [-0.52854106, -0.56468525,  0.59345526],
       [-0.84903991,  0.2250591 ,  0.94275776],
       [-0.58652944,  0.12426639,  0.40959277],
       [-0.6165015 ,  0.87721759,  0.31771855],
       [-0.67373499,  0.3129435 , -0.99862871],
       [ 0.75944865,  0.29463866, -0.91430333],
       [-0.04121694, -0.03028108,  0.18593875],
       [-0.67601176, -0.89552169, -0.76867266],
       [ 0.20188685,  0.46492339,  0.87333181],
       [-0.64094307, -0.06282443, -0.03003914],
       [-0.33010775,  0.74566702, -0.02075662],
       [-0.82992214,  0.49881093,  0.36753261],
       [ 0.20631701, -0.13530331, -0.96848049],
       [-0.10551759,  0.65667334, -0.51010733],
       [-0.53680218,  0.58134722, -0.21278457],
       [ 0.32350595,  0.00619294, -0.5337325 ],
       [-0.58878486,  0.93259769, -0.36720923],
       [-0.41429055, -0.24107345,  0.98496928],
       [-0.1966506 ,  0.87691688,  0.75314473],
       [ 0.24228488, -0.10838335, -0.33570198],
       [-0.81663456, -0.33138541,  0.80007178],
       [ 0.50398618, -0.98076232,  0.41350699],
       [ 0.55165034,  0.10663551, -0.4280715 ],
       [ 0.2927005 , -0.66092958,  0.44425086],
       [-0.70099624, -0.53193915,  0.44025499],
       [ 0.420706  ,  0.77747756,  0.14997398],
       [ 0.0608088 , -0.24273734, -0.60212896],
       [-0.49565135,  0.81414159,  0.78205366],
       [ 0.36042629, -0.63665187,  0.49044024],
       [ 0.66479057,  0.33274585, -0.82184889],
       [-0.70467206, -0.78796218, -0.25755914],
       [ 0.91038582,  0.99599876, -0.89598035],
       [-0.16644616,  0.83289529, -0.54305853],
       [ 0.47919574,  0.39188318,  0.46445724],
       [-0.90853985, -0.24972098,  0.71283567],
       [-0.60492775,  0.62055496, -0.53174567],
       [-0.3171042 ,  0.33962171,  0.28673841],
       [-0.38018378,  0.24720415, -0.91054624],
       [-0.76235433, -0.7597687 ,  0.91533516],
       [-0.81390673, -0.32875701, -0.464881  ],
       [-0.95121038, -0.92538011, -0.95481397],
       [-0.23119313,  0.74330147,  0.02056937],
       [ 0.79232104,  0.52540608,  0.72126201],
       [ 0.83446148,  0.36623883,  0.20378547],
       [ 0.5580161 , -0.89427056, -0.25744643],
       [ 0.0641284 , -0.92186062, -0.43713996],
       [ 0.94269724, -0.30621175,  0.53980828],
       [-0.32361727,  0.49005737, -0.93116636],
       [-0.07971507,  0.95164147, -0.23153681],
       [-0.42295039,  0.41965143, -0.76455379],
       [ 0.02458781, -0.29124565,  0.26617836],
       [-0.96234061, -0.329503  , -0.91215564],
       [ 0.43291676,  0.04840746,  0.93553024],
       [ 0.870145  ,  0.00690734, -0.96899018],
       [-0.14158364,  0.12655961, -0.63539151],
       [-0.70143118,  0.03937006, -0.29699998],
       [ 0.02251726,  0.60111675,  0.62661015]])}

Initial evaluation results:
{'alpha': -3.56, 'beta': -286.18, 'yhat': -inf}

My first thought was the high number of features. I tried to costrain the sigmas or even use the Laplace distribution but whatever I tried returned the same error message.

I would appreciate any suggestion on how to debug this.
Thanks in advance.

I suggest you update PyMC and try out model.debug() to see if it says anything informative.

Thank you for your suggestion.
Actually model.debug() turned-out to be quite helpful.
I updated to version 5.9.0 and now it worked fine.

The first issue model.debug() pointed out was the presence of missing values. One nan had slipped in my data.
However, after removing that observation still I got the error about “initial evaluation”.
In this case, model.debug returned the following:

The variable yhat has the following parameters:
0: Softmax{axis=None} [id A]  'theta'
 └─ Add [id B] 
    ├─ ExpandDims{axis=0} [id C] 
    │  └─ alpha [id D] 
    └─ Dot22 [id E] 
       ├─ X [id F] 
       └─ beta [id G] 
The parameters evaluate to: 
0: [[0.00268817 0.00268817 0.00268817]
[0.00268817 0.00268817 0.00268817]]
This does not respect one of the following constraints: 0 <= p <=1, sum(p) = 1 

Based on the above, I assumed that the default axis in pt.special.softmax(mu) is zero, so after changing it to pt.special.softmax(mu, axis=1) it worked just fine.

So, below is my code that worked with version 5.9.0:

with pm.Model() as model:
    alpha = pm.Normal('alpha', mu=0, sigma=1, shape=Nclasses)
    beta = pm.Normal('beta', mu=0, sigma=0.5, shape=(Nfeatures,Nclasses))
    X = pm.MutableData("X", xObservedScaled)
    mu = alpha +, beta)
    theta = pm.Deterministic('theta', pt.special.softmax(mu, axis=1))
    yhat = pm.Categorical('yhat', p=theta, observed=yObserved)
    idata = pm.sample(2000)