Speeding up bayesian multiple regression


I am playing around with Bayesian modeling for a multiple regression task and I think I’m going wrong somewhere in modeling or parametrization. On a simple toy dataset (4 features, 100 observations), ADVI takes ~1m to fit and sample 10,000 posterior points, and NUTS takes 0.5h. By contrast, a 10,000x bootstrap takes 0.8s. (I checked the marginal posteriors against the bootstrapped marginals to ensure that ADVI converged well enough, and tuned the iterations down as far as I could). Another issue that suggests I have gone wrong somewhere is that there are divergences and low effective samples and tree depth, even with target_accept cranked up to 0.99:

There were 9 divergences after tuning. Increase `target_accept` or reparameterize.
The chain reached the maximum tree depth. Increase max_treedepth, increase target_accept or reparameterize.
The number of effective samples is smaller than 25% for some parameters.

Ultimately I’d like the model to be more complex than a linear, mean effects model; and the actual data I have is ~8,000 observations and ~1,000 features, so tricks for speeding and/or scaling up this model would be quite helpful. It may also be helpful for the community more generally, as currently the only result for "bayesian multiple regression" python is a blog post that uses pystan (!).

Thank you

Toy model code below:

import matplotlib
%matplotlib inline
import scipy as sp
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import theano.tensor as tt
import pymc3 as pm
import time
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt

COVAR_COV = np.array([[1.0, 0.4, 0.2, 0.],
                      [0.4, 1., 0.3, 0.8],
                      [0.2, 0.3, 1., 0.6],
                      [0., 0.8, 0.6, 1.]])

def make_data(n_covs, n_samples, n_response, r2=0.8, covar_cov=None):
    if covar_cov is not None:
        assert covar_cov.shape[0] == covar_cov.shape[1]
        assert covar_cov.shape[0] == n_covs
    betas = 1 + 0.25 * np.random.normal(0., 1., size=(n_covs, n_response))
    betas *= (1 - 2*np.random.binomial(1, 0.5, size=(n_covs, n_response)))  # 50% + 50% -
    offset = np.random.normal(0., 4., size=(n_response,))
    covar_values = np.random.normal(0., 1., size=(n_samples, n_covs))
    if covar_cov is not None:
        covar_L = np.linalg.cholesky(covar_cov)
        covar_values = np.dot(covar_values, covar_L.T)
    latent_values = np.dot(covar_values, betas) + offset
    latent_var = np.var(latent_values)
    noise_var = ((1 - r2) * latent_var)/4.
    obs_var = 0.1
    while latent_var/obs_var > r2:  # tune
        noise_var *= 1.0005
        noise = np.random.normal(0., noise_var, size=(n_response, n_samples))
        observed = latent_values.T + noise
        obs_var = np.var(observed)
    return observed, covar_values, betas, offset

data, covars, beta_true, offset_true = make_data(N_COVARS, N_SAMPLES, 1, covar_cov=COVAR_COV)
data = data.reshape(N_SAMPLES,)

def fit_boot(dat, cov, n_boot=10000):
    cov = np.hstack([cov, np.ones((cov.shape[0],1))])
    betas = np.zeros((cov.shape[1], n_boot), dtype=np.float32)
    for b in xrange(n_boot):
        idx = np.random.choice(cov.shape[0], cov.shape[0], replace=True)
        C = cov[idx, :]
        betas[:, b] = np.dot(np.linalg.inv(np.dot(C.T, C)), np.dot(C.T, dat[idx]))
    return betas

def cov2cor(C):
    M = np.sqrt(np.outer(np.diag(C), np.diag(C)))
    return C/M

def fit_mcmc(dat, cov, n_sample=10000):
    with pm.Model() as model:
        hp_beta_sd = pm.HalfNormal('hyper_beta_sd', 10.)
        hp_intercept_mu = pm.Normal('hyper_int_mu', 0., 100.)
        hp_intercept_sd = pm.HalfNormal('hyper_int_sd', 5.)
        hp_err_sd = pm.HalfNormal('hyper_err_sd', 5.)
        inter_offset = pm.Normal('intercept_offset', 0., 1.)
        intercept = pm.Deterministic('intercept', inter_offset * hp_intercept_sd + hp_intercept_mu)
        #beta_vec_offset = pm.Normal('beta_offset', 0., 1., shape=(cov.shape[1],))
        #beta_vec = pm.Deterministic('beta', beta_vec_offset * hp_beta_sd)
        beta_vec = pm.Normal('beta', 0., hp_beta_sd, shape=(cov.shape[1],))
        lat_expr = pm.Deterministic('lat_expr', intercept + tt.dot(cov, beta_vec))
        obs_expr = pm.Normal('expr', mu=lat_expr, sd=hp_err_sd, observed=dat)
        fit_res = pm.sample(draws=n_sample/2, cores=2, init='advi+adapt_diag', nuts_kwargs=dict(target_accept=.99))
    return fit_res

def fit_advi(dat, cov, n_sample=10000):
    with pm.Model() as model:
        hp_beta_sd = pm.HalfNormal('hyper_beta_sd', 10.)
        hp_intercept_mu = pm.Normal('hyper_int_mu', 0., 100.)
        hp_intercept_sd = pm.HalfNormal('hyper_int_sd', 5.)
        hp_err_sd = pm.HalfNormal('hyper_err_sd', 5.)
        inter_offset = pm.Normal('intercept_offset', 0., 1.)
        intercept = pm.Deterministic('intercept', inter_offset * hp_intercept_sd + hp_intercept_mu)
        #beta_vec_offset = pm.Normal('beta_offset', 0., 1., shape=(cov.shape[1],))
        #beta_vec = pm.Deterministic('beta', beta_vec_offset * hp_beta_sd)
        beta_vec = pm.Normal('beta', 0., hp_beta_sd, shape=(cov.shape[1],))
        lat_expr = pm.Deterministic('lat_expr', intercept + tt.dot(cov, beta_vec))
        obs_expr = pm.Normal('expr', mu=lat_expr, sd=hp_err_sd, observed=dat)
        fit = pm.fit(25000, method='fullrank_advi')
    fit_res = fit.sample(draws=n_sample)
    return fit_res

stime = time.time()
boot_res = fit_boot(data, covars)
beta_means = np.mean(boot_res, 1)
beta_cov = np.cov(boot_res)
etime = time.time()
elapse = etime - stime
print '{} seconds'.format(elapse)
plt.plot(boot_res[1,:], boot_res[3,:], 'ob')

stime = time.time()
advi_res = fit_advi(data, covars)
etime = time.time()
elapse_advi = etime - stime
print '{} seconds'.format(elapse_advi)
print 'ADVI slowdown factor: {}'.format(elapse_advi/elapse)

stime = time.time()
mcmc_res = fit_mcmc(data, covars)
etime = time.time()
elapse_mcmc = etime - stime
print '{} seconds'.format(elapse_mcmc)

print 'NUTS slowdown factor: {}'.format(elapse_mcmc/elapse)


0.787487030029 seconds
78.5826408863 seconds
ADVI slowdown factor: 99.7891239979
1476.3067131 seconds
NUTS slowdown factor: 1874.70606729

You should use the pairplot to first check where in the parameter space is problematic. My guess is that your intercept is overparameterized - usually we just do intercept = pm.Normal('intercept', 0., 100.).

There’s a little bit of a funnel in the intercept, but nothing looks too crazy to me:

But re-parameterizing the intercept made a huge difference:

135.169487 seconds
NUTS slowdown factor: 189.685194039

effectively 10x faster. Increasing to 1000 observations shows a very nice scaling:

173.795094013 seconds
NUTS slowdown factor: 52.3025973161

subsequently increasing to 40 covariates (1000 x 40 data matrix) looks even better

174.969336987 seconds
NUTS slowdown factor: 33.5733716568

so it looks like it’s scaling really well. Thank you.


Just want to follow up and point out that there is actually a funnel for hyper_int_mu and hyper_int_sd around mu=0

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