State Space: Exogenous Vars - Conflicting dimensions for time

Hey PyMC & @jessegrabowski ,

I’m trying to use state space’s forecast method with exogenous variables, but I keep getting this error:

ValueError: conflicting sizes for dimension ‘time’: length 1107 on the data but length 8 on coordinate ‘time’

My scenario: I’m passing exogenous indicator variables totaling 18 columns and 8 rows long, for an 8 day forecast. The period I’m forecasting is not at the -very- end of my time series. I’m testing my exogenous variable’s ability to reduce variance on events and holidays.

Time series info:

  • Length: 1107 data points
  • Start: 2022-01-19
  • End: 2025-01-29

Relevant code:

# Define start date and forecast period
start_date, n_periods = pd.to_datetime("2024-1-25"), 8

# Extract exogenous indicator variables for the forecast period
scenario = {'data_exog': pd.DataFrame(df_holidays.loc[start_date:].iloc[:n_periods].to_numpy(dtype=float), 

# Generate the forecast
forecasts = ss_mod.forecast(trace, start=start_date, periods=n_periods, scenario=scenario)

My second line of code is extracting the relevant portion of my exogenous variables and assigning it to the scenario.

Am I getting this error because I’m not forecasting at the very end of my time series? (edit: dumb question, I’ll test this later.)


Hey @rOy_bOy, I have come across this issue before. I believe that at the moment you need to employ a hack by deleting the dims in your state space model object like:

del ssm_model._exog_data_info[exogenous_data_name]["dims"]

Where I believe in your case it would be

del ss_mod._exog_data_info['data_exog']['dims']

@jessegrabowski please correct me if I am wrong here.

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Sounds like a bug, can you open an issue on the extras repo and I’ll try to identify exactly what needs to be done? I thought I was testing this case, so I’m a bit miffed it’s still giving you guys problems.


The issue is there now: State Space: Exogenous Vars - Conflicting dimensions for time (bug?) #424


Gave that a shot. I was able to complete the forecast inference, but plotting the results showed no data? I haven’t tried getting into the guts of the output yet.

Edit: Yeah, getting a bunch of NaN’s back.


Hey @rOy_bOy, could you share the model code you are using? If you can also share a working example that would be great but I understand if your data is confidential. I’d be happy to help you debug this issue.

I would love for that. I’m gonna need to clean up my code - which means I need to get some beers. brb.


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Okay, here’s some files.

The Jupyter File

The data

Couple caveats: 1) I’ve got some nasty shape on the posterior, I think, so usually one of my chains hangs for a bit. 2) Sorry for the code bloat - I was using some AI (aren’t we all?) to fast iterate.


Thanks for opening an issue. If you can make a smaller example that reproduces that problem (that I can copy/paste and run locally) it would be extremely helpful. You can just use generated data.

Hey @rOy_bOy, I was able to run through your code and get forecasts that are NOT NaNs. I noticed that you are using the StateSpace Module from the old pymc-experimentals package. I recommend you move over to using StateSpace from pymc-extras. Here is a gist of your code that I ran through. I just commented out the plots. Please let me know if you still have troubles with this.



Hey @Dekermanjian:

Nice catch on the wrongly included library. I re-ran my entire simulation, but when I used your hack, I got this output:

=== Full ‘forecasts’ structure ===
<xarray.Dataset> Size: 6MB
Dimensions: (chain: 6, draw: 500, time: 8, state: 31,
observed_state: 1)

  • chain (chain) int32 24B 0 1 2 3 4 5
  • draw (draw) int32 2kB 0 1 2 3 4 5 … 494 495 496 497 498 499
  • time (time) datetime64[ns] 64B 2024-04-16 … 2024-04-23
  • state (state) <U27 3kB ‘level’ … ‘New_Years_Day_post_sq’
  • observed_state (observed_state) <U4 16B ‘data’
    Data variables:
    forecast_latent (chain, draw, time, state) float64 6MB nan nan … nan
    forecast_observed (chain, draw, time, observed_state) float64 192kB nan …
    created_at: 2025-02-12T21:59:02.212224+00:00
    arviz_version: 0.20.0
    inference_library: pymc
    inference_library_version: 5.20.1

As you can see, the output has NaN’s. The only change I made to the model was to include the newly named state space module and remove the reference to the old library.

from pymc_extras.statespace import structural as st

Was that the only change you made to my model in order to get your output? I looked thru the code, but I didn’t see any other changes. Also, how did you get my model to run in 41 minutes O_o ??

I’m gonna reset my kernel and try running this again.


Hey @rOy_bOy, can you try creating a clean environment before running. Something may be messed up with your environment. Also, I don’t believe that I changed anything with your model. I had to make a couple adjustments to the data part because the data you uploaded didn’t have column names. You could just download the code I uploaded from the gist above and run it. That is exactly the code that I ran on my end. I don’t really know if 41 minutes is fast or slow for this model but I am running on an MacBook laptop that has an m4 pro chip.

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Brutal. My buddy with a Macbook Pro yesterday was teasing me that he thought his computer would out perform my computer with this model. I told him that’s not possible.

This is terrible news.

However, yeah, I’m gonna build a new environment and proceed.



With nutpie you can get away with fewer tuning steps, maybe try 500/500.

I’ve also been using pymc_extras.fit_laplace lately to iterate on models more quickly, that should fit in just a couple minutes max.

I will say that I just got an m4 max and my experience fitting models has been a significant speedup, but I’ve also had to play with BLAS thread settings

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@jessegrabowski Thank you for that resource! I will have to check it out and see the performance I gain from tweaking those settings. I will also have to try out the fit_laplace method for fast iterations. Are there any caveats/gotcha’s to look out for when using fit_laplace?

Make sure you set compile_kwargs = {'mode': 'JAX'} and gradient_backend='jax'.

After that, for solvers, pick one that uses hessian for faster convergence ("Newton-CG" is a good default, or "trust-ncg" for trickier problems). Set use_jac=True, use_hessp=True (use_hess will compute the entire hessian which is not necessary, use_hessp will only compute the hessian-vector product, so it’s orders of magnitude faster with no performance penalty)


Alright, I have good news of great rejoicing. After creating several new environments, because I couldn’t get the silly BLAS connections right on pytensor, I finally got an environment that was able to run the model (in 4 hours >:-/ ). Then I used the hack and I got results (no NaN’s)! I should have tried it first without the hack. But I’ll redo it again later.


That is great news!!

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You shouldn’t need the pytensor C-BLAS at all if you’re fitting models in jax

Didn’t know that. (-:

Hey, @jessegrabowski , I tested without using the hack and it’s not working. Still getting:

ValueError: conflicting sizes for dimension ‘time’: length 1107 on the data but length 8 on coordinate ‘time’

When I do the hack recommended by Jonathan, it does work though.

del ss_mod._exog_data_info['data_exog']['dims']

I’ll try to get you a version of my model pared down tomorrow morning.


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