I’m trying to model an experiment where participant have to rate the age of different avatar.
Data from the experiment has the shape (16,8,2). I’m encountering a type error using a bernouilli distribution with shape(1, 8, 1) I get the error :
TypeError: Cannot convert Type TensorType(int64, 3D) (of Variable is_troll_shared__) into Type TensorType(int64, (True, False, True)). You can try to manually convert is_troll_shared__ into a TensorType(int64, (True, False, True)).
import pymc3 as pm
import numpy as np
# A study on avatar perceived age. Participants have to rate the age of each avatar twice
# 16 avatars to rate
# 8 participants
# Each participant rate the same avatar twice (2)
num_avatar = 16
num_participant = 8
exposure_time = 2
age_obs_data = np.random.randint(0, 100, size=(num_avatar, num_participant, exposure_time)) # fake data
with pm.Model() as model3:
# Age
## priors
μ_avatars_age = pm.Uniform('μ_avatars_age', 0, 100, shape=(num_avatar, 1, 1))
σ_avatars_age = pm.HalfCauchy('σ_avatars_age', 25, shape=(num_avatar, 1, 1))
μ_participant_bias = pm.Normal('μ_participant_bias', 0, 10, shape=(1, num_participant, 1))
# Troll detection: they rate the age of the avatar at random instead of trying to identify the true age
μ_troll = pm.Uniform('μ_troll', 0, 100)
σ_troll = pm.Uniform('σ_troll', 0, 10)
p_troll = pm.Uniform('p_troll', 0, 1, shape=(1, num_participant, 1))
is_troll = pm.Bernoulli('is_troll', p=p_troll, shape=(1, num_participant, 1))
μ = pm.math.switch(is_troll > 0, μ_troll, μ_avatars_age + μ_participant_bias)
σ = pm.math.switch(is_troll > 0, σ_troll, σ_avatars_age)
obs_age = pm.Normal('obs_age',
mu=μ_avatars_age + μ_participant_bias,
shape=(num_avatar, num_participant, 1),
trace = pm.sample(draws=2000,)