Unable to get weighted posterior predictive samples with sample_ppc_w

I wish to use the weighted average of multiple models to predict on unseen data.
I am unable to use sample_ppc_w when the models to average contain a Deterministic which depends on Theano shared variables.

Here is a simplified example (also in notebook format here)

Model the difference between a & b with the aim of predicting an HPD range for b when a new a becomes available.


df = pd.DataFrame(dict(a=np.random.normal(0.1, 1.5, 1000), 
                       b=np.random.normal(-0.05, 1.2, 1000)))
df['diff'] = df['a'] - df['b']

The averaging method I’m following is shown in the Model Averaging notebook in the docs.
I’m successfully able to average multiple models when using the calculated diff for observed values.

Model 1

with pm.Model() as model_t1:

    mu = pm.Uniform('mu', lower=-5, upper=5)
    sd = pm.Uniform('sd', lower=0, upper=10)
    nu = pm.Uniform('nu', lower=0, upper=10)
    y = pm.StudentT('y', mu=mu, nu=nu, sd=sd, observed=df['diff'])
    trace_t1 = pm.sample(20000, tune=1000, njobs=2)
    btrace_t1 = trace_t1[1000:]

Model 2

with pm.Model() as model_l1:

    mu = pm.Uniform('mu', lower=-5, upper=5)
    b = pm.Uniform('b', lower=0, upper=10)  
    y = pm.Laplace('y', mu=mu, b=b, observed=df['diff'])
    trace_l1 = pm.sample(20000, tune=1000, njobs=2)
    btrace_l1 = trace_l1[1000:]


models_dict1 = {
    model_t1: btrace_t1,
    model_l1: btrace_l1,
comparison = pm.compare(models_dict1, method='stacking', ic='WAIC')

Sampling from the weighted average

traces1 = [btrace_t1, btrace_l1]
models1 = [model_t1, model_l1]
ppc_w1 = pm.sample_ppc_w(traces1, models=models1, weights=comparison1w.weight.sort_index(ascending=True))

Plot of Weighted sampling vs Observed df[‘diff’]
Plot of Weighted sampling vs Observed

However I wish to predict on unseen data.
The prediction method I’m following is to use Theano shared variables for a & b and model diff using a Deterministic variable as shown in section 4.1 of the Quickstart docs.

I’m successfully able to use this method to predict on unseen data with a single model:

Predicting with Model 1

a_shared_t = tt.shared(df['a'].values)
b_shared_t = tt.shared(df['b'].values)
with pm.Model() as model_t2:
    arv = pm.Normal('arv', mu=df['a'].mean(), sd=df['a'].std(), observed=a_shared_t)
    brv = pm.Normal('brv', mu=df['b'].mean(), sd=df['b'].std(), observed=b_shared_t)
    diff = pm.Deterministic('diff', arv - brv)

    mu = pm.Uniform('mu', lower=-5, upper=5)
    sd = pm.Uniform('sd', lower=0, upper=10)
    nu = pm.Uniform('nu', lower=0, upper=10)
    y = pm.StudentT('y', mu=mu, nu=nu, sd=sd, observed=diff)
    trace_t2 = pm.sample(20000, tune=1000, njobs=2)
    btrace_t2 = trace_t2[1000:]

observed_a = 1.8
a_shared_t.set_value(np.append(df['a'].values, observed_a))
b_shared_t.set_value(np.append(df['a'].values, 0.))
ppc_t2_updated = pm.sample_ppc(btrace_t2, 
sample = ppc_t2_updated['y'][:, -1]
hpd_80_diff = pm.stats.hpd(sample, alpha=0.2)
predicted_b_range = observed_a - hpd_80_diff[1], observed_a - hpd_80_diff[0]
== (-0.7764686082453378, 3.890428414268656)

Predicting with Model 2

a_shared_l = tt.shared(df['a'].values)
b_shared_l = tt.shared(df['b'].values)
with pm.Model() as model_l2:
    arv = pm.Normal('arv', mu=df['a'].mean(), sd=df['a'].std(), observed=a_shared_l)
    brv = pm.Normal('brv', mu=df['b'].mean(), sd=df['b'].std(), observed=b_shared_l)
    diff = pm.Deterministic('diff', arv - brv)

    mu = pm.Uniform('mu', lower=-5, upper=5)
    b = pm.Uniform('b', lower=0, upper=10)  
    y = pm.Laplace('y', mu=mu, b=b, observed=diff)
    trace_l2 = pm.sample(20000, tune=1000, njobs=2)
    btrace_l2 = trace_l2[1000:]

observed_a = 1.8
dummy = 0.
a_shared_l.set_value(np.append(df['a'].values, observed_a))
b_shared_l.set_value(np.append(df['a'].values, dummy))
ppc_l2_updated = pm.sample_ppc(btrace_l2, 
sample = ppc_l2_updated['y'][:, -1]
hpd_80_diff = pm.stats.hpd(sample, alpha=0.2)
predicted_b_range = observed_a - hpd_80_diff[1], observed_a - hpd_80_diff[0]
== (-0.8231007149866174, 3.9518915820568434)

However when trying to sample from the averaged model using pm.sample_ppc_w:

traces2 = [btrace_t2, btrace_l2]
models2 = [model_t2, model_l2]
ppc_w2 = pm.sample_ppc_w(traces2, models=models2)

I get the following error:

AttributeError                            Traceback (most recent call last)
~/.pyenv/versions/3.6.4/envs/ganesha/lib/python3.6/site-packages/numpy/core/fromnumeric.py in _wrapfunc(obj, method, *args, **kwds)
     51     try:
---> 52         return getattr(obj, method)(*args, **kwds)

AttributeError: 'list' object has no attribute 'repeat'

During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:

ValueError                                Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-197-2cc68ceb6ac2> in <module>()
      1 traces2 = [btrace_t2, btrace_l2]
      2 models2 = [model_t2, model_l2]
----> 3 ppc_w2 = pm.sample_ppc_w(traces2, models=models2)

~/.pyenv/versions/3.6.4/envs/ganesha/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pymc3/sampling.py in sample_ppc_w(traces, samples, models, weights, random_seed, progressbar)
   1161     obs = [x for m in models for x in m.observed_RVs]
-> 1162     variables = np.repeat(obs, n)
   1164     lengths = list(set([np.atleast_1d(observed).shape for observed in obs]))

~/.pyenv/versions/3.6.4/envs/ganesha/lib/python3.6/site-packages/numpy/core/fromnumeric.py in repeat(a, repeats, axis)
    422     """
--> 423     return _wrapfunc(a, 'repeat', repeats, axis=axis)

~/.pyenv/versions/3.6.4/envs/ganesha/lib/python3.6/site-packages/numpy/core/fromnumeric.py in _wrapfunc(obj, method, *args, **kwds)
     60     # a downstream library like 'pandas'.
     61     except (AttributeError, TypeError):
---> 62         return _wrapit(obj, method, *args, **kwds)

~/.pyenv/versions/3.6.4/envs/ganesha/lib/python3.6/site-packages/numpy/core/fromnumeric.py in _wrapit(obj, method, *args, **kwds)
     40     except AttributeError:
     41         wrap = None
---> 42     result = getattr(asarray(obj), method)(*args, **kwds)
     43     if wrap:
     44         if not isinstance(result, mu.ndarray):

ValueError: operands could not be broadcast together with shape (6,) (2,)

It seems like it could be due to a mismatch between the number of tracked variables but for the life of me I can’t figure out how to resolve this.

Is it possible to use sample_ppc_w when averaging models containing a Deterministic which in turn depends on Theano shared variables?

Full disclosure - I am not a statistician and as awesome as I think this project is, my understanding of both Bayesian analysis as well as the proper use of PyMC3 is still pretty limited.
Hence all input will be appreciated, especially if I’m barking up the wrong tree!

Many thanks

Are you running this from master? Last time I made some change of sample_ppc_w which should make working with theano.shared observed a bit easier. But currently sample_ppc_w is still not as flexible as sample_ppc: for example it doesnt work with multiple observed variables.

Thanks for your reply @junpenglao.
Unfortunately the latest master checkout gives the same result.
I managed to get model averaging working with 2 models, each of which has a single shared variable only.
It seems down to the inability of sample_ppc_w to handle multiple observed variables.
Sadly being limited to a single observed variable in a model won’t work for my particular situation.

Yep, unfortunately this is not something that could be fixed easily, as you need to make sure mapping the multiple observed RVs correctly across models. As a work around I suggest you do sample_ppc for each model, and then resample the ppc samples according to the weights.

Also be aware that depending on what kind of weight you are using, some of them might not even make sense for multiple observed RV or multivariate observed. I think loo based weight for example is mostly only for univariate observed.

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I’ll give your suggestion a try.
Thanks again.

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