Hello Guys.
I’m pretty new to pymc3 and probabilistic programming in general. I hope that this is the right place for the question and that the question isn’t too obvious, as I am that new that I don’t have the right terms to google quite yet .
Now to the question: I defined the following Model:
My Data is dependent on time t, which can take values from 0-99, and this data has 8 features. That is where the shape of at originates. xt_theano is a tensor of dimensions (t x features x training_vals), in numbers (100 x 8 x 3000). Now the idea is that at[t] dot xt_theano[t] resolves to 3000 scalar values and in combination with the observation size of 3000 everything is great. My problem is that how to tell pymc3 about t. I obviously have a t vector of the size 3000 that that maps the actual features to the time t.
I hope I made my problem clear. If you don’t understand what I want to accomplish, please ask.