Very large r_hat of all estimated parameters

My model is defined like this:

with pm.Model() as model:
    eps = pm.Uniform('eps', lower=2.0, upper=12.0, shape=3)
    simulated_data = simulator_op(eps, true_losstangent, true_thicknesses)
    pm.Normal('obs', mu=simulated_data, sigma = 0.5, observed=synthetic_data)
    trace = pm.sample(500000, tune=5000, progressbar=True, return_inferencedata=True)

where eps is the parameter needed to be estimated with 3 values. I didn’t define my own likelihood function and just wrapped up my simulation function as the black box function simulator_op, which has 3 parameters as input. I just estimate the eps, and the other two parameters are given as true constant vector values. However, I got r_hat of 2.1 for all three values of the eps.

Multiprocess sampling (4 chains in 4 jobs)
Metropolis: [eps]
         mean     sd  hdi_3%  hdi_97%  mcse_mean  mcse_sd  ess_bulk  ess_tail  \
eps[0]  8.331  1.327   6.045    9.246      0.663    0.508       5.0      24.0   
eps[1]  5.553  0.842   4.994    7.014      0.421    0.323       5.0      24.0   
eps[2]  8.390  1.222   7.576   10.540      0.611    0.468       5.0      24.0   

eps[0]    2.1    
eps[1]    2.1   
eps[2]    2.1   

true eps: [8.8 5.2 7.8]
estimated eps: [8.331 5.553 8.39 ]
error: [5.32954545 6.78846154 7.56410256] %

The estimated eps seems good with accepetable error. Should I trust the inference given such high r_hat values? I wonder if the sigma value has an influence on the r_hat value.


Take eps[1], for example (the orange). That trace plot suggests that one chain confidently believes that eps[1]=7.0, whereas another chain confidently believes that eps[1]=5.0. Because these chains don’t agree, it suggests that at least one of these chains is not producing samples from the posterior distribution. The same is true for eps[0] and eps[2].

it suggests that at least one of these chains is not producing samples from the posterior distribution

Or the model is weakly (or not at all) identified, so that multiple parameter combinations can explain the data equally well. Neither is a good situation to be in.

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Not sure about the “or” here. If the model is poorly identified and/or there’s multi-modality, sampling still hasn’t converged. Sampling may not have converged because of identifiability and/or multi-modality issues, but thinking of this as an either/or thing seems unproductive to me.

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