Hello everyone,
I am trying the following, fairly simple experiment with standard pm.sample
, but I am confused by the results I see.
My script looks like this:
import pymc3 as pm
from pymc3 import sample, Model, effective_n
import numpy as np
for i in range(10):
with Model():
energy = pm.Mixture(
w=[1. / 2., 1. / 2.],
pm.Normal.dist(mu=mu_component, sd=np.sqrt(var_component))
for mu_component, var_component in
((0., 0.1), (4., 0.1))
trace = sample(njobs=1, tune=3000, discard_tuned_samples=False,
draws=5000, chains=2)
I get the following output:
{'GaussianMixture1D': 7790.2085023290865}
{'GaussianMixture1D': 7790.2085023290865}
{'GaussianMixture1D': 1.0130707549727525}
{'GaussianMixture1D': 1.0131580129322948}
{'GaussianMixture1D': 7320.439857781025}
{'GaussianMixture1D': 6980.01966073396}
{'GaussianMixture1D': 1.0132495691592036}
{'GaussianMixture1D': 1.0129443086809973}
{'GaussianMixture1D': 7128.332036857501}
{'GaussianMixture1D': 1.0130164334418752}
{'GaussianMixture1D': 6943.337715887186}
Thanks in advance for clearing up why I see this strong oscilliation.
I am using the most recent release of pymc3, version 3.5.