Thank you for your work in developing ABC algorithm in pymc3. I have been trying to understand it, and I have a small question: how to choose the value of epsilon?
I have noticed that the default value of 0.1 does not really work if I use another distance measure, for example, “sum_of_squared_distance”, instead of the default “absolute_error”.
I have been using another distance function which I called “deviance_distance”:
def deviance_distance(self, a, b):
return 2*np.sum(np.atleast_2d(np.multiply(a/len(a), np.log(np.divide(a, b)))))
and I made it work for epsilon=1.0.
I have also another small question: a
and b
in distance function: a is the targetdata, b is the posterior. Am I correct?
Thank you in advance.
ps: probably, @aloctavodia could help