Access probability p parameter from pm.BetaBinomial distribution during sample_ppc


I was wondering if there was anyway to access the probability parameter for the binomial distribution in the sample_ppc call. My model is constructed so that alpha and beta are deterministic values derived from certain distributions.

I am most interested in the p parameter of the binomial distribution, but setting the model up as a beta distribution that feeds into the binomial distribution results in much, much slower sampling.

So, to that end, if I could get help either getting the p parameter from the BetaBinomial distribution during sample_ppc or fixing the sampling issues with the theoretically same model, it would be very much appreciated.

Here is the model for reference:

with pm.Model() as model:        
    intercept = pm.Normal('intercept', mu=0.0, sd=5, shape=1)
    link_argument = intercept

    for covariate in covariates:
        if covariates[covariate]['type'] == 'categorical':
            shape = covariates[covariate]['encoder'].classes_.size
        elif covariates[covariate]['type'] in ['metric', 'binary']:
            shape = 1

        sigma = pm.HalfCauchy(f'{covariate}_coeff_sigma', beta=5)
        offset = pm.Normal(f'{covariate}_coeff_offset', mu=0, sd=1, shape=shape)
        coeff = pm.Deterministic(f'{covariate}_coeff', 0.0 + offset * sigma)

        if shape > 1:
            link_argument += coeff[model_variables[covariate]]
            link_argument += coeff * model_variables[covariate]

    omega = pm.Deterministic('omega', pm.invlogit(link_argument))
    kappa = pm.Exponential('kappa', lam=1e-4)

    alpha = pm.Deterministic('alpha', omega * kappa + 1)     
    beta = pm.Deterministic('beta', (1 - omega) * kappa + 1)     
    p = pm.Beta('p', alpha=alpha, beta=beta, shape=p_shape)

    likelihood = pm.Binomial(
        'likelihood', p=p, n=model_variables['n'], observed=model_variables['y_obs']
    # The likelihood parameterization below results in much faster sampling, but does not let me draw p parameter from posterior distribution
    # likelihood = pm.BetaBinomial('likelihood', alpha=alpha, beta=beta, n=model_variables['n'], observed=model_variables['y_obs'])


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I dont think it is possible to get the p from the BetaBinomial distribution easily. You could write a forward random function getting the sample from the trace tho:

# after you do sampling
post_alpha = trace['alpha']
post_beta = trace['beta']
nsample = 1000
index = np.random.randint(0, max(post_alpha.shape), nsample)
post_p = np.random.beta(post_alpha[index], post_beta[index], size=(p_shape, nsample))
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How would this work with switching the model_variables for the covariates from train data to test data though?

I was over complicating the problem. Actually, you can try this:
after you sample the model, create the RV p and sample it:

# after sampling with the model using likelihood = pm.BetaBinomial(...
with model:
    p = pm.Beta('p', alpha=alpha, beta=beta, shape=p_shape)
    ppc = pm.sample(trace, 1000, vars=[p])
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This sounds like exactly what I wanted. Thank you!

Out of curiosity, is it expected for the Beta and Binomial model to sample at completely different speeds?

Yes, the marginalization makes it much faster - which is why it was written as a separate distribution.

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Makes perfect sense and what I was thinking. Thank you very much for your help.

Hmm, the code you provided is actually failing. It’s saying alpha does not exist. When I use model.alpha I get the following TypeError

TypeError: ‘<’ not supported between instances of ‘MultiTrace’ and ‘int’

Did you overwrite the alpha at some point?
If so, you can access to the alpha and beta again by doing:


say the output is [alpha, beta], you can then do

alpha = model.deterministics[0]
beta = model.deterministics[1]

Yeah, that was an error on my part.

Using your suggestion, the failure is now that the model can’t access the p_log_odds__ transformation of the beta distribution

Here is the code:

# Access number of observations from shared tensor model_variables['y_obs']
p_shape = model_variables['y_obs'][0].size

model = construct_model(model_variables, model_covariates)

with model:
    parameters = {
        str(text): text for text in model.deterministics if str(text) in ['alpha', 'beta']
    p = pm.Beta('p', alpha=parameters['alpha'], beta=parameters['beta'], shape=p_shape)

    posterior = pm.sample(draws=1000, trace=trace, vars=[p])

I am not sure exactly how you are building your model, it seems you are doing something a bit complex that makes the theano graph detached an input.
Here is a minimalistic example that works:

p_shape = 10
with pm.Model() as model:
    alpha = pm.HalfNormal('alpha', 5.)
    beta = pm.HalfNormal('beta', 5.)
    y = pm.BetaBinomial('obs', n=10, alpha=alpha, beta=beta, observed=np.random.binomial(10, .7, size=p_shape))
    trace = pm.sample()

with model:
    p = pm.Beta('p', alpha, beta, shape=p_shape)
    ppc = pm.sample_ppc(trace, 1000, vars=[p])

I’m basically dynamically creating a linear equation from the covariates that gets fed into the inverse logistic function that’s used as the mode of the Beta distribution that I’m trying to sample:

# Takes as input covariates which is a dictionary of covariate names and sklearn.encoders 
# and model_variables which contains same keys but values as theano shared tensors.
with pm.Model() as model:        
    intercept = pm.Normal('intercept', mu=0.0, sd=5, shape=1)
    link_argument = intercept

    for covariate in covariates:
        if covariates[covariate]['type'] == 'categorical':
            shape = covariates[covariate]['encoder'].classes_.size
        elif covariates[covariate]['type'] in ['metric', 'binary']:
            shape = 1

        sigma = pm.HalfCauchy(f'{covariate}_coeff_sigma', beta=5)
        offset = pm.Normal(f'{covariate}_coeff_offset', mu=0, sd=1, shape=shape)
        coeff = pm.Deterministic(f'{covariate}_coeff', 0.0 + offset * sigma)

        if shape > 1:
            link_argument += coeff[model_variables[covariate]]
            link_argument += coeff * model_variables[covariate]

    omega = pm.Deterministic('omega', pm.invlogit(link_argument))
    kappa = pm.Exponential('kappa', lam=1e-4)

    alpha = pm.Deterministic('alpha', omega * kappa + 1)     
    beta = pm.Deterministic('beta', (1 - omega) * kappa + 1)     
    likelihood = pm.BetaBinomial(
        'likelihood', alpha=alpha, beta=beta, n=model_variables['n'], observed=model_variables['y_obs']

    # Rescale coefficients to be deflections from baseline
    baseline = pm.Deterministic('baseline', tt.mean(link_argument))

    for covariate in covariates:
        if covariates[covariate]['type'] == 'categorical':
            pm.Deterministic(f'{covariate}_deflection', link_argument[model_variables[covariate]] - baseline)
        elif covariates[covariate]['type'] == 'metric':
return model

Try return model, alpha, beta. But I think there are more efficient way to build the covariate instead of a for-loop and link_argument += ...

Also, a lazy quick fix is to build an exact same model again without the observed likelihood but with p, and sample ppc using the second model with the trace from the first model.

Actually, I don’t think I need to rebuild the model. I just added the parameter and sampled from ppc as so:

with model:
     p = pm.Beta('p', alpha=model.named_vars['alpha'], beta=model.named_vars['beta'], shape=p_shape)

     posterior = pm.sample_ppc(trace, samples=500, vars=[model.p])

Actually, I think I wasted your time. I shouldn’t have done sample, but rather sample_ppc from the beginning.

My apologies.

LOL, no worries. I totally didnt see it as well :sweat_smile:

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