Hello there, this is my first question here.
Motivated by the capabilities of PyMC3, I tried to use it as a method to fit a function to a certain data, and also as a method to estimate the uncertainties in the fitting. Before doing this I use to code using lmfit (to fit) and emcee(as mcmc sampler)… I notice that the method map_estimate = pm.find_MAP(model=basic_model,method='Powell')
returns the likelihood estimator (i.e the tuple that fits the data)…
As you can see in the next figure I have compared the lmfit best fit and the pm.find_MAP() likelihood fit… I was wondering why the MLE result is so far from the lmfit result… As a comment I used the same ranges of variations for each method… In PyMC3 I used uniform priors in order to compare the solutions.
Eventually I have thought an alternative to bypass this issue. When defining the log-likelihood function, I can use lmfit as obvserved data…Y_obs = pm.Normal('Y_obs', mu=mu_val, sigma=sigma_val, observed=lmfit_result)
. My question is how accurate/robust can this be to estimate the uncertainties in the best-fit values???
Hi, and welcome 
It seems to me that you’re turning to a Bayesian model because you care about the uncertainties in your estimates. If yes, then my question would be: why aren’t you running MCMC to get full posterior distributions of your parameters, instead of using find_MAP
, which will only give you point estimates?
Also, note that initalizing the MCMC sampler at the MAP is discouraged now – just let PyMC initialize the sampler for you.
Hope this helps 
Dear @AlexAndorra, thanks for the reply. In my study case I executed PyMC3 as a sampler, I thought that the likelihood tuple obtained from find_MAP()
was obtained from the Markov Chains (With the samples already done)… Apparently its a tuple that does not reflects the overall behavior of the drawn samples…
Naively I started doing this:
# define the log-likelihood
Y_obs = pm.Normal('Y_obs', mu=mu_val, sigma=sigma_val, observed=Experimental_data)
The MCMC variability did not captured so “good” the experimental data.
The last trick I tried was the following:
# define the log-likelihood
Y_obs = pm.Normal('Y_obs', mu=mu_val, sigma=sigma_val, observed=lmfit for Experimental_data)
Using this last approach the uncertainties capture very good the experimental data…
My question then should be updated to: Does PyMC3 runs better with a pre-processed data, (for example a least squares approx for the model), instead of the raw data?
I would definitely use the raw data instead of an lm
fit. I think the problem is how you use the results of the MCMC sampler to summarize your inferred parameters: as you said, find_MAP
does not do that – actually, you won’t find any point estimate that reflects the behavior of all the posterior.
The solution is to do your computations for summarizing directly on the whole posterior. There are infinite possibilities, all bespoke to your particular model, but a classical way to summarize a regression is to plot the mean (e.g trace["parameter"].mean(axis=0)
) and the highest posterior density inverval of your parameters of interest (you can do that with ArviZ’s plot_hdi for instance).
Hope this helps 
Dear @AlexAndorra,
Thanks for the explanation. For each Markov Chain I will obtain the statistical moments (as done by s = pm.summary(trace).round(2)
With the hdi
object I can have an estimate for the confidence intervals of each Markov Chain.
Thanks for the support.
Dear @AlexAndorra,
Let me share a new thought. I have read this demo case. After reading the case I tried the following:
- Run PyMC3 using the
fitting as observed data, from there I obtain posterior pdfs.
- Run PyMC3 using the experimental data , but the priors should be the ones obtained from (1).
The over all code behaves very good now. Can this grant me the possibility to sample around a good fit and real data at the same time???