I am trying to use ADVI on radial velocity data from this paper which specifies the Bayesian Model. I need to find a parameter E such that it satisfies Kepler’s equation M = E - e * sinE where M and e are parameters defined earlier in the model. I know the gradients for E as dE/dm = 1/(1-e*cosE) and dE/de = sinE * dE/dm
I am trying to make a custom distribution in pyMC3 for the same but havent been able to so far. My elbo keeps getting NaN values which I suspect are because of the model not using the gradients of E. In my model E is again transformed to a variable f by using arctan2. Refer the paper for more details on exact nature of my parameters.
def computeE(M,e):
E0, E = M,M
for i in range(200):
g = E0 - e*t.sin(E0) - M
gp = 1 - e*t.cos(E0)
E = E - g / gp
computeE.grad = lambda inputs,out_grad: [1/(1+inputs[1]*t.cos(E)),t.sin(E)/(1+inputs[1]*t.cos(E))]
return E
with one_planet_model:
V = pm.Uniform('V',lower=-2000,upper=2000)
e = pm.Uniform('e',lower=0,upper=1)
pomega = pm.Uniform('pomega',lower=0,upper=2*np.pi)
chi = pm.Uniform('chi',lower=0,upper=1)
T = pm.DensityDist('T',lambda value: - np.log(value) - np.log(np.log(15000 * 5)))
K = pm.DensityDist('K',lambda value: -np.log(value+1)-np.log(2001))
s = pm.DensityDist('s',lambda value: -np.log(value+1)-np.log(2001))
sd = np.sqrt(err1**2 + s**2)
M = 2 * np.pi * ((jd / T + chi) % 1)
E = computeE(M,e)
f = pm.Deterministic('f', 2 * t.arctan2(np.sqrt(1 + e) * np.sin(E / 2), np.sqrt(1 - e) * np.cos(E / 2)))
mu = V - K * (np.sin(f + pomega) + e * np.sin(pomega))
rv_obs = pm.Normal('rv_obs',mu=mu,sd=sd,observed=rv1)
I also have a theano Op as a class but dont know how to use it in my model. Any help will be much appreciated.
class myOp(theano.Op):
__prop__ = ()
itypes=[t.dvector, t.dscalar]
def perform(self, node, inputs, outputs):
M,e = inputs
E0, E = M,M
for i in range(200):
g = E0 - e*t.sin(E0) - M
gp = 1 - e*t.cos(E0)
E = E - g / gp
outputs = E
def grad(self, inputs, output_gradients):
M,e = inputs
E0, E = M,M
for i in range(200):
g = E0 - e*t.sin(E0) - M
gp = 1 - e*t.cos(E0)
E = E - g / gp
dE_dm = 1/(1-e*t.cos(E))
dE_de = t.sin(E)*dE_dm
return [dE_dm*output_gradients[0],dE_de*output_gradients[1]]