Bambi error - me or limitation of Bambi?

Hey all,

Sorry if this is the wrong venue for Bambi questions but thought I might try here.

I tried to implement the following formula:

y ~ time * tx + (time | therapist/subjects)

which expands to:

y ~ time * tx + (time | therapist:subjects) + (time | therapist)

and I get the following error:

“ValueError: Factor on right hand side of group specific term must be a single term”

Is it possible to implement three-level conditional hierarchical models in Bambi or am I simply writing this incorrectly? If I am writing it incorrectly, how would I need to reformat it to work with Bambi/Formulae?


Tomas Capretto replied on Github: ValueError: Factor on right hand side of group specific term must be a single term. · Issue #358 · bambinos/bambi · GitHub. It is an error in Formulae, the library handling formulas in Bambi. He said he will be fixing it in the next week or so. What an amazing guy.


Tomas implemented the solution and it works! It is a PR so you will need to use this before importing/pip installing Bambi and importing Formulae:

!pip install git+