Thanks @lucianopaz for the quick reply. It was helpful. I think doing posterior predictive could work.
Is the only way to combine to take samples of schoolB and do a posterior predictive? This produces sampled estimates for schoolB heights but doesn’t produce a Model() of heights which is what I am after.
Here is an example code of where I am so far (ignore the values, I know they don’t make sense as heights/ages):
import numpy as np
from pymc3 import Normal, Model, HalfCauchy, sample, sample_ppc
from theano import shared
x = np.array([-0.016, 0.002, -0.028, 0.072, -0.02 , 0.02 , 0.054, -0.054,
-0.002, 0.07 , 0.008, 0.008])
y = np.array([-0.16216216, -0.06122449, -0.10344828, 0.31468531, 0.08843537,
0.11564626, 0.18367347, -0.12162162, 0. , 0.24137931,
0.04827586, 0.01369863])
x_shared = shared(x)
with Model() as schoolA_model:
intercept = Normal('intercept', 0, sd=10)
slope = Normal('slope', 0, sd=10)
σ = HalfCauchy('σ', 1)
μ = intercept + slope * x_shared
height = Normal('height', μ, sd = σ, observed = y)
schoolA_sample = sample(1000)
biases = np.array([ 0.0045, -0.02311111, -0.06044444, -0.04533333, -0.05511111,
0.0045, -0.052, -0.042])
stds = np.array([0.02815772, 0.02494216, 0.03052504, 0.02027313, 0.04192984,
0.02815772, 0.03565109, 0.02389561])
ages = np.array([-0.04, -0.04, -0.1 , -0.08, -0.1 , -0.08, -0.06, -0.06])
# model school B
with Model() as schoolB_model:
age = Normal('age', 0, sd=10)
errors = ages - age
age_like = Normal('age_like', errors, sd = stds, observed = biases)
schoolB_sample = sample(2000, tune=2000)
with schoolA_model:
post_pred = sample_ppc(schoolA_sample, samples=500)