Covariance matrix inference

Dear all, I would like to kindly ask you for your support. I have tried to perform the inference with covariance matrix which is not hardcoded as matrix for n variables as the input and I failed. I am using the PyMC v5.3.0. Honestly, I have no idea how to solve it. Please find the code bellow which I used:

n = 3 # number of variables
data = np.random.randn(5, n) # example data with 5 observations and n variables

with pm.Model() as pearson_model_n:

    # Priors for the mean and standard deviation of each variable are weakly informative
    mean = pm.Normal('mean', mu=0, sigma=10, shape=n)
    sigma = pm.HalfNormal('sigma', sigma=10, shape=n)

    # Prior for the correlation matrix
    packed_L = pm.LKJCholeskyCov('packed_L', n=n, eta=2., sd_dist=pm.Exponential.dist(1.))
    L = pm.expand_packed_triangular(n, packed_L)
    cov = pm.Deterministic('cov',
    # Calculate the Pearson correlation matrix
    corr = pm.Deterministic('corr', cov / np.outer(sigma, sigma))

    # Define the multivariate normal distribution
    y_pred_n = pm.MvNormal('y_pred', mu=mean, cov=cov, observed=data)

    # Perform Bayesian inference
    trace_pn = pm.sample(draws=2000, chains=4, tune=1000, random_seed=42)

Here is the error I recieved:

AttributeError                            Traceback (most recent call last)
Cell In[1011], line 11
      9 # Prior for the correlation matrix
     10 packed_L = pm.LKJCholeskyCov('packed_L', n=n, eta=2., sd_dist=pm.Exponential.dist(1.))
---> 11 L = pm.expand_packed_triangular(n, packed_L)
     12 cov = pm.Deterministic('cov',
     14 # Calculate the Pearson correlation matrix

File c:\Users\uknown\anaconda3\envs\pymc202305\Lib\site-packages\pymc\, in expand_packed_triangular(n, packed, lower, diagonal_only)
    409 def expand_packed_triangular(n, packed, lower=True, diagonal_only=False):
    410     r"""Convert a packed triangular matrix into a two dimensional array.
    412     Triangular matrices can be stored with better space efficiency by
    430         If true, return only the diagonal of the matrix.
    431     """
--> 432     if packed.ndim != 1:
    433         raise ValueError("Packed triangular is not one dimensional.")
    434     if not isinstance(n, int):

AttributeError: 'tuple' object has no attribute 'ndim'

I checked the dimension/type of my input:
data shape: (5, 3)
data type: <class ‘numpy.ndarray’>

The default behavior of pm.LKJCholeskyCov was changed somewhere around v4. It now returns a 3-tuple of (chol, corr, stds), which are, in turn, the cholesky factorized covariance matrix, the correlation matrix, and the diagonal of the standard deviation matrix.

That means you can change your code as follows:

    L, corr, std = pm.LKJCholeskyCov('packed_L', n=n, eta=2., sd_dist=pm.Exponential.dist(1.))
    cov = pm.Deterministic('cov',

You can also pass L directly to pm.MvNormal using the chol argument, instead of computing the covariance matrix. Internally, the MvNormal will Cholesky factorize it again, so this is actually computationally better.

If you want the old behavior of pm.LKJCholeskyCov, you can pass compute_corr=False. In this case, it will return only the packed Cholesky covariance matrix.

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Many thanks for your quick reply, I reworked the script in the meantime so it partially works. The problem you mentioned I solved, please see the code bellow:

n = 3 # number of variables
data = np.random.randn(5, n) # example data with 5 observations and n variables

with pm.Model() as pearson_model_n:
    # Priors for the mean and standard deviation of each variable are weakly informative
    mean  = pm.Normal('mean', mu=0, sigma=10, shape=n)
    sigma = pm.HalfNormal('sigma', sigma=10, shape=n)
    sigmaDist = pm.Exponential.dist(1.0)

    # Prior for the correlation matrix
    chol, corr, sigmas = pm.LKJCholeskyCov('chol_cov', eta=4, n=n, sd_dist=sigmaDist)
    # compute the covariance matrix
    #cov =, chol.T)
    cov =
    cov = pm.Deterministic('cov', cov)
    # Calculate the Pearson correlation matrix
    #corrPearson = pm.Deterministic('corrPearson', cov / np.outer(sigma, sigma))

    # Define the multivariate normal distribution
    y_pred_n = pm.MvNormal('y_pred', mu=mean, cov=cov, observed=data)

    # Perform Bayesian inference
    trace_pn = pm.sample(draws=2000, chains=4, tune=1000, random_seed=42)

If I uncomment

corrPearson = pm.Deterministic('corrPearson', cov / np.outer(sigma, sigma))

it throw me an error:

KeyError                                  Traceback (most recent call last)
File c:\Users\hroma\anaconda3\envs\pymc202305\Lib\site-packages\pytensor\tensor\, in TensorType.dtype_specs(self)
    286 try:
--> 287     return self.dtype_specs_map[self.dtype]
    288 except KeyError:

KeyError: 'object'

During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:

TypeError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
Cell In[1048], line 18
     15 cov = pm.Deterministic('cov', cov)
     17 # Calculate the Pearson correlation matrix
---> 18 corrPearson = pm.Deterministic('corrPearson', cov / np.outer(sigma, sigma))
     20 # Define the multivariate normal distribution
     21 y_pred_n = pm.MvNormal('y_pred', mu=mean, cov=cov, observed=data)

File c:\Users\hroma\anaconda3\envs\pymc202305\Lib\site-packages\pytensor\tensor\, in _tensor_py_operators.__truediv__(self, other)
    172 def __truediv__(self, other):
--> 173     return at.math.true_div(self, other)

File c:\Users\uknown\anaconda3\envs\pymc202305\Lib\site-packages\pytensor\graph\, in Op.__call__(self, *inputs, **kwargs)
    253 r"""Construct an `Apply` node using :meth:`Op.make_node` and return its outputs.
--> 289     raise TypeError(
    290         f"Unsupported dtype for {self.__class__.__name__}: {self.dtype}"
    291     )

TypeError: Unsupported dtype for TensorType: object

I am affraid I wrongly work with arrays but I do not know how to change it to recieve the pearsons correlation coefficient. Would you be so kind and provided me suggestions how to do it ?

pm.LKJCholeskyCov returns the correlation matrix and adds it to your model. You don’t have to do any further computation.

But your specific problem is mixing numpy and pytensor. You should use pytensor.tensor for math operations instead of numpy. This would work:

x = cov / pt.outer(sigma, sigma)

In many cases, pytensor is smart enough to replace* numpy functions with the correct pytensor functions, so you can get away with doing things like np.sum on symbolic pytensor variables. But this coverage isn’t perfect, and you’ve found a case where it doesn’t work. For this reason, I recommend that people never use numpy operations in their models. Always use the equivalent function from pytensor.tensor or pm.math

*Technically nothing is “replaced”, but many numpy functions are just written in such a way that stuff happily works out.

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many thanks!

Once again, many thanks, I add final solution, wehre the pearson correlation coefficient is identical to the correlation matrix from cholesky

import pytensor.tensor as pt
n = 2 # number of variables
data = np.random.randn(5, n) # example data with 5 observations and n variables

with pm.Model() as pearson_model_n:
    # Priors for the mean and standard deviation of each variable are weakly informative
    mean  = pm.Normal('mean', mu=0, sigma=10, shape=n)
    #sigma = pm.HalfNormal('sigma', sigma=10, shape=n)
    sigmaDist = pm.Exponential.dist(1.0)

    # Prior for the correlation matrix
    chol, corr, sigmas = pm.LKJCholeskyCov('chol_cov', eta=4, n=n, sd_dist=sigmaDist)
    # compute the covariance matrix
    #cov =, chol.T)
    cov =
    cov = pm.Deterministic('cov', cov)
    # Calculate the Pearson correlation matrix
    corrPearson = pm.Deterministic('corrPearson', cov / pt.outer(sigmas, sigmas))

    # Define the multivariate normal distribution
    y_pred_n = pm.MvNormal('y_pred', mu=mean, cov=cov, observed=data)

    # Perform Bayesian inference
    trace_pn = pm.sample(draws=2000, chains=4, tune=1000, random_seed=42)
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