Estimating a latent jump process with Poisson observations

Suppose I have data like:

n = 40
mu1 = 100
mu2 = 200
mu_array = np.ones(n) * mu1
mu_array[n//2:] = mu2

xs = np.array(range(n))
ys = np.random.poisson(mu_array, size=n)

fig, ax = plt.subplots()
ax.scatter(xs, ys)
ax.set_ybound(0, None)

The idea is that there is some underlying latent parameter \mu_t, which is constant most of the time. But sometimes, it jumps to a totally different value in some wide range. We could model it by supposing that at each discrete time t, we roll a biased coin S_t \sim \mathrm{Bernoulli}(p), where p is small, say 0.01. When S_t = 0, \mu_t = \mu_{t-1}. When S_t = 1, \mu_t \sim \mathrm{SomeDistribution}(...), which could be something fairly flat like a Uniform, or a Gamma with a large variance. For simplicity I’ll go with a Uniform.

We don’t observe \mu_t directly, instead at each time step we observe a single count observation from a \mathrm{Poisson}(\mu_t).

Note: this isn’t about trying to estimate the location of a single switchpoint, as in the coal mining example in the docs. The example data has one jump, but in general there could be arbitrarily many. For instance, it could look like:


mus = []
counts = []
n = 200
for _ in range(n):
    if np.random.random() < 0.01:
        mu = np.random.uniform(0, 500)
        mu = mus[-1] if mus else 100

    count = np.random.poisson(mu)

fig, ax = plt.subplots()
ax.scatter(np.array(range(n)), counts)

But I want to at least get it to work on the simple dataset first.

First, can this kind of model even be fit in pymc? I think there would be gradient difficulties due to branching on the result of the Bernoulli cointoss, and I don’t know if that’s fatal or can be worked around. Second, if it is doable, how do I do it properly? Here is a naive attempt, that I didn’t really expect to work:

with Model() as model:
    mus = []
    for n, y in enumerate(ys):
        if len(mus) == 0:
            prior_mu = pm.Uniform(f"mu_{n}", lower=0, upper=500)
            switch = pm.Bernoulli(f"switch_{n}", p=0.01)
            prior_mu = pm.Deterministic(
                    switch > 0,
                    pm.Uniform(f"unif_{n}", lower=0, upper=500),
        new_mu = pm.Poisson(f"y_{n}", mu=prior_mu, observed=y)

    idata = sample(5000, target_accept=0.98)
Multiprocess sampling (4 chains in 4 jobs)
>NUTS: [mu_0, unif_1, unif_2, unif_3, unif_4, unif_5, unif_6, unif_7, unif_8, unif_9, unif_10, unif_11, unif_12, unif_13, unif_14, unif_15, unif_16, unif_17, unif_18, unif_19, unif_20, unif_21, unif_22, unif_23, unif_24, unif_25, unif_26, unif_27, unif_28, unif_29, unif_30, unif_31, unif_32, unif_33, unif_34, unif_35, unif_36, unif_37, unif_38, unif_39]
>BinaryGibbsMetropolis: [switch_1, switch_2, switch_3, switch_4, switch_5, switch_6, switch_7, switch_8, switch_9, switch_10, switch_11, switch_12, switch_13, switch_14, switch_15, switch_16, switch_17, switch_18, switch_19, switch_20, switch_21, switch_22, switch_23, switch_24, switch_25, switch_26, switch_27, switch_28, switch_29, switch_30, switch_31, switch_32, switch_33, switch_34, switch_35, switch_36, switch_37, switch_38, switch_39]

Sampling 4 chains, 0 divergences ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 100% 0:00:00 / 0:02:09

Sampling 4 chains for 1_000 tune and 5_000 draw iterations (4_000 + 20_000 draws total) took 130 seconds.
/nix/store/0p0m0595a9q7m19x35xvydv5h9irg9gi-python3-3.11.9-env/lib/python3.11/site-packages/arviz/stats/ RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in scalar divide
  (between_chain_variance / within_chain_variance + num_samples - 1) / (num_samples)

As I sort of expected, this is an abject disaster:

az.plot_trace(idata, var_names=["mu_0",
                                "mu_1", "mu_2", "mu_3", "mu_4", "mu_5",
                                "mu_10", "mu_15", "mu_20", "mu_21", "mu_25", "mu_30", "mu_35"

Some of the traces look reasonable, others are almost Dirac-delta singularities, others are bimodal and spread across the parameter range. Not good!

I don’t understand pymc well enough to know if this is just because I’m implementing the model wrong, or if it’s intractable in any case. Can anyone shed some light? I’m also open to other ways of modelling the data … anything that will behave like “constant most of the time, with occasional large jumps”.

Here’s an example implementation with a discrete change point parameter:

See Case study 2: Coal mining disasters:
Introductory Overview of PyMC — PyMC 5.16.2 documentation

It’s much much more efficient to marginalize out the change points and absolutely critical if you need to estimate tail change point probability. Unfortunately, with multiple change points, marginalization cost grows exponentially in number of change points.

This thread may be useful: Hierarchical changepoint detection

I think the question is about poisson jump processes, which are a class of stochastic diffusion model used in finance. Particularly a “compensated Poisson martingale” show in equation (20.7).

You can write your data generating process in PyMC like this:

import pymc as pm
from pymc.pytensorf import collect_default_updates
import pytensor.tensor as pt
import pytensor

with pm.Model() as m:
    def jump_process_dist(x0, p, lower, upper, size=None):
        def step(mu_tm1, p, lower, upper):
            switch = pm.Bernoulli.dist(p=p)
            jump = pm.Uniform.dist(lower=lower, upper=upper)
            mu_t = switch * jump + (1 - switch) * mu_tm1
            return mu_t, collect_default_updates(mu_t)
        outputs, updates = pytensor.scan(step,
                                       non_sequences=[p, lower, upper],
        return outputs
#     x0 = pm.Uniform('x0', lower=0, upper=500)
    x0 = pm.DiracDelta('x0', 100.0)
    p = 0.01
    lower = 0
    upper = 500
    mu = pm.CustomDist('mu', x0, p, lower, upper, dist=jump_process_dist)
    obs = pm.Poisson('obs', mu=mu, observed=counts)

Which produces samples like this:

fig, ax = plt.subplots(2, 5, figsize=(14, 6), dpi=144, sharex=True, sharey=True)
for i, axis in enumerate(fig.axes):
    axis.scatter(np.arange(n), pm.draw(obs))
    [spine.set_visible(False) for spine in axis.spines.values()]
    axis.grid(ls='--', lw=0.5)
    axis.set(title=f'Sample {i}')

But unfortunately you can’t sample from this, because the logic that transforms a generative graph to a log probability of data can’t handle the bernoulli mixture inside the step function (I think – @ricardoV94 correct me if I’m wrong if it’s actually going wrong somewhere else).

If you can write down a closed-form expression for the logp yourself, you can provide it to the pm.CustomDist and solve this problem. I believe such an expression exists, but I don’t know it (helpful, I know)

You may be able to use Mixture inside the step to marginalize the idx variable