Estimating parameters of Random Volatility Models using `pytensor.scan` and `pm.CustomDist`

Hello everyone,

I’m currently working on fitting a random volatility model using PyMC. Here’s my code:

import multiprocessing
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import pymc as pm
from pymc.pytensorf import collect_default_updates
import xarray as xr
import arviz as az
import pytensor
import pytensor.tensor as pt

def main():

    BURNIN = 5000
    N = 15000
    dt = 1/240

    stock_price_data = pd.read_csv("convvalue_data//2023-05-12&110043.SH.csv")
    Y = np.diff(np.log(stock_price_data["convvalue"]))
    T = len(Y)
    def heston_dist(V0, cov_matrix, kappa, theta, mu, sigma_err, size):
        def step(*args):
            V_tml, cov_matrix, kappa, theta, mu, sigma_err = args
            epsilons = pm.MvNormal.dist(mu=0, cov=cov_matrix)
            V = epsilons[1] * pt.sqrt(V_tml * dt) + (1 - kappa * dt) * V_tml + kappa * theta * dt
            mu_Y = epsilons[0] * pt.sqrt(V_tml * dt) - 0.5 * V_tml * dt + mu * dt
            y = pm.Normal.dist(mu=mu_Y, sigma=sigma_err)
            return (V, y), collect_default_updates(inputs=args, outputs=[y])
        (V, y), updates = pytensor.scan(fn=step, 
                                        outputs_info=[V0, None], 
                                        non_sequences=[cov_matrix, kappa, theta, mu, sigma_err],
        return y
    def calc_cov_matrix(phi, omega):
        cov_matrix = pm.math.stack([
            [1., phi],
            [phi, phi**2 + omega]
        return cov_matrix
    with pm.Model() as mod:    
        mu = pm.Normal('mu', 0, sigma=1)
        kappa = pm.Normal('kappa', 0, sigma=1)
        theta = pm.Normal('theta', 0, sigma=1)
        omega = pm.InverseGamma('omega', alpha=2, beta=0.005)
        std_dev = pm.Deterministic('std_dev', omega / 2)
        phi = pm.Normal('phi', 0, sigma=std_dev)
        V0 = pm.TruncatedNormal('V0', mu=0.0225, sigma=0.005, lower=0)
        cov_matrix = pm.Deterministic('cov_matrix', calc_cov_matrix(phi, omega))
        y_obs =  pm.ConstantData('y_obs', Y)
        sigma_err = pm.HalfNormal('sigma', 0.1) # variance
        y = pm.CustomDist('obs', 
                          V0, cov_matrix, kappa, theta, mu, sigma_err,
        idata = pm.sample()

if __name__ == '__main__':

I have a few questions:

  1. My observed data is related to Y. Do I need to convert Y into pm.ConstantData or pm.MutableData? What’s the difference between the two?

  2. An issue has been bothering me for quite a while. In the scan function, Y is obtained through T sets of random numbers following a bivariate normal distribution epsilons. As a result, after each iteration, I should have T values of Y, forming a time series of length T. Meanwhile, my observed data for Y also has a length of T. My goal is to fit the generated Y using the observed data in order to estimate the parameters. I’m wondering if the pm.CustomDist function I’ve written can address this problem effectively?

  3. When I run the code, I encounter the following error. But I don’t think I have missed any input.

pytensor.graph.utils.MissingInputError: OpFromGraph is missing an input: *1-<RandomGeneratorType>

To specific Question 2, I am not sure whether using y = pm.Normal.dist(mu=mu_Y, sigma=sigma_err) can meet my goals or not. After all, it is not a prediction model but a Stochastic Model.

I’ll try to look at your model more carefully later tonight, but there’s a tutorial on PyMC data containers here that should answer your question 1 in excruciating detail. This notebook of a GARCH model might help with question 2?

I sucessfully run my codes without pm.CustomDist.

    def step(*args):
        epsilons, V_tml, kappa, theta = args
        V = epsilons[1] * pt.sqrt(V_tml * dt) + (1 - kappa * dt) * V_tml + kappa * theta * dt
        return V
    def heston_pt(epsilons, V0, kappa, theta, mu):
        V, updates = pytensor.scan(fn=step,
                                   non_sequences=[kappa, theta],

        y = epsilons[1:, 0] * pt.sqrt(V[:-1] * dt) - 0.5 * V[:-1] * dt + mu * dt
        return y

    def make_model(Y, T, mode=None):
        with pm.Model() as mod:    
            mu = pm.Normal('mu', 0, sigma=1)
            kappa = pm.Normal('kappa', 0, sigma=1)
            theta = pm.Normal('theta', 0, sigma=1)
            omega = pm.InverseGamma('omega', alpha=2, beta=0.005)
            std_dev = pm.Deterministic('std_dev', omega / 2)
            phi = pm.Normal('phi', 0, sigma=std_dev)
            V0 = pm.TruncatedNormal('V0', mu=0.0225, sigma=0.005, lower=0)
            cov_matrix = pm.Deterministic('cov_matrix', calc_cov_matrix(phi, omega))
            epislons = pm.MvNormal('epislons', mu=np.zeros(2), cov=cov_matrix, shape=(T, 2))
            y = pm.Deterministic('y', heston_pt(epislons, V0, kappa, theta, mu))
            sigma_err = pm.Exponential('sigma', 0.1)
            obs = pm.Normal('obs', mu=y, sigma=sigma_err, observed=Y[1:])
        return mod

But it takes me more than 3 hours to get my results and the divergences seem large.

WARNING (pytensor.tensor.blas): Using NumPy C-API based implementation for BLAS functions.
Auto-assigning NUTS sampler...
Initializing NUTS using jitter+adapt_diag...
Multiprocess sampling (4 chains in 4 jobs)
NUTS: [mu, kappa, theta, omega, phi, V0, epislons, sigma]
 |███-| 95.30% [76241/80000 2:46:42<08:13 Sampling 4 chains, 55,771 divergences]

I wonder is it normal that it takes so much time? How can I speed up this sampler progress within Windows system.

Any advice will be dearly appreciated.

The pytensor.tensor.blas warning says your sampling is going to be slow. Did you install PyMC using the recommended instructions?

It will also be better if you can keep all your questions about this model in a single thread, so the answers aren’t scattered into so many places.

Thanks for your reply!

I installed pymc by pip install pymc.