Hello everyone,
I am Dhruvanshu Joshi, a sophomore at VJTI, India majoring in computer science. I have been actively contributing to pymc for quite some months now and would love to work on Support automatic derivation of arbitrary censoring logp as my summer GSOC project. I have drafted a proposal for the same and here’s a link to the same. I would love to have the communities feedback on this which can help me enhance this proposal. Through all the PRs that I have worked on till date, I have learned a lot about opensource development and probabilistic programming in general. Ever since I started contributing to the PyMC repository the idea of logarithmic probability distribution functions excited me. I even worked on a PR which focussed on implementing log probs for SpecifyShape and CheckAndRaise class. I believe that this project will help me broaden my knowledge spectrum on this topic. During my research on this topic, I also realized how important it is to censor data in real life applications of Bayesian modeling such as in Epidemiology Studies and in analysis of Multiple-Tumor Data which further motivated me to pursue this project.
@ricardoV94 @larryshamalama
Thank you for your time!
Hi @Dhruvanshu_Joshi, thanks for sharing your proposal! I had a quick skim and included some (mostly) minor comments. Overall, it looks great, particularly where you highlight your understanding on the logprob submodule
Happy to give it another look if you wish
@Dhruvanshu_Joshi just a heads up that another participant may be considering writing an application to the same project: GSoC Project - 2023
This is not a problem, but at most one participant can be picked for a project. If you have another project you feel equally interested feel free to target that instead. If this project speaks to you personally, by all means go ahead with the current proposal.
Best of luck!
Thank you @larryshamalama for the quick response and helpful comments (and also pointing out and helping with the silly errors😁 ). I have incorporated all the suggested changes and would be more than happy if you could give it another glance.
Thankyou @ricardoV94 for the quick response. I am aware of the competition for this project. Nonetheless, I would like to continue with this project also as I believe it can help me widen my spectrum on logprobs and is also very much related to the work that I have done and want to do. I do realise only one participant can be alloted this project. I would love to skim through the project ideas and submit an additional proposal to maximise my chances of working with the community.
I think focusing on one proposal is the best.
What I said was just meant as reminder to avoid unpleasant suprises down the road 
I understand and thank you for the advice @ricardoV94
@Dhruvanshu_Joshi I left some comments on your draft, sorry for being so last-minute. Don’t forget that the deadline for submitting the proposal on the GSOC website is April 4th (confirm the exact timezone that applies)
Thank you @ricardoV94 for the valuable feedback. I will update the proposal accordingly and submit it before the deadline.