Hierarchical Modeling Labels

Is there a way to change the labels of the distribution of coefficients coming out? For example, my sales forecast model is based on a hierarchy of 72 departments within one store. Instead of having ‘intercept_0, intercept_1, etc.’ on the trace plots and trace_to_dataframe output, is there a way to change those to ‘intercept_dept_a, intercept_dept_b, etc’?

This would make communicating actual results easier for business purposes. Thanks.

Apparently there are no built-in arguments that you can give to traceplot to change the displayed labels from the variable’s name to something else.

Maybe @colcarroll knows a way, possibly using arviz.

If in the end there are no built-in ways, you can either

  1. Get a dataframe from the trace, change the indexes names as you like, and then hand it over to arviz.plot_trace
  2. Add deterministics to your model with your desired name.

Wow, this is exactly a use case for arviz. There’s an open PR to make this work automatically for you, but right now, I would first pip install arviz, and then (I’m guessing based on what you provided):

import arviz as az
import pymc3 as pm

with my_model:
    trace = pm.sample()

data = az.from_pymc3(trace=trace, 
                     coords={'departments': list_of_department_names}, 
                     dims={'intercept': ['departments']})

az.plot_trace(data, var_names='intercept')

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I ran the code and it’s been churning for about 3 hours now. To give a little more context, here is my model:

with pm.Model() as sales_model:

    #define the priors
    mu_a = pm.Normal('mu_a', mu = 0, sd = 10)
    sigma_a = pm.HalfCauchy('sigma_a', 5)
    #mu_d = pm.Normal('mu_d', mu = 0, sd = 10)
    #sigma_d = pm.HalfCauchy('sigma_d', 5)

    alpha = pm.Normal('intercept', mu=mu_a, sd = sigma_a, shape = n_dept)
    beta_2 = pm.Normal('IsHoliday_T', mu = 0, sd = 20)
    beta_3 = pm.Normal('Week', mu = 0, sd = 20)

    s = pm.HalfCauchy('sd', 5)

    #define the likelihood
    mu = alpha[dept_idx] + beta_2*train['IsHoliday_True'].values + beta_3*train['Week'].values

    y = pm.StudentT('sales', nu = 5, mu = mu, sd = s
                , observed = train['Weekly_Sales'], shape = train['Weekly_Sales'].shape)

    trace = pm.sample(draws=5000, cores = 1, init = 'advi', progressbar=True)
    trace_plot = pm.traceplot(trace[1000:], grid=True)
    ppc = pm.plot_posterior(trace[1000:])
    summary = pm.summary(trace)
    posterior = pm.trace_to_dataframe(trace)

Here is the arviz code I ran:

import arviz as az
with sales_model:

data = az.from_pymc3(trace=trace, 
                 coords={'departments': dept_names}, 
                 dims={'intercept': ['departments']})

az.plot_trace(data, var_names='intercept')

Is it normal to churn for that long?

Definitely should not churn for that long. Usually it is under 10s, unless I am feeding it funny data.

I should ask, how big is n_dept? The plot will make one subplot for each value in there, and matplotlib stops when you have more than, say, 100 subplots…

Can you share the output of data.posterior.intercept?

There are 77 unique departments. I’ll have to rerun the model which takes a few hours because I can’t get multiprocessing to work on windows. Will post when it’s done but can tell you there is intercept_0…intercept_76

Once you rerun the model, you should be able to save it as a netcdf file after the az.from_pymc3 call: data.to_netcdf("my_data.nc"). This is built on hdf5, and is a nice way of storing pymc3 traces on disk.