How to implement the Bayesian inference correctly?

I have been working with pymc3 for a while and I was observing the several tutorials with examples. However, I am not sure if I am approaching the Bayesian method correctly. Find below my approach:

    from pymc3.distributions import Interpolated
    import numpy as np
    # import warnings
    # import sys
    import theano.tensor as tt
    from scipy import stats
    from pymc3.theanof import floatX
    from pymc3.distributions.dist_math import bound
    import pymc3 as pm
    from pymc3.distributions.continuous import assert_negative_support, get_tau_sigma
    from pymc3.distributions.distribution import Continuous, draw_values, generate_samples
    THEANO_FLAGS='device=cuda, floatX=float32'
    class Hypsecant(Continuous):
        mu: float
            Location parameter.
        sigma: float
            Scale parameter (sigma > 0). Converges to the standard deviation as nu increases. (only required if lam is not specified)
        lam: float
            Scale parameter (lam > 0). Converges to the precision as nu increases. (only required if sigma is not specified)
        def __init__(self, mu=None, sigma=None, lam=None, sd=None, *args, **kwargs):
            # super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
            # super(Hypsecant, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
            if sd is not None:
                sigma = sd
                warnings.warn("sd is deprecated, use sigma instead", DeprecationWarning)
            lam, sigma = get_tau_sigma(tau=lam, sigma=sigma)
            self.lam = lam = tt.as_tensor_variable(lam)
            self.sigma = = sigma = tt.as_tensor_variable(sigma)
            self.mean = self.median = self.mode = = mu = tt.as_tensor_variable(mu)
            self.variance = tt.as_tensor_variable(1)
            assert_negative_support(mu, 'mu', 'Hypsecant')
            assert_negative_support(sigma, 'sigma (lam)', 'Hypsecant')
            # return super(Hypsecant, self).__init__(shape=[mu, sigma], *args, **kwargs)
            return super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        def random(self, point=None, size=None):
            Draw random values from Hypsecant distribution.
            point: dict, optional
                Dict of variable values on which random values are to be
                conditioned (uses default point if not specified).
            size: int, optional
                Desired size of random sample (returns one sample if not
            # mu =
            # lam = self.lam
            # sigma = self.sigma
            # # sd =
            # mu =
            # lam, sigma = get_tau_sigma(sigma=sigma)
            mu, sigma = draw_values([, self.sigma], point=point, size=size)
            return generate_samples(stats.hypsecant.rvs, loc=mu, scale=sigma, dist_shape=self.shape, size=size)
        def logp(self, value):
            Calculate log-probability of Hypsecant distribution at specified value.
            value: numeric
                Value(s) for which log-probability is calculated. If the log probabilities for multiple
                values are desired the values must be provided in a numpy array or theano tensor
            # mu =
           # lam = self.lam
            sigma = self.sigma
            # # sd =
            mu =
            # lam, sigma = get_tau_sigma(sigma=sigma)
            Px = pm.math.log(1.0/(math.pi * pm.math.cosh(value)))
            return bound(Px)
            # return bound(Px, mu, lam, sigma)
        def logcdf(self, value):
            Compute the log of the cumulative distribution function for Hypsecant distribution
            at the specified value.
            value: numeric
                Value(s) for which log CDF is calculated. If the log CDF for multiple
                values are desired the values must be provided in a numpy array or theano tensor.
            # # mu =
            # # lam = self.lam
            # # # self.sigma = = sigma = tt.as_tensor_variable(sigma)
            # mu =
            # lam = self.lam
            sigma = self.sigma
            # # sd =
            mu =
            # lam, sigma = get_tau_sigma(sigma=sigma)
            # return bound(pm.math.log(2.0 / math.pi * tt.math.atan(tt.math.exp(value))), mu, lam, sigma)
            return bound(pm.math.log(2.0 / math.pi * tt.math.atan(tt.math.exp(value))))
    def hypsecan(x,x0,sigma):
        y = st.hypsecant.pdf(x,loc=x0,scale=sigma)
        return y
    def get_hist(data, data_size):
        #### General code:
        # bins_formulas = ['auto', 'fd', 'scott', 'rice', 'sturges', 'doane', 'sqrt']
        # bins = np.histogram_bin_edges(a=data, bins='fd', range=(min(data), max(data)))
        # bins = np.histogram_bin_edges(a=data, bins='sturges')
        # print('Bin value = ', bins)
        # Obtaining the histogram of data:
        # Hist, bin_edges = histogram(a=data, bins=bins, range=(min(data), max(data)), density=True)
        # bin_mid = (bin_edges + np.roll(bin_edges, -1))[:-1] / 2.0  # go from bin edges to bin middles
        # Hist = histogram(a=data, bins=bins, range=(min(data), max(data)), density=True)
        # Hist = histogram(a=data, bins=bins, density=True)
        # Hist = histogram(a=data, bins=int(data_size), density=True)
        Hist = histogram(a=data, density=True)
        # return bin_mid
        return Hist
    def get_best_distribution(data):
        ## Best distribution from KS test:
        # dist_names = ["beta"]
        # dist_names = ["bradford"]
        # dist_names = ["tukeylambda"]
        # dist_names = ["uniform"]
        # dist_names = ["alpha"]
        # dist_names = ["gennorm"]
        # dist_names = ["cauchy"]
        # dist_names = ["genextreme"]
        # dist_names = ["logistic"]
        # dist_names = ["johnsonsu"]
        # dist_names = ["arcsine"]
        # dist_names = ["pareto"]
        # Propbable distributions:
        # dist_names = ["norm"]
        # dist_names = ["laplace"]
        # dist_names = ["logistic"]
        # dist_names = ["maxwell"]
        # dist_names = ["moyal"]
        # dist_names = ["rayleigh"]
        # dist_names = ["wald"]
        dist_names = ["hypsecant"]
        dist_results = []
        params = {}
        for dist_name in dist_names:
            dist = getattr(st, dist_name)
            param =
            params[dist_name] = param
            # Applying the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test
            D, p = st.kstest(data, dist_name, args=param)
            print("p value for " + dist_name + " = " + str(p))
            dist_results.append((dist_name, p))
        # select the best fitted distribution
        best_dist, best_p = (max(dist_results, key=lambda item: item[1]))
        # store the name of the best fit and its p value
        print("Best fitting distribution: " + str(best_dist))
        print("Best p value: " + str(best_p))
        print("Parameters for the best fit: " + str(params[best_dist]))
        return best_dist, best_p, params[best_dist]
    def make_pdf(data, dist, params, size):
        """Generate distributions's Probability Distribution Function """
        # Get histogram of original data
        Hist_list = get_hist(data, size)
        Hist_data, bin_edges = Hist_list
        bin_mid = (bin_edges + np.roll(bin_edges, -1))[:-1] / 2.0  # go from bin edges to bin middles
        # Separate parts of parameters
        arg = params[:-2]
        loc = params[-2]
        scale = params[-1]
        # Get sane start and end points of distribution
        start = dist.ppf(0.01, *arg, loc=loc, scale=scale) if arg else dist.ppf(0.01, loc=loc, scale=scale)
        end = dist.ppf(0.99, *arg, loc=loc, scale=scale) if arg else dist.ppf(0.99, loc=loc, scale=scale)
        # # Build PDF and turn into pandas Series
        # size = int(size)
        # x = np.linspace(start, end, size)
        # y = dist.pdf(x, loc=loc, scale=scale, *arg)
        # scale_pdf = np.trapz(Hist_list[0], (Hist_list[1] + np.roll(Hist_list[1], -1))[:-1] / 2.0)  / np.trapz(y, x)
        # y *= scale_pdf
        # pdf = pd.Series(y, x)
        # return pdf, x, y
        # # Build PDF and turn into pandas Series
        # size = int(size)
        # x = bin_edges
        # # x = bin_mid
        # y = dist.pdf(x, loc=loc, scale=scale, *arg)
        # print(y)
        # scale_pdf = np.trapz(Hist_list[0], (Hist_list[1] + np.roll(Hist_list[1], -1))[:-1] / 2.0)  / np.trapz (y, x)
        # y *= scale_pdf
        # pdf = pd.Series(y, x)
        # return pdf, x, y
        # # Build PDF and turn into pandas Series
        # size = int(size)
        # x_1 = bin_edges
        # y_1 = dist.pdf(x_1, loc=loc, scale=scale, *arg)
        # # scale_pdf = np.trapz(Hist_list[0], (Hist_list[1] + np.roll(Hist_list[1], -1))[:-1] / 2.0)  / np.trapz(y_1, x_1)
        # # y_1 *= scale_pdf
        # # Fitting the distribution:
        # param =
        # # Separate parts of parameters
        # arg_2 = param[:-2]
        # loc_2 = param[-2]
        # scale_2 = param[-1]
        # # Get sane start and end points of distribution
        # start_2 = dist.ppf(0.01, *arg_2, loc=loc_2, scale=scale_2) if arg_2 else dist.ppf(0.01, loc=loc_2, scale=scale_2)
        # end_2 = dist.ppf(0.99, *arg_2, loc=loc_2, scale=scale_2) if arg_2 else dist.ppf(0.99, loc=loc_2, scale=scale_2)
        # # Build PDF and turn into pandas Series
        # x_2 = np.linspace(start_2, end_2, size)
        # y_2 = dist.pdf(x_2, loc=loc_2, scale=scale_2, *arg_2)
        # scale_pdf_2 = np.trapz(Hist_list[0], (Hist_list[1] + np.roll(Hist_list[1], -1))[:-1] / 2.0)  / np.trapz(y_2, x_2)
        # y_2 *= scale_pdf_2
        # pdf_2 = pd.Series(y_2, x_2)
        # return pdf_2, x_2, y_2
        # # Build PDF and turn into pandas Series
        # size = int(size)
        # x = np.linspace(start, end, size)
        # y = dist.pdf(bin_edges, loc=loc, scale=scale, *arg)
        # # scale_pdf = np.trapz(Hist_list[0], (Hist_list[1] + np.roll(Hist_list[1], -1))[:-1] / 2.0)  / np.trapz(y, x)
        # scale_pdf = np.trapz(Hist_list[0], (Hist_list[1] + np.roll(Hist_list[1], -1))[:-1] / 2.0)  / np.trapz(y, bin_edges)
        # y *= scale_pdf
        # pdf = pd.Series(y, x)
        # return pdf, x, y
        # ## Fitting the curve:
        # # Build PDF and turn into pandas Series
        # size = int(size)
        # x = bin_edges
        # y = dist.pdf(x, loc=loc, scale=scale, *arg)
        # scale_pdf = np.trapz(Hist_list[0], (Hist_list[1] + np.roll(Hist_list[1], -1))[:-1] / 2.0)  / np.trapz (y, x)
        # y *= scale_pdf
        # # Getting mean and sigma of Gaussain distribution:
        # # mean = sum(x*y) / sum(y)
        # # sigma = np.sqrt(sum(y * (x - mean)**2) / sum(y))
        # mean = np.mean(y)
        # sigma = np.sqrt(np.var(y))
        # # Fitting the curve using curve fit:
        # print('Implement fitting a curve')
        # # popt, pcov = curve_fit(hypsecan, x, y, p0=[max(y), mean, sigma])
        # # y = gaus(x, *popt)
        # # popt, pcov = curve_fit((lambda x, mu, sig: dist.pdf(x, loc=mu, scale=sig)), x, y, p0=[max(y), mean, sigma])
        # # y = dist.pdf(x, *popt)
        # popt, pcov = curve_fit(hypsecan, x, y, p0=[max(y), loc, scale])
        # x = np.linspace(start, end, size)   
        # y = gaus(x, *popt)
        # scale_pdf = np.trapz(Hist_list[0], (Hist_list[1] + np.roll(Hist_list[1], -1))[:-1] / 2.0)  / np.trapz (y, x)
        # y *= scale_pdf
        # pdf = pd.Series(y, x)
        # return pdf, x, y
        ## Fitting the curve:
        # Build PDF and turn into pandas Series
        size = int(size)
        x = bin_edges
        y = dist.pdf(x, loc=loc, scale=scale, *arg)
        scale_pdf = np.trapz(Hist_list[0], (Hist_list[1] + np.roll(Hist_list[1], -1))[:-1] / 2.0)  / np.trapz (y, x)
        y *= scale_pdf
        # Getting mean and sigma of Gaussain distribution:
        param =
        # Separate parts of parameters
        arg_2 = param[:-2]
        loc_2 = param[-2]
        scale_2 = param[-1]
        # Get sane start and end points of distribution
        start = dist.ppf(0.01, *arg, loc=loc_2, scale=scale_2) if arg_2 else dist.ppf(0.01, loc=loc_2, scale=scale_2)
        end = dist.ppf(0.99, *arg, loc=loc_2, scale=scale_2) if arg_2 else dist.ppf(0.99, loc=loc_2, scale=scale_2)
        # Fitting the curve using curve fit:
        print('Implement fitting a curve')
        popt, pcov = curve_fit(hypsecan, x, y, p0=[loc, scale])
        x = np.linspace(start, end, size)   
        y = hypsecan(x, *popt)
        scale_pdf = np.trapz(Hist_list[0], (Hist_list[1] + np.roll(Hist_list[1], -1))[:-1] / 2.0)  / np.trapz (y, x)
        y *= scale_pdf
        pdf = pd.Series(y, x)
        return pdf, x, y
    def pdf_Bayesian_Interface(data):
        with pm.Model() as model:
                # Prior Distributions for unknown model parameters:
                # nu = pm.HalfNormal('nu', sd=1)
                sigma = pm.HalfNormal('sigma', sd=5)
                mu = pm.Normal('mu', mu=0, sd=5)
                # pm.Normal()
                # Observed data is from a Likelihood distributions (Likelihood (sampling distribution) of observations):
                observed_data = Hypsecant('observed_data', mu=mu, sigma=sigma, observed=data)
                # obtain starting values via MAP
                # startvals = pm.find_MAP(model=model)
                # instantiate sampler
                # step = pm.Metropolis()  ## Best one
                # step = pm.HamiltonianMC()
                # step = pm.NUTS()
                # step = pm.sample_smc(n_steps=10, cores=2,progressbar=True)
                # Printing the result of log_likelihood:
                # print('log_likelihood result:', model)
                # draw 5000 posterior samples
                trace = pm.sample(draws=1000, tune=500, chains=3, cores=1, progressbar=True)
                # trace = pm.sample(start=startvals, draws=1500, step=step, tune=500, chains=3, cores=1, progressbar=True)
                # Obtaining Posterior Predictive Sampling:
                post_pred = pm.sample_posterior_predictive(trace, samples=1000)
                # post_pred = pm.sample_posterior_predictive(trace, samples=1500)
                print('\nSummary: ')
        return trace, post_pred
    ######## Main Program:
            print('Accessing Bayesian PDF for input data:')
            trace, post_pred = pdf_Bayesian_Interface(data=pdfdata)
            best_dist = getattr(st, 'hypsecant')
            param = [np.mean(trace['mu']), np.mean(trace['sigma'])]
            print('Parameters values = ', param)
            pdf, x_axis_pdf, y_axis_pdf = make_pdf(data=all_peaks, dist=best_dist, params=param, size=len(trace))

I have the following questions:

  • Is my approach is correct?
  • I had a question with regards about the
    Bayesian updating. Question can be found in here Bayesian fusion
    and Bayesian Fusion question Bayesian updating , is there a way to extract parameters to use as priors?
  • How to extract parameters to use as postierior distribution? (Using code above)
  • Is my code for the custom distribution part done correctly?

Hi, the scope of your question is very wide and I also found the code hard to follow with the extra breaklines, repeated code and no syntax highlighting, here is an attempt to a partial answer.

There is really no way to know without some more information about what is it what you are trying to achieve, we’ll also probably need to run the code and play around for a bit which doesn’t seem possible as is, there is an st variable used for example which I think is supposed to be scipy.stats but I’m not sure.

I know it is hard and can also be frustrating, but in my case (and I imagine other people find is similar situations) I log in from time to time for a bit and try to answer some questions. Having limited time, I restrict myself to questions I can understand quickly and expect to be able to answer in that time window. The easier you manage to make this the higher probability someone will be able to answer.

Similar comments here, I’ll add more details on the other topic.

Having never written a distribution myself, I am afraid the best I can do is refer you to

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My input data is basically input array that represents continuous distribution. And yes st is scipy.stats