Extracting the updated prior parameter values

I am working with the implementation of a data fusion method using pymc3. I asked a question before from the following link Creating Data Fusion with PYMC3 and I had investigated again where I noticed that I used the wrong distribution (One I was supposed to use is hypsecant distribution). So I modified the code to the following:

class Hypsecant(Continuous):
    mu: float
        Location parameter.
    sigma: float
        Scale parameter (sigma > 0). Converges to the standard deviation as nu increases. (only required if lam is not specified)
    lam: float
        Scale parameter (lam > 0). Converges to the precision as nu increases. (only required if sigma is not specified)

    def __init__(self, mu=None, sigma=None, lam=None, sd=None, *args, **kwargs):
        # super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        # super(Hypsecant, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        if sd is not None:
            sigma = sd
            warnings.warn("sd is deprecated, use sigma instead", DeprecationWarning)
        lam, sigma = get_tau_sigma(tau=lam, sigma=sigma)
        self.lam = lam = tt.as_tensor_variable(lam)
        self.sigma = self.sd = sigma = tt.as_tensor_variable(sigma)
        self.mean = self.median = self.mode = self.mu = mu = tt.as_tensor_variable(mu)
        self.variance = tt.as_tensor_variable(1)

        assert_negative_support(mu, 'mu', 'Hypsecant')
        assert_negative_support(sigma, 'sigma (lam)', 'Hypsecant')
        # return super(Hypsecant, self).__init__(shape=[mu, sigma], *args, **kwargs)
        return super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)

    def random(self, point=None, size=None):
        Draw random values from Hypsecant distribution.
        point: dict, optional
            Dict of variable values on which random values are to be
            conditioned (uses default point if not specified).
        size: int, optional
            Desired size of random sample (returns one sample if not
        # mu = self.mu
        # lam = self.lam
        # sigma = self.sigma
        # # sd = self.sd
        # mu = self.mu
        # lam, sigma = get_tau_sigma(sigma=sigma)
        mu, sigma = draw_values([self.mu, self.sigma], point=point, size=size)
        return generate_samples(stats.hypsecant.rvs, loc=mu, scale=sigma, dist_shape=self.shape, size=size)

    def logp(self, value):
        Calculate log-probability of Hypsecant distribution at specified value.
        value: numeric
            Value(s) for which log-probability is calculated. If the log probabilities for multiple
            values are desired the values must be provided in a numpy array or theano tensor
        # mu = self.mu
        # lam = self.lam
        sigma = self.sigma
        # # sd = self.sd
        mu = self.mu
        # lam, sigma = get_tau_sigma(sigma=sigma)

        Px = pm.math.log(1.0/(math.pi * pm.math.cosh(value)))
        return bound(Px)
        # return bound(Px, mu, lam, sigma)

    def logcdf(self, value):
        Compute the log of the cumulative distribution function for Hypsecant distribution
        at the specified value.
        value: numeric
            Value(s) for which log CDF is calculated. If the log CDF for multiple
            values are desired the values must be provided in a numpy array or theano tensor.
        # # mu = self.mu
        # # lam = self.lam
        # # # self.sigma = self.sd = sigma = tt.as_tensor_variable(sigma)
        # mu = self.mu
        # lam = self.lam
        sigma = self.sigma
        # # sd = self.sd
        mu = self.mu
        # lam, sigma = get_tau_sigma(sigma=sigma)
        # return bound(pm.math.log(2.0 / math.pi * tt.math.atan(tt.math.exp(value))), mu, lam, sigma)
        return bound(pm.math.log(2.0 / math.pi * tt.math.atan(tt.math.exp(value))))

def from_posterior(param, samples):
    # Assigning linspace variable:
    samples_len = len(samples)
    # print('Samples length:', samples_len)
    smin, smax = np.min(samples), np.max(samples)
    width = smax - smin
    x = np.linspace(smin, smax, samples_len)
    # Creating Gaussain KDE:
    y = st.gaussian_kde(samples)(x)
    # what was never sampled should have a small probability but not 0,
    # so we'll extend the domain and use linear approximation of density on it
    x = np.concatenate([[x[0] - 3 * width], x, [x[-1] + 3 * width]])
    y = np.concatenate([[0], y, [0]])
    return Interpolated(param, x, y)

# def from_posterior(param, samples):
#     # Assigning linspace variable:
#     samples_len = len(samples)
#     # print('Samples length:', samples_len)
#     smin, smax = np.min(samples), np.max(samples)
#     width = smax - smin
#     x = np.linspace(smin, smax, samples_len)
#     # Creating Gaussain KDE:
#     y = st.gaussian_kde(samples)(x)
#     # what was never sampled should have a small probability but not 0,
#     # so we'll extend the domain and use linear approximation of density on it
#     x = np.concatenate([[x[0] - 3 * width], x, [x[-1] + 3 * width]])
#     y = np.concatenate([[0], y, [0]])
#     ### Obtain the Interpolated values:
#     Inter_val = Interpolated(param, x, y)
#     return Inter_val.pdf(x, y)

def S3_0_Bayesian_Interface(data):
    with pm.Model() as model_0:
            # Prior Distributions for unknown model parameters:
            # nu_0 = pm.HalfNormal('nu_0', sd=1)
            sigma_0 = pm.HalfNormal('sigma_0', sd=5)
            mu_0 = pm.Normal('mu_0', mu=0, sd=5)

            # Observed data is from a Likelihood distributions (Likelihood (sampling distribution) of observations):
            observed_data_0 = Hypsecant('observed_data_0', mu=mu_0, sigma=sigma_0, observed=data)
            # obtain starting values via MAP
            # startvals_0 = pm.find_MAP(model=model_0)

            # instantiate sampler
            # step_0 = pm.Metropolis()  ## Best one
            # step_0 = pm.HamiltonianMC()
            # step_0 = pm.NUTS()
            # step_0 = pm.sample_smc(n_steps=10, cores=2,progressbar=True)

            # Printing the result of log_likelihood:
            # print('log_likelihood result:', model_0)

            # draw 5000 posterior samples
            trace_0 = pm.sample(draws=1000, tune=1000, chains=3, cores=1, progressbar=True)
            # trace_0 = pm.sample(start=startvals_0, draws=1500, step=step_0, tune=500, chains=3, cores=1, progressbar=True)
            # Obtaining Posterior Predictive Sampling:
            post_pred_0 = pm.sample_posterior_predictive(trace_0, samples=1000)
            # post_pred_0 = pm.sample_posterior_predictive(trace_0, samples=1500)
            print('\nSummary: ')
    return trace_0, post_pred_0

def S3_P_Bayesian_Interface(mu, sigma, data, trace):
    with pm.Model() as model_P:
            # Obtain the posterior values from initial model:
            # nu_P = from_posterior('nu_0', trace['nu_0'])
            sigma_P = from_posterior('sigma_0', trace['sigma_0'])
            mu_P = from_posterior('mu_0', trace['mu_0'])
            # Prior Distributions for unknown model parameters from posterior distribution:
            # nu_P = pm.HalfNormal('nu_P', sigma=sigma)
            sigma_P = pm.HalfNormal('sigma_P', sigma=np.mean(sigma_P))
            mu_P = pm.Normal('mu_P', mu=np.mean(mu_P), sigma=np.mean(sigma_P))

            # Observed data is from a Likelihood distributions (Likelihood (sampling distribution) of observations):
            observed_data_P = Hypsecant('observed_data_P', mu=mu_P, sigma=sigma_P, observed=data)
            # obtain starting values via MAP
            # startvals_P = pm.find_MAP(model=model_P)

            # instantiate sampler
            # step_P = pm.Metropolis()  ## Best one
            # step_P = pm.HamiltonianMC()
            # step_P = pm.NUTS()
            # step_P = pm.sample_smc(n_steps=10, cores=2,progressbar=True)

            # Printing the result of log_likelihood:
            # print('log_likelihood result:', model_P)

            # draw 5000 posterior samples
            trace_P = pm.sample(draws=1000, tune=1000, chains=3, cores=1, progressbar=True)
            # trace_P = pm.sample(start=startvals_P, draws=1500, step=step_P, tune=500, chains=3, cores=1, progressbar=True)
            # Obtaining Posterior Predictive Sampling:
            post_pred_P = pm.sample_posterior_predictive(trace_P, samples=1000)
            # post_pred_P = pm.sample_posterior_predictive(trace_P, samples=1500)
            print('\nSummary: ')
    return trace_P, post_pred_P

def S2_0_Bayesian_Interface(data):
    with pm.Model() as model_0:
            # Prior Distributions for unknown model parameters:
            # nu_0 = pm.HalfNormal('nu_0', sd=1)
            sigma_0 = pm.HalfNormal('sigma_0', sd=5)
            mu_0 = pm.Normal('mu_0', mu=0, sd=5)

            # Observed data is from a Likelihood distributions (Likelihood (sampling distribution) of observations):
            observed_data_0 = Hypsecant('observed_data_0', mu=mu_0, sigma=sigma_0, observed=data)
            # obtain starting values via MAP
            # startvals_0 = pm.find_MAP(model=model_0)

            # instantiate sampler
            # step_0 = pm.Metropolis()  ## Best one
            # step_0 = pm.HamiltonianMC()
            # step_0 = pm.NUTS()
            # step_0 = pm.sample_smc(n_steps=10, cores=2,progressbar=True)

            # Printing the result of log_likelihood:
            # print('log_likelihood result:', model_0)

            # draw 5000 posterior samples
            trace_0 = pm.sample(draws=1000, tune=1000, chains=3, cores=1, progressbar=True)
            # trace_0 = pm.sample(start=startvals_0, draws=1500, step=step_0, tune=500, chains=3, cores=1, progressbar=True)
            # Obtaining Posterior Predictive Sampling:
            post_pred_0 = pm.sample_posterior_predictive(trace_0, samples=1000)
            # post_pred_0 = pm.sample_posterior_predictive(trace_0, samples=1500)
            print('\nSummary: ')
    return trace_0, post_pred_0

def S2_P_Bayesian_Interface(mu, sigma, data, trace):
    with pm.Model() as model_P:
            # Obtain the posterior values from initial model:
            # nu_P = from_posterior('nu_0', trace['nu_0'])
            sigma_P = from_posterior('sigma_0', trace['sigma_0'])
            mu_P = from_posterior('mu_0', trace['mu_0'])
            # Prior Distributions for unknown model parameters from posterior distribution:
            # nu_P = pm.HalfNormal('nu_P', sigma=sigma)
            sigma_P = pm.HalfNormal('sigma_P', sigma=np.mean(sigma_P))
            mu_P = pm.Normal('mu_P', mu=np.mean(mu_P), sigma=np.mean(sigma_P))

            # Observed data is from a Likelihood distributions (Likelihood (sampling distribution) of observations):
            observed_data_P = Hypsecant('observed_data_P', mu=mu_P, sigma=sigma_P, observed=data)
            # obtain starting values via MAP
            # startvals_P = pm.find_MAP(model=model_P)

            # instantiate sampler
            # step_P = pm.Metropolis()  ## Best one
            # step_P = pm.HamiltonianMC()
            # step_P = pm.NUTS()
            # step_P = pm.sample_smc(n_steps=10, cores=2,progressbar=True)

            # Printing the result of log_likelihood:
            # print('log_likelihood result:', model_P)

            # draw 5000 posterior samples
            trace_P = pm.sample(draws=1000, tune=1000, chains=3, cores=1, progressbar=True)
            # trace_P = pm.sample(start=startvals_P, draws=1500, step=step_P, tune=500, chains=3, cores=1, progressbar=True)
            # Obtaining Posterior Predictive Sampling:
            post_pred_P = pm.sample_posterior_predictive(trace_P, samples=1000)
            # post_pred_P = pm.sample_posterior_predictive(trace_P, samples=1500)
            print('\nSummary: ')
    return trace_P, post_pred_P

def S2_C_Bayesian_Interface(mu, sigma, data, trace):
    with pm.Model() as model_C:
            # Prior Distributions for unknown model parameters from posterior distribution:
            # nu_C = pm.HalfNormal('nu_C', sigma=sigma)
            # sigma_C = pm.HalfNormal('sigma_C', sigma=sigma)
            # mu_C = pm.Normal('mu_C', mu=mu, sigma=sigma)
            # nu_C = from_posterior('nu_P', trace['nu_P'])
            sigma_C = from_posterior('sigma_P', trace['sigma_P'])
            mu_C = from_posterior('mu_P', trace['mu_P'])

            # Observed data is from a Likelihood distributions (Likelihood (sampling distribution) of observations):
            observed_data_C = Hypsecant('observed_data_C', mu=mu_C, sigma=sigma_C, observed=data)
            # obtain starting values via MAP
            # startvals_C = pm.find_MAP(model=model_C)

            # instantiate sampler
            # step_C = pm.Metropolis()  ## Best one
            # step_C = pm.HamiltonianMC()
            # step_C = pm.NUTS()
            # step_C = pm.sample_smc(n_steps=10, cores=2,progressbar=True)

            # Printing the result of log_likelihood:
            # print('log_likelihood result:', model_C)

            # draw 5000 posterior samples
            trace_C = pm.sample(draws=1000, tune=1000, chains=3, cores=1, progressbar=True)
            # trace_C = pm.sample(start=startvals_C, draws=1500, step=step_C, tune=500, chains=3, cores=1, progressbar=True)
            # Obtaining Posterior Predictive Sampling:
            post_pred_C = pm.sample_posterior_predictive(trace_C, samples=1000)
            # post_pred_C = pm.sample_posterior_predictive(trace_C, samples=1500)
            print('\nSummary: ')
    return trace_C, post_pred_C

def S1_C_Bayesian_Interface(mu, sigma, data, trace):
    with pm.Model() as model_C:
            # Prior Distributions for unknown model parameters from posterior distribution:
            # nu_C = pm.HalfNormal('nu_C', sigma=sigma)
            # sigma_C = pm.HalfNormal('sigma_C', sigma=sigma)
            # mu_C = pm.Normal('mu_C', mu=mu, sigma=sigma)
            # nu_C = from_posterior('nu_P', trace['nu_P'])
            sigma_C = from_posterior('sigma_P', trace['sigma_P'])
            mu_C = from_posterior('mu_P', trace['mu_P'])

            # Observed data is from a Likelihood distributions (Likelihood (sampling distribution) of observations):
            observed_data_C = Hypsecant('observed_data_C', mu=mu_C, sigma=sigma_C, observed=data)
            # obtain starting values via MAP
            # startvals_C = pm.find_MAP(model=model_C)

            # instantiate sampler
            # step_C = pm.Metropolis()  ## Best one
            # step_C = pm.HamiltonianMC()
            # step_C = pm.NUTS()
            # step_C = pm.sample_smc(n_steps=10, cores=2,progressbar=True)

            # Printing the result of log_likelihood:
            # print('log_likelihood result:', model_C)

            # draw 5000 posterior samples
            trace_C = pm.sample(draws=1000, tune=1000, chains=3, cores=1, progressbar=True)
            # trace_C = pm.sample(start=startvals_C, draws=1500, step=step_C, tune=500, chains=3, cores=1, progressbar=True)
            # Obtaining Posterior Predictive Sampling:
            post_pred_C = pm.sample_posterior_predictive(trace_C, samples=1000)
            # post_pred_C = pm.sample_posterior_predictive(trace_C, samples=1500)
            print('\nSummary: ')
    return trace_C, post_pred_C

def S4_0_Bayesian_Interface(data):
    with pm.Model() as model_0:
            # Prior Distributions for unknown model parameters:
            # nu_0 = pm.HalfNormal('nu_0', sd=1)
            sigma_0 = pm.HalfNormal('sigma_0', sd=5)
            mu_0 = pm.Normal('mu_0', mu=0, sd=5)

            # Observed data is from a Likelihood distributions (Likelihood (sampling distribution) of observations):
            observed_data_0 = Hypsecant('observed_data_0', mu=mu_0, sigma=sigma_0, observed=data)
            # obtain starting values via MAP
            # startvals_0 = pm.find_MAP(model=model_0)

            # instantiate sampler
            # step_0 = pm.Metropolis()  ## Best one
            # step_0 = pm.HamiltonianMC()
            # step_0 = pm.NUTS()
            # step_0 = pm.sample_smc(n_steps=10, cores=2,progressbar=True)

            # Printing the result of log_likelihood:
            # print('log_likelihood result:', model_0)

            # draw 5000 posterior samples
            trace_0 = pm.sample(draws=1000, tune=1000, chains=3, cores=1, progressbar=True)
            # trace_0 = pm.sample(start=startvals_0, draws=1500, step=step_0, tune=500, chains=3, cores=1, progressbar=True)
            # Obtaining Posterior Predictive Sampling:
            post_pred_0 = pm.sample_posterior_predictive(trace_0, samples=1000)
            # post_pred_0 = pm.sample_posterior_predictive(trace_0, samples=1500)
            print('\nSummary: ')
    return trace_0, post_pred_0

def S4_P_Bayesian_Interface(mu, sigma, data, trace):
    with pm.Model() as model_P:
            # Prior Distributions for unknown model parameters from posterior distribution:
            # nu_P = pm.HalfNormal('nu_P', sigma=sigma)
            # sigma_P = pm.HalfNormal('sigma_P', sigma=sigma)
            # mu_P = pm.Normal('mu_P', mu=mu, sigma=sigma)
            # nu_P = from_posterior('nu_0', trace['nu_0'])
            sigma_P = from_posterior('sigma_0', trace['sigma_0'])
            mu_P = from_posterior('mu_0', trace['mu_0'])

            # Observed data is from a Likelihood distributions (Likelihood (sampling distribution) of observations):
            observed_data_P = Hypsecant('observed_data_P', mu=mu_P, sigma=sigma_P, observed=data)
            # obtain starting values via MAP
            # startvals_P = pm.find_MAP(model=model_P)

            # instantiate sampler
            # step_P = pm.Metropolis()  ## Best one
            # step_P = pm.HamiltonianMC()
            # step_P = pm.NUTS()
            # step_P = pm.sample_smc(n_steps=10, cores=2,progressbar=True)

            # Printing the result of log_likelihood:
            # print('log_likelihood result:', model_P)

            # draw 5000 posterior samples
            trace_P = pm.sample(draws=1000, tune=1000, chains=3, cores=1, progressbar=True)
            # trace_P = pm.sample(start=startvals_P, draws=1500, step=step_P, tune=500, chains=3, cores=1, progressbar=True)
            # Obtaining Posterior Predictive Sampling:
            post_pred_P = pm.sample_posterior_predictive(trace_P, samples=1000)
            # post_pred_P = pm.sample_posterior_predictive(trace_P, samples=1500)
            print('\nSummary: ')
    return trace_P, post_pred_P

def S5_0_Bayesian_Interface(data):
    with pm.Model() as model_0:
            # Prior Distributions for unknown model parameters:
            # nu_0 = pm.HalfNormal('nu_0', sd=1)
            sigma_0 = pm.HalfNormal('sigma_0', sd=5)
            mu_0 = pm.Normal('mu_0', mu=0, sd=5)

            # Observed data is from a Likelihood distributions (Likelihood (sampling distribution) of observations):
            observed_data_0 = Hypsecant('observed_data_0', mu=mu_0, sigma=sigma_0, observed=data)
            # obtain starting values via MAP
            # startvals_0 = pm.find_MAP(model=model_0)

            # instantiate sampler
            # step_0 = pm.Metropolis()  ## Best one
            # step_0 = pm.HamiltonianMC()
            # step_0 = pm.NUTS()
            # step_0 = pm.sample_smc(n_steps=10, cores=2,progressbar=True)

            # Printing the result of log_likelihood:
            # print('log_likelihood result:', model_0)

            # draw 5000 posterior samples
            trace_0 = pm.sample(draws=1000, tune=1000, chains=3, cores=1, progressbar=True)
            # trace_0 = pm.sample(start=startvals_0, draws=1500, step=step_0, tune=500, chains=3, cores=1, progressbar=True)
            # Obtaining Posterior Predictive Sampling:
            post_pred_0 = pm.sample_posterior_predictive(trace_0, samples=1000)
            # post_pred_0 = pm.sample_posterior_predictive(trace_0, samples=1500)
            print('\nSummary: ')
    return trace_0, post_pred_0

def S5_P_Bayesian_Interface(mu, sigma, data, trace):
    with pm.Model() as model_P:
            # Prior Distributions for unknown model parameters from posterior distribution:
            # nu_P = pm.HalfNormal('nu_P', sigma=sigma)
            # sigma_P = pm.HalfNormal('sigma_P', sigma=sigma)
            # mu_P = pm.Normal('mu_P', mu=mu, sigma=sigma)
            # nu_P = from_posterior('nu_0', trace['nu_0'])
            sigma_P = from_posterior('sigma_0', trace['sigma_0'])
            mu_P = from_posterior('mu_0', trace['mu_0'])

            # Observed data is from a Likelihood distributions (Likelihood (sampling distribution) of observations):
            observed_data_P = Hypsecant('observed_data_P', mu=mu_P, sigma=sigma_P, observed=data)
            # obtain starting values via MAP
            # startvals_P = pm.find_MAP(model=model_P)

            # instantiate sampler
            # step_P = pm.Metropolis()  ## Best one
            # step_P = pm.HamiltonianMC()
            # step_P = pm.NUTS()
            # step_P = pm.sample_smc(n_steps=10, cores=2,progressbar=True)

            # Printing the result of log_likelihood:
            # print('log_likelihood result:', model_P)

            # draw 5000 posterior samples
            trace_P = pm.sample(draws=1000, tune=1000, chains=3, cores=1, progressbar=True)
            # trace_P = pm.sample(start=startvals_P, draws=1500, step=step_P, tune=500, chains=3, cores=1, progressbar=True)
            # Obtaining Posterior Predictive Sampling:
            post_pred_P = pm.sample_posterior_predictive(trace_P, samples=1000)
            # post_pred_P = pm.sample_posterior_predictive(trace_P, samples=1500)
            print('\nSummary: ')
    return trace_P, post_pred_P

def S5_C_Bayesian_Interface(mu, sigma, data, trace):
    with pm.Model() as model_C:
            # Prior Distributions for unknown model parameters from posterior distribution:
            # nu_C = pm.HalfNormal('nu_C', sigma=sigma)
            # sigma_C = pm.HalfNormal('sigma_C', sigma=sigma)
            # mu_C = pm.Normal('mu_C', mu=mu, sigma=sigma)
            # nu_C = from_posterior('nu_P', trace['nu_P'])
            sigma_C = from_posterior('sigma_P', trace['sigma_P'])
            mu_C = from_posterior('mu_P', trace['mu_P'])

            # Observed data is from a Likelihood distributions (Likelihood (sampling distribution) of observations):
            observed_data_C = Hypsecant('observed_data_C', mu=mu_C, sigma=sigma_C, observed=data)
            # obtain starting values via MAP
            # startvals_C = pm.find_MAP(model=model_C)

            # instantiate sampler
            # step_C = pm.Metropolis()  ## Best one
            # step_C = pm.HamiltonianMC()
            # step_C = pm.NUTS()
            # step_C = pm.sample_smc(n_steps=10, cores=2,progressbar=True)

            # Printing the result of log_likelihood:
            # print('log_likelihood result:', model_C)

            # draw 5000 posterior samples
            trace_C = pm.sample(draws=1000, tune=1000, chains=3, cores=1, progressbar=True)
            # trace_C = pm.sample(start=startvals_C, draws=1500, step=step_C, tune=500, chains=3, cores=1, progressbar=True)
            # Obtaining Posterior Predictive Sampling:
            post_pred_C = pm.sample_posterior_predictive(trace_C, samples=1000)
            # post_pred_C = pm.sample_posterior_predictive(trace_C, samples=1500)
            print('\nSummary: ')
    return trace_C, post_pred_C

def S6_C_Bayesian_Interface(mu, sigma, data, trace):
    with pm.Model() as model_C:
            # Prior Distributions for unknown model parameters from posterior distribution:
            # nu_C = pm.HalfNormal('nu_C', sigma=sigma)
            # sigma_C = pm.HalfNormal('sigma_C', sigma=sigma)
            # mu_C = pm.Normal('mu_C', mu=mu, sigma=sigma)
            # nu_C = from_posterior('nu_P', trace['nu_P'])
            sigma_C = from_posterior('sigma_P', trace['sigma_P'])
            mu_C = from_posterior('mu_P', trace['mu_P'])

            # Observed data is from a Likelihood distributions (Likelihood (sampling distribution) of observations):
            observed_data_C = Hypsecant('observed_data_C', mu=mu_C, sigma=sigma_C, observed=data)
            # obtain starting values via MAP
            # startvals_C = pm.find_MAP(model=model_C)

            # instantiate sampler
            # step_C = pm.Metropolis()  ## Best one
            # step_C = pm.HamiltonianMC()
            # step_C = pm.NUTS()
            # step_C = pm.sample_smc(n_steps=10, cores=2,progressbar=True)

            # Printing the result of log_likelihood:
            # print('log_likelihood result:', model_C)

            # draw 5000 posterior samples
            trace_C = pm.sample(draws=1000, tune=1000, chains=3, cores=1, progressbar=True)
            # trace_C = pm.sample(start=startvals_C, draws=1500, step=step_C, tune=500, chains=3, cores=1, progressbar=True)
            # Obtaining Posterior Predictive Sampling:
            post_pred_C = pm.sample_posterior_predictive(trace_C, samples=1000)
            # post_pred_C = pm.sample_posterior_predictive(trace_C, samples=1500)
            print('\nSummary: ')
    return trace_C, post_pred_C

However, When I get to the part for the interpolated, output that I get is sigma_0 ~ Interpolated in S2_P_Bayesian_Interface. So, How can I extract prior values from the sigma and mu to be used with the correction part?

Also, if I changed S2_P_Bayesian_Interface part into the following:

def S2_P_Bayesian_Interface(mu, sigma, data, trace):
    with pm.Model() as model_P:
            # Obtain the posterior values from initial model:
            # nu_P = from_posterior('nu_0', trace['nu_0'])
            sigma_P = from_posterior('sigma_0', trace['sigma_0'])
            mu_P = from_posterior('mu_0', trace['mu_0'])
            # Prior Distributions for unknown model parameters from posterior distribution:
            # nu_P = pm.HalfNormal('nu_P', sigma=sigma)
            # sigma_P = pm.HalfNormal('sigma_P', sigma=np.mean(sigma_P))
            # mu_P = pm.Normal('mu_P', mu=np.mean(mu_P), sigma=np.mean(sigma_P))
            # Observed data is from a Likelihood distributions (Likelihood (sampling distribution) of observations):
            observed_data_P = Hypsecant('observed_data_P', mu=mu_P, sigma=sigma_P, observed=data)
            # obtain starting values via MAP
            # startvals_P = pm.find_MAP(model=model_P)
            # instantiate sampler
            # step_P = pm.Metropolis()  ## Best one
            # step_P = pm.HamiltonianMC()
            # step_P = pm.NUTS()
            # step_P = pm.sample_smc(n_steps=10, cores=2,progressbar=True)
            # Printing the result of log_likelihood:
            # print('log_likelihood result:', model_P)
            # draw 5000 posterior samples
            trace_P = pm.sample(draws=1000, tune=1000, chains=3, cores=1, progressbar=True)
            # trace_P = pm.sample(start=startvals_P, draws=1500, step=step_P, tune=500, chains=3, cores=1, progressbar=True)
            # Obtaining Posterior Predictive Sampling:
            post_pred_P = pm.sample_posterior_predictive(trace_P, samples=1000)
            # post_pred_P = pm.sample_posterior_predictive(trace_P, samples=1500)
            print('\nSummary: ')
    return trace_P, post_pred_P

I get the following errors:

  File "-----\lib\site-packages\pymc3\distributions\distribution.py", line 971, in _draw_value
    return dist_tmp.random(point=point, size=size)
  in random:
    return generate_samples(stats.hypsecant.rvs, loc=mu, scale=sigma, dist_shape=self.shape, size=size)
  File "------\lib\site-packages\pymc3\distributions\distribution.py", line 1116, in generate_samples
    samples = generator(size=dist_bcast_shape, *args, **kwargs)
  File "------\lib\site-packages\scipy\stats\_distn_infrastructure.py", line 1035, in rvs
    raise ValueError("Domain error in arguments.")

ValueError: Domain error in arguments.

During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:

Traceback (most recent call last):

line 90, in <module>
    trace_S2_P = S2_P_Bayesian_Interface(mu=trace_S2_0['mu_0'], sigma=trace_S2_0['sigma_0'], data=input_data_list[m], trace=trace_S2_0)

, line 36, in S2_P_Bayesian_Interface
    post_pred_P = pm.sample_posterior_predictive(trace_P, samples=1000)

  File "------\lib\site-packages\pymc3\sampling.py", line 1733, in sample_posterior_predictive
    values = draw_values(vars_, point=param, size=size)

  File "------\lib\site-packages\pymc3\distributions\distribution.py", line 791, in draw_values
    value = _draw_value(next_, point=point, givens=temp_givens, size=size)

  File "------\lib\site-packages\pymc3\distributions\distribution.py", line 979, in _draw_value
    val = np.atleast_1d(dist_tmp.random(point=point, size=None))

line 178, in random
    return generate_samples(stats.hypsecant.rvs, loc=mu, scale=sigma, dist_shape=self.shape, size=size)

  File "------\lib\site-packages\pymc3\distributions\distribution.py", line 1116, in generate_samples
    samples = generator(size=dist_bcast_shape, *args, **kwargs)

  File "------\lib\site-packages\scipy\stats\_distn_infrastructure.py", line 1035, in rvs
    raise ValueError("Domain error in arguments.")

ValueError: Domain error in arguments.

I know the error is caused by the random definition but what could be my mistake here?

Side question:

With regards to the naming in the priors, is there a way when you get to S2_P_Bayesian_Interface you can rename the variable name of the priors from e.g. sigma_0 to sigma_P after the from_posterior?

Is there a way to extract the prior parameters to do Bayesian updating?

I have tried with code from updating prior but I can’t get past the errors to get the Interpolated information (return Interpolated(param, x, y))

Have you been able to run https://docs.pymc.io/projects/examples/en/latest/pymc3_howto/updating_priors.html as is locally on your computer? Do you understand what is happening in each of the steps?

I don’t think this is possible with pymc.MultiTrace but you can do that after converting to inferencedata using trace.posterior.rename(). After renaming however, you won’t be able to pass this trace to sample_posterior_predictive anymore.

I did try to run it on my computer (Win OS) but I keep on getting the first error. Regarding the understanding the code, I looked at the scipy part and I tried it with pymc3 that were second error came in. There were no examples how to use some of the parameters which is why I was confused.

what is the first error?

About name, see the main post(question)

All the errors I see in the post above are about your specific model, not about running the example notebook on your local environment without changing anything. I think you should start there.

Once you have managed to do this, go to the cell where the synthetic data is generated and change the y definition to use a hypersecant distribution. Then update the model to use your custom hypersecant distribution.

If you do that you’ll have a code you know works with a normal distribution with only one change, using a hypersecant instead. If something is wrong with the distribution it will show there, and if it fails you’ll know that what is wrong is the hypersecant distribution, not the data processing, not the adaptation of the prior update code to your situation (remember, only change the y and Y_obs variables, same x, same sigma, same mu…)

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well, my main aim is trying to update the model based on new data, so, I wanted to do updating part which is kind of similar to Kalman filter. I saw one book but they concentrated on discrete without going to continuous part. So, I have few questions:

  • how is it possible to implement Bayesian updating with pymc3?
  • is there tutorial for creating custom distribution? I looked at pymc3 but still I am not sure I am doing it right.

Also, another question, in the second error,

I looked at the code again and looked at the link that you sent. I found out could it be because of the naming it caused this error (Am I right)? I vaguely remember that either trace or tensor can be used to rename the variable.