I’m trying to take a standard time series model and change it into a bayesian format. Currently, I have it coded it to iterate through each row to produce a forecast, trend, level, season, etc.
Here is the standard exponential smoothing model:
def triple_exp_smooth_add(d, slen=12, extra_periods=1, alpha=0.4, beta=0.4, phi=0.9, gamma=0.3):
cols = len(d) # Historical pteriod length
d = np.append(d,[np.nan]*extra_periods) # Append np.nan into the demand array to cover future periods
# components initialization
f,a,b,s = np.full((4,cols+extra_periods),np.nan)
s = seasonal_factors_add(s,d,slen,cols)
# Level & Trend initialization
a[0] = d[0]-s[0]
b[0] = (d[1]-s[1]) - (d[0]-s[0])
# Create the forecast for the first season
for t in range(1,slen):
f[t] = a[t-1] + phi*b[t-1] + s[t]
a[t] = alpha*(d[t]-s[t]) + (1-alpha)*(a[t-1]+phi*b[t-1])
b[t] = beta*(a[t]-a[t-1]) + (1-beta)*phi*b[t-1]
# Create all the t+1 forecast
for t in range(slen,cols):
f[t] = a[t-1] + phi*b[t-1] + s[t-slen]
a[t] = alpha*(d[t]-s[t-slen]) + (1-alpha)*(a[t-1]+phi*b[t-1])
b[t] = beta*(a[t]-a[t-1]) + (1-beta)*phi*b[t-1]
s[t] = gamma*(d[t]-a[t]) + (1-gamma)*s[t-slen]
# Forecast for all extra periods
for t in range(cols,cols+extra_periods):
f[t] = a[t-1] + phi*b[t-1] + s[t-slen]
a[t] = f[t]-s[t-slen]
b[t] = phi*b[t-1]
s[t] = s[t-slen]
df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict({'Demand':d,'Forecast':f,'Level':a,'Trend':b,'Season':s,'Error':d-f})
return df
I tried to put that same model into the PyMC framework as follows:
def seasonal_factors_add(s,d,slen,cols):
for i in range(slen):
idx = [x for x in range(cols) if x%slen==i] # Indices that correspond to this season
s[i] = np.mean(d[idx]) # Calculate season average
s -= np.mean(s[:slen]) # Scale all season factors (sum of factors = 0)
return s
t = df_sat['t']
eaches = np.array(df_sat['eaches'])
cols = len(list(df_sat['eaches']))
extra_periods = 12
f,a,b,s = np.full((4,cols+extra_periods),np.nan)
s = seasonal_factors_add(s,eaches,slen,cols)
a[0] = eaches[0]-s[0]
b[0] = (eaches[1]-s[1]) - (eaches[0]-s[0])
with pm.Model() as tesa_model:
a_ = pm.MutableData('a', a)
b_ = pm.MutableData('b', b)
s_ = pm.MutableData('s', s)
t_ = pm.MutableData('t', t)
eaches_ = pm.MutableData('eaches', eaches)
alpha = pm.Normal('alpha', 0, 1,)
beta = pm.Normal('beta', 0, 1)
phi = pm.Normal('phi', 0, 1)
gamma = pm.Normal('gamma', 0, 1)
for t in range(1,slen):
f[t] = a[t-1] + phi*b[t-1] + s[t]
a[t] = alpha*(d[t]-s[t]) + (1-alpha)*(a[t-1]+phi*b[t-1])
b[t] = beta*(a[t]-a[t-1]) + (1-beta)*phi*b[t-1]
# Create all the t+1 forecast
for t in range(slen,cols):
f[t] = a[t-1] + phi*b[t-1] + s[t-slen]
a[t] = alpha*(d[t]-s[t-slen]) + (1-alpha)*(a[t-1]+phi*b[t-1])
b[t] = beta*(a[t]-a[t-1]) + (1-beta)*phi*b[t-1]
s[t] = gamma*(d[t]-a[t]) + (1-gamma)*s[t-slen]
predictions = np.exp(f)
observed = eaches_)
trace = pymc.sampling_jax.sample_numpyro_nuts(tune=2000, draws = 2000)
That produced this error:
TypeError Traceback (most recent call last)
TypeError: float() argument must be a string or a number, not 'TensorVariable'
The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:
ValueError Traceback (most recent call last)
/tmp/ipykernel_7606/3401890868.py in <module>
32 for t in range(1,slen):
---> 33 f[t] = a[t-1] + phi*b[t-1] + s[t]
34 a[t] = alpha*(d[t]-s[t]) + (1-alpha)*(a[t-1]+phi*b[t-1])
35 b[t] = beta*(a[t]-a[t-1]) + (1-beta)*phi*b[t-1]
ValueError: setting an array element with a sequence.
So I’m guessing I can’t iterate through each row/element of an array, but what’s the best way to change this model into the bayesian frame work using PyMC?
If this helps, here is a standard dataset.
d= [28,19,18,13,19,16,19,18,13,16,16,11,18,15,13,15,13,11,13,10,12]
Or at best, how do I refer to the previous element in these arrays inside a model object?