I am trying to constrain paramters of a model given by the class model through just a simple sampling for now; however, the model is given by bessel functions of complex order which do not have an analytic solution. As such numerical approximations are required, however, I am running into issues where I get the error TypeError: Variables do not support boolean operations. Since the theano tensorvariable is abstract, it can’t do this operation. I was thinking it could just be initiated somehow for when the actual sampling takes place. Alternatively if you believe there is a better approach let me know.
def cbesselj2(nu, x): #Arguments are complex arrays
kMax = 100
tol = 1e-2
x = np.array(x).reshape(-1, 1)
Jnu = np.zeros_like(x, dtype=complex)
for m in range(len(x)):
if np.isreal(nu):
Jnu[m] = jv(nu, x[m])
if (x[m]) < 30:
Jnu[m] = 0.0 + 0j
for k in range(kMax + 1):
JnuLast = copy.deepcopy(Jnu[m])
Jnu[m] += (-0.25 * x[m] * x[m]) ** k / (
gamma(k + 1) * gamma(nu + k + 1)
if np.real(Jnu[m]) != 0:
Rerr = abs(
(np.real(Jnu[m]) - np.real(JnuLast)) / np.real(Jnu[m])
if np.imag(Jnu[m]) != 0:
Ierr = abs(
(np.imag(Jnu[m]) - np.imag(JnuLast)) / np.imag(Jnu[m])
if "Ierr" in locals() and "Rerr" in locals():
if np.max(Rerr) <= tol and np.max(Ierr) <= tol:
elif "Rerr" in locals():
if np.max(Rerr) <= tol:
Jnu[m] = Jnu[m] * (0.5 * x[m]) ** nu
if np.real(k) == kMax:
"Algorithm does not converge in the calculation of bessel function. Maximum concurence number arrived!"
Jnu[m] = np.sqrt(2 / (np.pi * x[m])) * np.cos(
x[m] - nu * (np.pi / 2) - (np.pi / 4)
Jnu = Jnu.flatten()
return Jnu
class model(object):
def __init__(self, Vai, h, epsilon, interval):
self.Vai = Vai
self.h = h
self.epsilon = epsilon
self.omega = np.arange(interval, 8 + interval, interval) * 2 * np.pi
def x0(self):
return 2 * self.h * self.omega / self.Vai
def r_bayes(self):
x0 = self.x0() # Get x array, this will return a 2D array. each sample of the mcmc of which each
#an array of complex numbers
num2 = cbesselj2(1j * x0 * self.epsilon, x0) #Call complex order bessel function approximation, both arguments are complex arrays
return num2
with pm.Model() as bayes_model:
Vai = pm.Normal("Vai")
h = pm.Normal("h")
epsilon = pm.Normal("epsilon")
model_lysak = model(Vai, h, epsilon, 0.01)
outcome_azi = pm.Normal(
observed=model_lysak.omega, # observed is just to see if it will compile, relies on actual data