Hi there
I’m trying to run a non-centered hierarchical model, and running into a type error while trying to do matrix multiplication on a pm.Deterministic
I have tried various different things like using np.matmul
explicitly, using np.dot
and taking the beta_unit * beta_sigma + beta_mu
expression out of the pm.Deterministic
class, but I run into errors with everything I try. (Happy to provide more details here).
This seems like relatively simple functionality; I wonder if anyone else has run into this, or if there’s a known way to achieve this?
Thanks in advance for any advice
import numpy as np
import pymc3 as pm
# random data to illustrate TypeError
X = np.random.randn(104, 216)
Y = np.random.rand(104)
# model
with pm.Model() as non_centered_model:
# hyperpriors
beta_mu = pm.Normal("beta_mu", mu=1, sigma=1)
beta_sigma = pm.Exponential("beta_sigma", 1)
# priors
beta_unit = pm.Normal("beta_unit", mu=0, sigma=1, shape=X.shape[1])
beta = pm.Deterministic("beta", beta_unit * beta_sigma + beta_mu)
sigma = pm.Exponential("sigma", 1)
# likelihood
pm.Normal("lik", mu=X @ beta, sigma=sigma, observed=Y)
idata_non_centered = pm.sample(return_inferencedata=True)
TypeError Traceback (most recent call last)
Input In [150], in <cell line: 9>()
18 sigma = pm.Exponential("sigma", 1)
20 # likelihood
---> 21 pm.Normal("lik", mu=X @ beta, sigma=sigma, observed=Y)
23 idata_non_centered = pm.sample(return_inferencedata=True)
TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for @: 'numpy.ndarray' and 'DeterministicWrapper'