The idea of meta-analytic predictive priors (MAP) is to use information from a historical data analysis (e.g. a previous clinical trial) for a new data analysis (e.g. a new clinical trial).
It is best described in these two publications:
Robust meta-analytic-predictive priors in clinical trials with historical control information - PubMed (
Applying Meta-Analytic-Predictive Priors with the R Bayesian evidence synthesis tools (
The procedure is as follows:
- use the summary statistics from one ore more previous trials to get parameter estimates
- estimate a multivariate normal mixture from these parameters
- use these parametric estimates as a prior for the new data analysis
additionally you can weight these priors with uniformative priors to let the new data have a stronger influence.
A full example in R can be found here: Applied Modelling in Drug Development - 6 Use of historical control data with stratification (
I tried to reproduce something similar in PyMC, but encountered the following problems:
- I don’t know how to estimate parameters of a multivariate mixture, sklearn seems to support univariate mixtures
- PyMC does not support multivariate Mixtures as priors as far as I know.
Has anyone ever done such an analysis in PyMC?