Meta-analytic predictive priors in PyMC

The idea of meta-analytic predictive priors (MAP) is to use information from a historical data analysis (e.g. a previous clinical trial) for a new data analysis (e.g. a new clinical trial).
It is best described in these two publications:
Robust meta-analytic-predictive priors in clinical trials with historical control information - PubMed (
Applying Meta-Analytic-Predictive Priors with the R Bayesian evidence synthesis tools (

The procedure is as follows:

  1. use the summary statistics from one ore more previous trials to get parameter estimates
  2. estimate a multivariate normal mixture from these parameters
  3. use these parametric estimates as a prior for the new data analysis

additionally you can weight these priors with uniformative priors to let the new data have a stronger influence.

A full example in R can be found here: Applied Modelling in Drug Development - 6 Use of historical control data with stratification (

I tried to reproduce something similar in PyMC, but encountered the following problems:

  1. I don’t know how to estimate parameters of a multivariate mixture, sklearn seems to support univariate mixtures
  2. PyMC does not support multivariate Mixtures as priors as far as I know.

Has anyone ever done such an analysis in PyMC?

It does. There’s an example with Dirichlet in the code examples, but any multivariate distribution (at least MvNormal, MvStudentT) should be fine as well.

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thanks, I wasn’t aware.
This is the model I came up with, but it fails to sample.

here is a minimal example

I want to model a linear regression where I set the priors to a multivariate mixture of normals

The estimated parameters should be the regression coefficients (and sigma)

# dummy data
rng = np.random.default_rng(RANDOM_SEED)
size = 200
true_intercept = 1
true_slope = 2
x = np.linspace(0, 1, size)
# y = a + b*x
true_regression_line = true_intercept + true_slope * x
# add noise
y = true_regression_line + rng.normal(scale=0.5, size=size)

with pm.Model() as model:
    components = [
        pm.MvNormal.dist(mu=[1, 0], cov=[[1, 1], [1, 1]]),
        pm.MvNormal.dist(mu=[1, 0], cov=[[1, -1], [-1, 1]])
    sigma = pm.HalfCauchy("sigma", beta=10)

    mix = pm.Mixture('mix', w=[0.5,0.5], comp_dists=components, shape=(2,))
    obs = pm.Normal('obs', mu=mix[0] * x + mix[1], sigma=sigma, observed=y)
    idata = pm.sample(3000)

If i use a simpler Mixture such as

components = [
    pm.Normal.dist(mu=0, sigma=1),
    pm.Normal.dist(mu=0, sigma=1),

the model runs fine and the parameters are correctly estimated.

However, I want to model the correlations between the covariates (intercept and x in this case)

What does fail to sample mean?

I get this error:

File ~/miniconda3/envs/pymc/lib/python3.11/site-packages/pymc/model/, in Model.check_start_vals(self, start) 1678 initial_eval = self.point_logps(point=elem) 1680 if not all(np.isfinite(v) for v in initial_eval.values()): → 1681 raise SamplingError( 1682 “Initial evaluation of model at starting point failed!\n” 1683 f"Starting values:\n{elem}\n\n" 1684 f"Logp initial evaluation results:\n{initial_eval}\n" 1685 “You can call model.debug() for more details.” 1686 )

{‘sigma_log__’: array(1.80706588), ‘mix’: array([ 0.35557112, -0.56247942])} Logp initial evaluation results: {‘sigma’: -1.26, ‘mix’: -inf, ‘obs’: -562.89} You can call model.debug() for more details.

What does model.debug() output?

this is the model.debug output:

/miniconda3/envs/pymc/lib/python3.11/site-packages/pytensor/tensor/ RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in cast
z[0] = (np.zeros(x.shape) * np.nan).astype(x.dtype)
The variable mix has the following parameters:
0: [0.5 0.5] [id A] <Vector(float64, shape=(2,))>
1: multivariate_normal_rv{1, (1, 2), floatX, False}.1 [id B] <Vector(float64, shape=(2,))>
├─ RandomGeneratorSharedVariable(<Generator(PCG64) at 0x7F8F825760A0>) [id C]
├─ [id D] <Vector(int64, shape=(0,))>
├─ 11 [id E] <Scalar(int64, shape=())>
├─ [1 0] [id F] <Vector(int64, shape=(2,))>
└─ [[1 1] [1 1]] [id G] <Matrix(int64, shape=(2, 2))>
2: multivariate_normal_rv{1, (1, 2), floatX, False}.1 [id H] <Vector(float64, shape=(2,))>
├─ RandomGeneratorSharedVariable(<Generator(PCG64) at 0x7F8F82577220>) [id I]
├─ [id D] <Vector(int64, shape=(0,))>
├─ 11 [id E] <Scalar(int64, shape=())>
├─ [1 0] [id F] <Vector(int64, shape=(2,))>
└─ [[ 1 -1] [-1 1]] [id J] <Matrix(int64, shape=(2, 2))>
The parameters evaluate to:
0: [0.5 0.5]
1: [1.95134106 0.95134106]
2: [ 2.04372036 -1.04372036]
This does not respect one of the following constraints: posdef

You can set verbose=True for more details

You defined MvNormal mixtures that don’t have a positive definite covariance.

thanks, you are right. If I specify an identity matrix

components = [
    pm.MvNormal.dist(mu=[0, 0], cov=[[1, 0], [0, 1]]),
    pm.MvNormal.dist(mu=[0, 0], cov=[[1, 0], [0, 1]])

the parameters are correctly estimated

mean sd hdi_3% hdi_97% mcse_mean mcse_sd ess_bulk ess_tail r_hat
mix[0] 1.912 0.053 1.815 2.016 0.001 0.001 5500.0 6016.0 1.0
mix[1] 1.053 0.030 0.996 1.110 0.000 0.000 5447.0 6377.0 1.0
sigma 0.486 0.011 0.466 0.507 0.000 0.000 7515.0 7152.0 1.0

true intercept is 1.0 and true slope is 2.0