I’m trying to sample from model in which I have a hierarchical prior which is a mixture of 2 2-dimensional bounded normals. I also need to keep the order of the variables and for that reason I use a Deterministic
to sort the output. Here is the relevant piece of the model I’m trying to sample from:
model = pm.Model()
with model:
muCB_ = pm.Uniform('muCB_', lower=0.0, upper=1.0, testval=[0.3, 0.8], shape=2)
muCB = pm.Deterministic('muCB', tt.sort(muCB_))
muCB2_ = pm.Uniform('muCB2_', lower=0.0, upper=1.0, testval=[0.3, 0.8], shape=2)
muCB2 = pm.Deterministic('muCB2', tt.sort(muCB2_))
sdCB = pm.HalfNormal('sdCB', sd=0.05, shape=2)
sdCB2 = pm.HalfNormal('sdCB2', sd=0.05, shape=2)
w = pm.Dirichlet('w', np.ones(2))
bounded_normal = pm.Bound(pm.Normal, lower=0.0, upper=1.0)
CB_ = bounded_normal.dist('CB_', mu=muCB, sd=sdCB, testval=np.array([0.3,0.8]), shape=(n,2))
CB2_ = bounded_normal.dist('CB2_', mu=muCB2, sd=sdCB2, testval=np.array([0.3,0.8]), shape=(n,2))
comp_dists = [CB_, CB2_]
mix = pm.Mixture('mix', w=w, comp_dists = comp_dists)
CB = pm.Deterministic.dist('CB', tt.sort(mix, axis=1))
# q is a complicated function of CB[:,0] and CB[:,1]
qobs = pm.Normal('qobs', mu=q, sd=sigmaq, observed=qobs, shape=n)
However, I’m getting the following error, that looks like a shape error somewhere. Anyone has a hint?
TypeError Traceback (most recent call last)
/scratch/Dropbox/GIT/axial_ratio/axial_mixture.py in <module>()
180 out.read_obs('data/small_plus_uncer.dat')
--> 181 out.sample('data/small_plus_uncer.samples', noncentered=False)
183 f, ax = pl.subplots(nrows=2, ncols=2, figsize=(8,8))
/scratch/Dropbox/GIT/axial_ratio/axial_mixture.py in sample(self, name_chain, noncentered)
135 comp_dists = [CB_, CB2_]
--> 137 mix = pm.Mixture('mix', w=w, comp_dists = comp_dists)
138 # bounded_normal = pm.Bound(pm.Normal, lower=0.0, upper=1.0)
/scratch/Dropbox/GIT/pymc3/pymc3/distributions/distribution.py in __new__(cls, name, *args, **kwargs)
35 total_size = kwargs.pop('total_size', None)
36 dist = cls.dist(*args, **kwargs)
---> 37 return model.Var(name, dist, data, total_size)
38 else:
39 raise TypeError("Name needs to be a string but got: {}".format(name))
/scratch/Dropbox/GIT/pymc3/pymc3/model.py in Var(self, name, dist, data, total_size)
800 with self:
801 var = FreeRV(name=name, distribution=dist,
--> 802 total_size=total_size, model=self)
803 self.free_RVs.append(var)
804 else:
/scratch/Dropbox/GIT/pymc3/pymc3/model.py in __init__(self, type, owner, index, name, distribution,
total_size, model)
1179 self.tag.test_value = np.ones(
1180 distribution.shape, distribution.dtype) * distribution.default()
-> 1181 self.logp_elemwiset = distribution.logp(self)
1182 # The logp might need scaling in minibatches.
1183 # This is done in `Factor`.
/scratch/Dropbox/GIT/pymc3/pymc3/distributions/mixture.py in logp(self, value)
143 w = self.w
--> 145 return bound(logsumexp(tt.log(w) + self._comp_logp(value), axis=-1),
146 w >= 0, w <= 1, tt.allclose(w.sum(axis=-1), 1),
147 broadcast_conditions=False)
/scratch/Dropbox/GIT/pymc3/pymc3/distributions/mixture.py in _comp_logp(self, value)
108 try:
--> 109 value_ = value if value.ndim > 1 else tt.shape_padright(value)
111 return comp_dists.logp(value_)
/scratch/miniconda3/envs/py36/lib/python3.6/site-packages/theano/tensor/basic.py in shape_padright(t,
4445 pattern = [i for i in xrange(_t.type.ndim)] + ['x'] * n_ones
-> 4446 return DimShuffle(_t.broadcastable, pattern)(_t)
/scratch/miniconda3/envs/py36/lib/python3.6/site-packages/theano/gof/op.py in __call__(self, *inputs,
623 for i, ins in enumerate(node.inputs):
624 try:
--> 625 storage_map[ins] = [self._get_test_value(ins)]
626 compute_map[ins] = [True]
627 except AttributeError:
/scratch/miniconda3/envs/py36/lib/python3.6/site-packages/theano/gof/op.py in _get_test_value(cls, v)
560 # ensure that the test value is correct
561 try:
--> 562 ret = v.type.filter(v.tag.test_value)
563 except Exception as e:
564 # Better error message.
/scratch/miniconda3/envs/py36/lib/python3.6/site-packages/theano/tensor/type.py in filter(self, data, strict,
176 raise TypeError("Wrong number of dimensions: expected %s,"
177 " got %s with shape %s." % (self.ndim, data.ndim,
--> 178 data.shape))
179 if not data.flags.aligned:
180 try:
TypeError: For compute_test_value, one input test value does not have the requested type.
The error when converting the test value to that variable type:
Wrong number of dimensions: expected 0, got 1 with shape (2,).