Model for Radiocarbon dating calibration

Greetings community,

I am developing a age-depth model for radiocarbon dating. And there is a need to ‘calibrate’ radiocarbon determination (BP) into Calibrated date (cal AD). I have a .csv file containing information about calibration curve (first two rows given below).

CAL BP 14C age Sigma
55000 50100 1024
54980 50081 1018

The radiocarbon determination has 14C age +/ sigma (can be seen on y-axis in image). I want to achieve graph of the x-axis, given the calibration curve csv and radiocarbon determination.

Thank you.

What have you tried already?

Greetings Ricardo,

I have tried to implement it using scipy.stats.

# converts 14C age to calendar age
def calib(c14_age, c14_error, calibration_curve, cutoff=0.01):
    probs = np.column_stack((
        calibration_curve[:, 0],  # calendar ages
        norm.pdf(calibration_curve[:, 1], c14_age, 
                np.sqrt(calibration_curve[:, 2]**2 + c14_error**2))
    probs[probs[:, 1] < 0, 1] = 0
    # normalization
    total = np.sum(probs[:, 1])
    if total > 0:
        probs[:, 1] = probs[:, 1] / total
    # apply cutoff
    above = np.where(probs[:, 1] / np.max(probs[:, 1]) > cutoff)[0]
    if len(above) > 5:
        filtered_probs = probs[np.min(above):np.max(above) + 1].copy()
        filtered_probs[filtered_probs[:, 1] < 0, 1] = 0
        if np.sum(filtered_probs[:, 1]) > 0:
            filtered_probs[:, 1] = filtered_probs[:, 1] / np.sum(filtered_probs[:, 1])
        probs =  filtered_probs
return probs