Help with Compound Poisson Gamma distribution


I am referring to Haslett and Parnell (2008) to build an age-depth model for radiocarbon determinations. I wanted help with both statistics and how should I approach it to implement it using pymc.

Suppose a dataset with set of points (x, y) are monotonically increasing and we assume that increments between a segment on x-axis follow gamma distribution and number of increments (knots) between a segment follows Poisson distribution. We need to infer λ and β (α is fixed at 4). Process is defined as x(y).
we write, \Omega_j = x_s(y_{s,j}) - x_s(y_{s,j-1}) and \omega_j = y_{s,j} - y_{s,j-1}, so that

Ω_j = \sum_{i = 1}^{N(ω_j) + 1} G_i

with G_i \sim gamma(\alpha, \beta) and N(\omega_j) \sim Poisson(\lambda\omega_j). The posterior for \lambda and \beta is obtained from

\pi(\lambda, \beta\vert\Omega, \omega ) \propto \pi(\Omega\vert\alpha,\beta,\lambda,\omega)\pi(\lambda, \beta)

with \{\Omega, \omega\} denoting complete set of \{\Omega_j, \omega_j\} pairs. The likelihood \pi(\lambda, \beta\vert\Omega, \omega ) = \prod_{j=1}^{m-1}(\Omega_j\vert\alpha,\beta,\lambda,\omega_j) is now of the form that is given in equation below (probability density of CPG) with \Omega_j=x and \lambda y = \lambda\omega_j.

f_0(x;\lambda y, \alpha,\beta) = \exp(-\beta x)\exp(-\lambda y) \sum_{n=1}^{\infty} {\beta^{n\alpha}\over\Gamma\{n\alpha\}}x^{n\alpha-1}{(\lambda y)^n\over n!}
f(x;\lambda y,\alpha,\beta) = f_0(x;\lambda y,\alpha,\beta) + {\partial f_0(x;\lambda y,\alpha,\beta) \over \partial(\lambda y)}

Infinite sum is not available analytically, but I have found a fast routine Dunn and Smyth (2005) and for now I have implemented it using just numpy. And I approximate the derivative.

My question here is, what do we actually observe here? We definitely observe \omega_j = y_{s,j} - y_{s,j-1} but do we also observe \Omega? Because for now, we assume that x doesn’t have any uncertainity, but later x will have noise and we would then have to also infer x. Another question that I also have is, do I need to make CustomDist for CPG? Because like I said, when x will have noise, we will use CPG as a joint prior over it.

Thank you


I think I have given too much information in my last message. In short, I want to use CPG distribution as a prior on thetas (additional condition being that thetas must be monotonically increasing). I have wrote log likelihood of CPG distribution using numpy and I can also randomly sample from it.

I am just struggling with how can I convert likelihood function to PyTensor Op, since it has while loops. I am totally lost as to what to do next and any kind of guidance would be appreciated.

Thank you

Pytensor supports while loops using scan. You can see here and here for examples and documentation on scan generally. To make a while loop, you can use the pytensor.scan.utils.until helper, as shown here. The jax backend does not support while looping, but C and numba do.

If you don’t want to deal with any of that, you can also treat your numpy implementation as a black box Op. See here for an example. It focuses on a likelihood function, but the procedure for wrapping any Op is the same.