'm having a little trouble translating the following JAGS model to pymc3
model {
for (i in 1:N) {
tau[i] <- ifelse(i < cp, tau1,tau2)
N_t_inf[i] ~ dnorm(fcast[i],tau[i])
N_t_T[i] ~ dbinom(pstar[i],round(N_t_inf[i]))
cp ~ dunif(1,N)
invTau1 ~ dgamma(100, 1)
tau1 <- 1/invTau1
invTau2 ~ dgamma(1, 1)
tau2 <- 1/invTau2
The issue is that I need a index specific change-point but I only see pymc3 likelihoods written over all observations, not indexed by obs. Is there someway I can do this in pymc3?