I’m new with pymc3 and beginner in probabilistic programming. I wrote a program for testing but it didn’t work. I have a problem in running of last line (sample method). after several hours it doesn’t still work and I can’t deal with it.
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from pymc3 import Model, Normal, HalfNormal, find_MAP, NUTS, sample
from pymc3 import traceplot, summary
from scipy import optimize
import pandas as pd
from pymc3 import Exponential, StudentT, Deterministic
from pymc3.distributions.timeseries import GaussianRandomWalk
from theano.tensor import exp
alpha, sigma = 1, 1
beta = [1, 2.5]
size = 100
X1 = np.linspace(0, 1, size)
X2 = np.linspace(0,.2, size)
Y = alpha + beta[0]*X1 + beta[1]*X2 + np.random.randn(size)*sigma
returns = pd.read_csv('SP500.csv', index_col=0, parse_dates=True, sep='delimiter', header=None, engine='python')
basic_model = Model()
with basic_model:
alpha = Normal('alpha', mu=0, sd=10)
beta = Normal('beta', mu=0, sd=10, shape=2)
sigma = HalfNormal('sigma', sd=1)
mu = alpha + beta[0] * X1 + beta[1] * X2
Y_obs = Normal('Y_obs', mu=mu, sd=sigma, observed=Y)
with Model() as sp500_model:
nu = Exponential('nu', 1. / 10, testval=5.)
sigma = Exponential('sigma', 1. / .02, testval=.1)
s = GaussianRandomWalk('s', sigma - 2, shape=len(returns))
volatility_process = Deterministic('volatility_process', exp(-2 * s))
r = StudentT('r', nu, lam=1 / volatility_process)
start = find_MAP(vars=[s], fmin=optimize.fmin_l_bfgs_b)
step = NUTS(scaling=start)
trace = sample(100, step, progressbar=False)
the run of program stopped in this point and I was waiting more than 5 hours but didn’t work.
Only 100 samples in chain.
Multiprocess sampling (4 chains in 4 jobs)
NUTS: [r, s, sigma_log__, nu_log__]
please help me, what should I do?
my OS is Win 10 and my IDE is spyder of Anaconda3.