Unexpected difference in posterior estimates from two equivalent linear hierarchical models


I am faced with an unexpected difference in posterior estimates when sampling from two linear hierarchical models which should be equivalent as far as I understand.

Non-vectorized model

In the first model, let’s call it the “non-vectorized” model, I am defining a separate slope parameter for each predictor, e.g.

beta1 = pm.Normal("beta1",...)
beta2 = pm.Normal("beta2",...)

as well as separate “across-groups” variabilities of the slopes, e.g.

tau1 = pm.Gamma("tau1",...)
tau2 = pm.Gamma("tau2",...)

and group-specific slopes

epsilon_beta1_g = pm.ZeroSumNormal("epsilon_beta1_g", dims="groups")
beta1_g = beta1 + tau1 * epsilon_beta1_g

and the linear model specification is then

mu = beta1_g[g] * x1 + beta_2_g[g] * x2 + ...

Vectorized model

In the second model, let’s call it the “vectorized” model, I am defining vectors of slopes and across-group slope variabilities as well as matrices (2d arrays) of (group, predictor)-specific slopes, e.g

beta = pm.Normal("beta",...,dims="group")
tau = pm.Normal("tau",...,dims="group")
epsilon_beta_g = pm.ZeroSumNormal("epsilon_beta_g",...,dims=["group", "predictor"])
beta_g = beta + tau * epsilon_beta_g
mu = (beta_g[g, :] * x).sum(axis=1)

Priors for the weakly informative setting

I am in a weakly informative setting, i.e. the likelihood does not provide a lot of evidence about the group level parameter beta_g, but I am using a large number of groups for pooling in order to obtain (reasonably) informed estimates of my slopes (beta) and slope variabilities (tau). I am also using Gamma priors restricting the range of (a-priori) likely values of (tau) in order to avoid funnel problems, as for example described in the excellent piece by M. Betancourt, cf. Hierarchical Modeling.

Results: Qualitatively different posterior estimates

I’d expect the two model specifications to result in qualitatively similar posterior estimates (given identical data), but they actually differ a lot.

For the non-vectorized specification I obtain the following summaries, which seem to reasoably bracket the parameters of my data generating process

         mean  hdi_3%  hdi_97%  ess_bulk  ess_tail  r_hat
beta1   1.080   0.667    1.516    4046.0    2704.0    1.0
beta2   1.254   0.835    1.655    3377.0    2579.0    1.0
beta3   0.798   0.361    1.217    3442.0    2399.0    1.0
tau1    9.534   8.947   10.138    1255.0    1602.0    1.0
tau2   12.000  11.312   12.670     944.0    1612.0    1.0
tau3    7.744   7.140    8.318    1207.0    1573.0    1.0
sigma  99.930  99.657  100.255    3464.0    2603.0    1.0

For the vectorized specification I am observing too low values for tau[x3] and also significantly reduced effective sample sizes,

             mean  hdi_3%  hdi_97%  ess_bulk  ess_tail  r_hat
beta[x1]    1.121   0.413    1.810    1148.0    1662.0   1.00
beta[x2]    1.197   0.390    2.068     827.0    1381.0   1.01
beta[x3]    0.850   0.389    1.305    2692.0    2814.0   1.00
tau[x1]    11.734  10.829   12.624     931.0    1608.0   1.00
tau[x2]    15.375  14.477   16.349     931.0    1507.0   1.00
tau[x3]     3.179   2.306    4.110     689.0    1167.0   1.01
sigma     100.256  99.938  100.547    4403.0    2917.0   1.00

Vectorised case: Choosing the right model specification

I am wondering if pm.ZeroSumNormal is correctly configured, i.e. does the above definition enforce a sum of zero across the ‘group’ and not across the ‘predictor’ dimension? I tried with n_zerosum_axis=2 but that did not “improve” the posterior estimates.

Also I am not sure if the specification mu = (beta_g[g, :] * x).sum(axis=1) is correct (and efficient) for a hierarchical linear regression model with a multi-variate predictor x?

I am attaching the full code examples below. Need to use at least 1000 groups to observe qualitative effect due to the weak information in each group

Non vectorized model - full code

import time

import pytensor
pytensor.config.gcc__cxxflags += " -isysroot /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk"
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import pymc as pm
import arviz as az

def generate_data(num_groups: int = 5, num_samples_per_group: int = 20) -> pd.DataFrame:
    rng = np.random.default_rng(seed=42)
    beta_1 = 1
    beta_2 = 1.2
    beta_3 = 0.8
    tau_1 = 10
    tau_2 = 12
    tau_3 = 8
    sigma = 100
    result = {"group": [], "y": [], "x1": [], "x2": [], "x3": []}

    for i in range(num_groups):
        beta_1g = rng.normal(loc=beta_1, scale=tau_1)
        beta_2g = rng.normal(loc=beta_2, scale=tau_2)
        beta_3g = rng.normal(loc=beta_3, scale=tau_3)
        x1 = rng.normal(size=num_samples_per_group)
        x2 = rng.normal(size=num_samples_per_group)
        x3 = rng.normal(size=num_samples_per_group)
        eps = rng.normal(size=num_samples_per_group)
        y = beta_1g * x1 + beta_2g * x2 + beta_3g * x3 + sigma * eps
        result["group"] += [i] * num_samples_per_group
        result["y"] += y.tolist()
        result["x1"] += x1.tolist()
        result["x2"] += x2.tolist()
        result["x3"] += x3.tolist()
    return pd.DataFrame(result)

def make_model(frame: pd.DataFrame) -> pm.Model:
    coords = {"group": frame["group"].unique()}
    with pm.Model(coords=coords) as model:
        # Data
        g = pm.MutableData("g", frame["group"])
        x1 = pm.MutableData("x1", frame["x1"])
        x2 = pm.MutableData("x2", frame["x2"])
        x3 = pm.MutableData("x3", frame["x3"])
        y = pm.ConstantData("y", frame["y"])

        # Population level
        beta1 = pm.Normal("beta1", sigma=2.0)
        beta2 = pm.Normal("beta2", sigma=2.0)
        beta3 = pm.Normal("beta3", sigma=2.0)
        tau1 = pm.Gamma("tau1", mu=10.0, sigma=5.0)
        tau2 = pm.Gamma("tau2", mu=10.0, sigma=5.0)
        tau3 = pm.Gamma("tau3", mu=10.0, sigma=5.0)
        sigma = pm.HalfNormal("sigma", sigma=200.0)

        # Group level
        epsilon_beta1_g = pm.ZeroSumNormal("epsilon_beta1_g", dims="group")
        beta1_g = beta1 + tau1 * epsilon_beta1_g

        epsilon_beta2_g = pm.ZeroSumNormal("epsilon_beta2_g", dims="group")
        beta2_g = beta2 + tau2 * epsilon_beta2_g

        epsilon_beta3_g = pm.ZeroSumNormal("epsilon_beta3_g", dims="group")
        beta3_g = beta3 + tau3 * epsilon_beta3_g

        # Linear model
        mu = beta1_g[g] * x1 + beta2_g[g] * x2 + beta3_g[g] * x3

        # Likelihood
        pm.Normal("y_obs", mu=mu, sigma=sigma, observed=y, shape=mu.shape)

    return model

if __name__ == "__main__":
    frame = generate_data(num_groups=1000, num_samples_per_group=200)
    model = make_model(frame)
    t0 = time.time()
    with model:
        trace = pm.sample(nuts_sampler="nutpie")
    t = time.time() - t0
    print(f"Time for sampling is {t=:.3f}s.")
    var_names=["beta1", "beta2", "beta3", "tau1", "tau2", "tau3", "sigma"]
    summary = az.summary(trace, var_names=var_names).loc[:, ["mean", "hdi_3%", "hdi_97%", "ess_bulk", "ess_tail", "r_hat"]]

Vectorized model - full code

import time

import pytensor
pytensor.config.gcc__cxxflags += " -isysroot /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk"
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import pymc as pm
import arviz as az

def generate_data(num_groups: int = 5, num_samples_per_group: int = 20) -> pd.DataFrame:
    rng = np.random.default_rng(seed=42)
    beta_1 = 1
    beta_2 = 1.2
    beta_3 = 0.8
    tau_1 = 10
    tau_2 = 12
    tau_3 = 8
    sigma = 100
    result = {"group": [], "y": [], "x1": [], "x2": [], "x3": []}

    for i in range(num_groups):
        beta_1g = rng.normal(loc=beta_1, scale=tau_1)
        beta_2g = rng.normal(loc=beta_2, scale=tau_2)
        beta_3g = rng.normal(loc=beta_3, scale=tau_3)
        x1 = rng.normal(size=num_samples_per_group)
        x2 = rng.normal(size=num_samples_per_group)
        x3 = rng.normal(size=num_samples_per_group)
        eps = rng.normal(size=num_samples_per_group)
        y = beta_1g * x1 + beta_2g * x2 + beta_3g * x3 + sigma * eps
        result["group"] += [i] * num_samples_per_group
        result["y"] += y.tolist()
        result["x1"] += x1.tolist()
        result["x2"] += x2.tolist()
        result["x3"] += x3.tolist()
    return pd.DataFrame(result)

def make_model(frame: pd.DataFrame) -> pm.Model:
    predictors = [col for col in frame.columns if col.startswith("x")]
    coords = {"group": frame["group"].unique(), "predictor": predictors}
    with pm.Model(coords=coords) as model:
        # Data
        g = pm.MutableData("g", frame["group"])
        x = pm.MutableData("x", frame[predictors])
        y = pm.ConstantData("y", frame["y"])

        # Population level
        beta = pm.Normal("beta", sigma=2.0, dims="predictor")
        tau = pm.Gamma("tau", mu=10.0, sigma=5.0, dims="predictor")
        sigma = pm.HalfNormal("sigma", sigma=200.0)

        # Group level
        epsilon_beta_g = pm.ZeroSumNormal("epsilon_beta_g", dims=["group", "predictor"])
        beta_g = beta + tau * epsilon_beta_g

        # Linear model
        mu = (beta_g[g] * x).sum(axis=1)

        # Likelihood
        pm.Normal("y_obs", mu=mu, sigma=sigma, observed=y, shape=mu.shape)

    return model

if __name__ == "__main__":
    frame = generate_data(num_groups=1000, num_samples_per_group=200)
    model = make_model(frame)
    t0 = time.time()
    with model:
        trace = pm.sample(nuts_sampler="nutpie")
    t = time.time() - t0
    print(f"Time for sampling is {t=:.3f}s.")
    var_names=["beta", "tau", "sigma"]
    summary = az.summary(trace, var_names=var_names).loc[:, ["mean", "hdi_3%", "hdi_97%", "ess_bulk", "ess_tail", "r_hat"]]

The problem is indeed the specification epsilon_beta_g = pm.ZeroSumNormal("epsilon_beta_g", dims=["group", "predictor"])

One needs to ensure that the resulting random variable sums to zero along the “group” dimension. For ZeroSumNormal the sum over the last dimension is always zero.

With epsilon_beta_g = pm.ZeroSumNormal("epsilon_beta_g", dims=["predictor", group"]).T, i.e. swapping the dims and transposing the resulting array, the vectorized model generates more reasonable posterior estimates.